FalconIO 2019 Digital Marketing Trends Handbook

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Digital Marketing
A Look Ahead.
2018 has been a bumpy ride for Silicon Valley CEOs—but will 2019 be any
better for the other major social networks?

This year, trust in social media companies began to From who we vote for to what we buy, our choices
erode at a breakneck pace after news of several large are being influenced by the social media platforms
data breaches and Russian interference in the 2016 US that we spend over two hours a day scrolling through.
presidential election broke. And with consumers more cognizant of the fact that
their behaviors are being changed in response to

According to Edelman’s 2018 this technology, the brands that use these platforms
to communicate are being challenged to overcome
Trust Barometer, 60% of concerns around data privacy as they try to establish
respondents no longer trust more authentic relationships with consumers.

social media companies. 2019 will be an exciting time for the consumer-
brand relationship as marketers update their digital
And although the Senate’s probing of Silicon Valley’s marketing strategies to reflect changing consumer
biggest players (absent Google’s Larry Page) didn’t desires and opinions. So, what type of changes do
reveal much, their intention surfaced an important marketers need to prepare for? Let’s take a look.
point: social media plays a much larger role in society
than previously thought.

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 2

Join Our Social Media
Trends Webinar!
January 24, 2019

During the webinar we’ll walk you through the trends

TJ Kiely
covered in this handbook and how you can utilize them
in your marketing strategy next year. Register today to Content Marketing Manager
start preparing your marketing strategy ready for 2019. Falcon.io

Join us to learn about:

Norbert Sauter
• The social media trends you need to be watching
• The changes to expect from major social networks Strategy Advisor for Social Media
• The way brands are already leveraging these trends Falcon.io

Can’t make it?

Sign up anyway to get the recording.

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 3


5 Chronological Feeds 20 Micro-Social Networks

6 Social Ecommerce 21 Search Engine Optimization
7 Private Messaging Apps 22 Optimizing Social Advertising

10 Social TV 25 Martech Stacks

11 Vertical Video 26 Augmented Reality
12 Podcasts 27 Purpose-driven Marketing

15 Time Well Spent

16 Chatbots
17 Privacy Battles

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 4

Chronological Feeds.
Will turning back time bring back user engagement?

Back in the early days of social media, In 2018, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram compared to user-generated content
new posts showed up at the top of users’ responded to this criticism by updating as much. These updated feeds will also
feeds—simple, right? their feeds. Twitter’s now giving users require brands to focus more on find-
the option to see the newest posts first ing the best times to post for maximum
Over the past few years, however, major and Pinterest added an extra feed to let reach and engagement.
social networks like Facebook, Instagram, users see content in chronological order.
and Twitter have been more focused on Meanwhile, Instagram updated its algo- In 2019, chronological feeds may con-
ordering feeds based on what their algo- rithm to weight timeliness more heavily tinue their comeback as users become
rithms predict individual users might like. when giving posts priority. increasingly skeptical of content being
delivered by algorithms. Expect to see
As a result, many users have complained More timely feeds are likely to help other major social networks like Face-
that algorithmic feeds have too much brands on social media, as less interfer- book and LinkedIn introducing features
control over the content they see. ence from feed algorithms means brand- that give more priority to new content—
ed content won’t have its reach limited just like the good ol’ days.

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 5

Social Ecommerce.
The social media feed has become the new storefront.

Instead of scrolling through a company’s Pinterest has introduced buyable pins 1 in 4 people have now
website for the perfect pair of shoes, cus- that allow users to purchase the prod-
purchased a product or
tomers are busy scrolling through their ucts they’ve pinned without having to
social feeds. leave the platform. service via social media.

With a dedicated shopping channel in Additionally, Snapchat now allows users With retail ecommerce sales worldwide
its Explore feed and shoppable tags for to shop products on Amazon by simply growing from $2.84 trillion to $3.453 tril-
posts and Stories, Instagram has become taking a picture of an item or an item’s lion in 2019, marketers should be trying
an ecommerce destination for many us- barcode via the Snapchat camera. Pinter- to capturing a larger percentage of these
ers. And with the expansion of the social est’s Lens tool lets users complete a sim- sales via social networks.
network’s native payment feature, users ilar action, finding related visual matches
(or should we call them shoppers?) are on its platform. Both Facebook and Pin-
able to buy items directly within the plat- terest have in-platform product catalogs
form. But Instagram is not the only social that enable these in-app purchases.
network trying to circumvent retailers’

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 6

Private Messaging Apps.
Private messaging apps are redefining
the ‘social’ in social media.

Adults in the US spent an average of three hours, 80% of smartphone users will be using a mobile mes-
35 minutes per day on mobile devices in 2018—and saging app by 2020. But already now, these apps com-
a significant portion of that time was spent on mobile mand a large percentage of users’ time.
messaging apps.
According to one report, people spent
There’s a shift occurring in the way users are
communicating online, and the major social networks
2.8x the amount of time in
are paying close attention. On a recent earnings call, WhatsApp (85 billion hours) than they
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg commented on the did in Facebook (30 billion hours) from
growing popularity of mobile messaging apps, saying,
during a three month period in 2018.
“our biggest competitor by far is iMessage.”

He supported his claim by mentioning research that The ongoing transition from public social media to
suggests people are sharing less content publicly: messaging apps reflects a huge shift in consumers’
"People share more photos, videos and links on mindsets, and could also change the way that
WhatsApp and Messenger than they do on social net- marketers think about connecting with their
works," he said. And according to Facebook, customers online.

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 7

Private Messaging Apps.

Companies like Adidas have already begun using click-to-Messenger ads. Facebook Messenger also lets
WhatsApp to build hyper local communities in cities businesses install chatbots that can help improve cus-
across the world and adopting a one-to-one messaging tomer service.
strategy rather than one-to-many. However, the
majority of marketers and brands are not taking pri- And with the release of the WhatsApp business API in
vate messaging apps seriously. August 2018, the messaging app will soon become a
major player in the social customer service market-
This lack of interest is surprising because the top four place. Although users might not be excited about the
messaging apps have a combined total monthly active possibility of chatting with brands or seeing their ads,
user (MAU) count of 4.1 billion, which is more than the it seems to be the way these apps are headed.
top four social networks combined.
In 2019, marketers should aim to at least explore how
To make it easier for marketers to begin leveraging these messaging apps can be used for building a re-
dark social, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and lationship with audiences, and even used to get your
WeChat are introducing assistive tools for businesses. audiences to share and recommend your brand to
For example, Facebook Messenger offers display ads their friends and families.
in the Messenger inbox, sponsored messages, and

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 8

Around 80%
of the world’s active
internet users are
social media users.
Source: Statista
Social TV.
Lights, camera, IGTV! Social media networks are
trying to change the way we consume TV.

It’s hardly news that video content is in- Watch’s new strategy is twofold: snag Finally, YouTube is expanding its premi-
sanely popular on social media. YouTube big-name talents and existing franchises um offerings of original series big time
is nearing 2 billion monthly active users, that can get off to a “hot start” on the in 2019, launching 50 new shows in 17
while Facebook users are watching over platform, but also serve as a launchpad markets featuring celebrities like Adam
100 million hours of videos on the plat- for show creators hoping to eventually Levine and Robert Downey Jr.
form daily. get picked up by a major TV network, as
“More in Common” was by ABC. All in all, it looks like 2019 will be the year
What is new, however, is the rise of social we find out if social TV can compete with
TV platforms like Facebook Watch, IGTV, IGTV, on the other hand, has widely been major network programming.
and YouTube Originals. called a flop by users and content cre-
ators who don’t see its value when com- 80% of what we consume
Facebook Watch in particular has been pared to YouTube or Snapchat. However,
generating a lot of buzz going into 2019 there may still be hope for the long-form
online will soon be
by launching a reboot of “The Real vertical video platform to get a new lease video content.
World” and several other high-profile on life if it pivots to a subscription model
shows. and funds high-quality series designed to
be viewed on mobile.

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 10

Vertical Video.
If you don’t have to rotate your phone, will you watch
more video content?

By 2019, users are expected to spend since users hold their phones vertically IGTV has struggled to grow, but may-
more time looking at mobile devices than 94% of the time. be that’s because it’s ahead of its time.
at TVs. After all, YouTube seemed to be taking
Several social networks have already cues from Instagram when it released a
Not only that, but over 60% realized that it feels unnatural for mobile new vertical video ad format a couple of
users to turn their phones horizontally to months after IGTV’s launch.
of all online video views watch fullscreen videos. The increasingly
now take place on mobile. popular Instagram Stories format, for Though YouTube previously resisted the
instance, has seen great success among vertical layout for videos altogether, it
With those facts in mind, it’s no surprise users and advertisers with its portrait can now display videos in portrait mode
that video content is getting more and layout. on both smartphones and desktops.
more optimized for smartphones.
Building on that popularity, Instagram As smartphones become the top way
One of the biggest steps toward mobile laid out a vision for a dedicated vertical consumers watch videos, more and more
becoming the new normal is the rise video platform with the 2018 release of video sharing platforms will introduce
of vertical video. This layout intuitively IGTV. vertical video display options and ad
makes more sense for smartphones, formats.

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 11

Commercials people actually want to listen to?
Branded podcasts have captivated consumers.

Podcasts were once seen as a niche interest without interests in an intimate, immersive format that feels
much commercial appeal—but no longer. like a personal conversation with the hosts.

44% of Americans have now listened to at least one From true crime sagas like Serial to deeply personal
podcast, with one in three Americans under 55 listen- interviews with comedians on WTF, enough podcasts
ing to podcasts monthly. For those keeping track, that’s now exist that anyone can find content suited to their
an audience of over 124 million people in the US alone. tastes. That’s a big part of why the number of podcast
listeners has consistently grown over 10% per year
Podcast fans are seriously engaged, since 2013.

too! In fact, the average weekly listener Advertisers have taken notice of the trend, and year-
now consumes over 6.5 hours of ly podcast ad revenue is expected to double to $659
podcasts a week. million by 2020.

So why are podcasts on the rise? From the listener’s For marketers, the highly-focused topics of most pod-
perspective, podcasts speak directly to their niche casts mean audiences essentially segment themselves.

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 12


Plus, over two-thirds of podcast ads are read by the years, major brands like Tinder, Microsoft and even
hosts, building audience trust and engagement much McDonalds have successfully jumped on the podcast-
like influencer marketing. And it seems to be working: ing train, prompting others to follow in their tracks.
A recent survey found that 67% of listeners were able These branded podcasts all have one thing in com-
to name specific promotions mentioned in podcast ads. mon: they focus on entertaining or informing their
audiences about something related to their industry
A major reason many advertisers steered away from without getting too promotional. By building a follow-
podcasts in the past was that there was no reliable ing organically, they essentially become long-form ads
standard for measurement. But with Apple finally with highly engaged audiences that are actively choos-
offering a podcast analytics feature, marketers can ing to listen to them. Think of them as content market-
now track crucial metrics such as the percentage of ing with a devoted fanbase.
users that finish an episode and how many listen to
the ads. It’s easy to see why podcasts, both branded and un-
branded, are set to become one of the hottest mar-
Not only will podcast advertising keep expanding next keting trends of 2019. The only question is whether
year, but branded podcasts themselves are also be- they’ll continue their steady rise in popularity or reach
coming more and more normalized. In the last few a tipping point and start growing exponentially.

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 13

Social Networks by Number
of Monthly Active Users.

2.2 billion 1.9 billion 1.5 billion 1.3 billion 1 billion

335 million 330 million 303 million 291 million 250 million

Source: Statista
Time Well Spent.
Tech addiction is a serious problem, and now the
tech giants “want” to help.

It's easy to make light of the issue, but positioning it as another development in Considering the years and millions these
social media and device addiction are the cause of “improving engagement.” companies have devoted to keeping
real. And nothing recognizes this fact people on their products, time spent
more than the ‘time spent’ functions This development also recognizes that features represent a significant paradigm
recently released by Apple, Instagram and consumers are becoming more con- shift. But hats off to the tech compa-
Google. These exist purely to monitor scious of how and where they spend nies—they are adapting to changing con-
your screen time and can be set to notify their time. A third of millennials say they sumer behavior with a speed few other
you when you exceed your chosen limit. have quit or taken time off Facebook and industries can match. It will be fascinat-
Twitter this year—with “wasted time” or ing to see how this shift develops in 2019
“Apple really cares?” you ask. Well yes. “negativity” cited as the reasons. and beyond.
Sorta. The tech giant was pressured by
shareholders to introduce the Screen And it seems people of all age brackets
Time update to combat iPhone addiction are curbing their social media usage,
among young users. Zuckerberg and with one study stating that Facebook has
Co. followed suit with “Your Activity” for experienced a 24% decline in time spent
Instagram and “Your Time on Facebook,” on the app.

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 15

Artificial intelligence is how brands
can become more “human.”

Chatbots have long been called person- personalized service. Furthermore, This employs the machine learning capa-
alized marketing’s next big thing, and nine out of 10 consumers prefer to bilities of chatbots to fast-track users to
2019 could be the year they live up to the use messaging apps to communicate their desired goals.
hype. with businesses.
It may seem counterintuitive that AI is
Gartner predicts that 85% The good news for businesses is that how brands will deliver the more “hu-
chatbots are now smart enough to do all man” and “meaningful” interactions that
of customer interactions this and a lot more. Aside from improv- consumers crave, but this transformation
will be managed by chatbots ing the customer experience, the number is well under way. Every business should
by 2020. one value for brands is the cost-savings. be weighing up their chatbot strategy in
Implementing chatbots into your busi- 2019.
The accelerated uptake is driven by ness strategy can lead to cost savings of
how well chatbots hit the sweet spot in up to 30%.
modern consumer behavior. Today’s
consumers demand frictionless, 24-hour One major trend that will define chatbot
communication from companies and 1:1 and AI development in 2019 is conversa-
tional user experience (CUX).

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 16

Privacy Battles.
The backlash against big brother continues—yet consumers
may be inviting him in like never before.

The issue of digital privacy came crashing into our col- Representatives, giving them the platform to make
lective consciousness in 2018. It seemed to be every- their pledged Internet Bill of Rights a reality. At the
where. The Cambridge Analytica leak dominated head- other end of the spectrum, Google may be returning to
lines. Google announced it would be shutting down China—jumping through some censorship and surveil-
Google+ in the wake of its security bug issue. lance hoops to do so.

Trust in Facebook is down 66%, However, even though trust in digital technology has
taken a beating, 2019 will see the increased adoption
according to the Ponemon Institute. of products that many believe to be one of the biggest
privacy threats of all: voice-activated smart speakers.
Meanwhile, companies doing business in Europe have
had to adjust to the EU’s General Data Protection Reg- It is believed that 48% of US homes will own an Ama-
ulation—welcomed by many as a signal that the days zon Echo, Google Home or Apple HomePod by early
of the “digital wild west” are over. 2019. And not all of those smart speaker owners may
be fully aware of the fact that these products store the
In 2019, there are likely to be some drastic develop- data they collect on their manufacturers’ servers.
ments. The Democrats now hold the US House of

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 17

Privacy Battles.

65% of new smart speaker owners say that will enable their smart speakers to gather even
more audio data for ad targeting and recommenda-
they don’t know enough about the
tions. At least Facebook has added a cover to Face-
functionality of the device. book Portal—a conscious nod to those with tape over
their computer cameras.
Companies like Google and Amazon provide ample
argument that smart speakers are less susceptible to 2019 may well mark a turning point on the question of
hacking than other devices (being purely server-based, digital privacy. While consumers are more conscious
hackers have to get past the company to get to you). than ever of privacy risks, we have come to expect a
At the same time, they have been busy blocking the level of personalization that hinges entirely on person-
inroads hackers have found to install eavesdropping al data. We are also becoming addicted to the ease
software and even hijack the voice function. and convenience our gadgets allow. Ultimately, we will
need to decide where the trade-off lies.
Users’ tolerance will be further tested in the near
future: in March, The New York Times reported that
Amazon and Google are seeking technology patents

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 18

Average time spent on social media apps
increased by almost 60%
between 2014 and 2018.

30 minutes 47 minutes
a day in 2014 a day in 2018

Source: Ericson
Micro-social Networks.
Some of the smallest players are putting pressure on
the biggest names in social media.

Social networks come and go...and some And just as these social media stars be- conduct research or connect with
come back again like Vine, whose found- came mainstream, so too are the niche micro-influencers.
er is re-launching the app in 2019 under networks where they got their start.
the name Byte. (YAY!) Networks like TikTok, Path and Vero are Some brands are even building their own
becoming a part of the daily vernacular, social networking apps like The Rolling
Many may not be familiar with Vine, but especially among Gen Z. Stones.
the 200 million people who used the plat-
form were not merely users, they were LinkedIn is one of the few niche networks With reach declining on the traditional
loyalists. And when the niche short-form to have made it big, but in order to truly social networks, brands need to find new
video network was shut down in 2016, scale, the network is beginning to inte- places to connect with consumers, and
for them a little piece of their love for the grate features like hashtags found on tra- these smaller networks are a great place
internet died, too. However, its legacy ditional networks to many users’ chagrin. to look in 2019.
lives on in social media sensations like
Charlotte Summer, Lele Pons, and Logan And even if direct advertising isn’t avail-
Paul, all of whom got their start on the able on these platforms, these micro-so-
platform. cial networks can be used by brands to

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 20

Search Engine Optimization.
Today, brands need to understand that searchability
quickly translates to profitability.

All marketers know to keep a close eye In 2018, Google began its mobile-first compared with 34.6% who go to Google
on Facebook’s and Instagram’s algo- index rollout, which meant that if your first, according to Adeptmind. And with
rithms, but how many are watching website had both a mobile and desktop 50% of all searches predicted to be con-
Google’s just as closely? version, Google's systems would only ducted via voice on devices like Amazon
consider the mobile site for ranking and Echo and Google Home by 2020, market-
More than 90% of all indexing. ers have a lot more platforms to optimize
internet searches take for than ever.
Additionally, Google’s algorithms have
place through Google or begun favoring cluster and pillar content, Marketers should be paying close atten-
one of its subsidiaries such which is why many say 2019 will be the tion to search in 2019, especially since
as YouTube. year the keyword dies. Slower sites can search engines like Google are now
also expect to be penalized next year. driving more referral traffic than social
So if you want to get your products or networks.
services in front of potential customers, But besides Google, brands also need
you need to make sure your website is to take search on sites like Amazon into
optimized according to Google’s algo- consideration. 46.7% of US internet users
rithms—especially on mobile pages. start product searches on Amazon

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 21

Optimizing Social
Will Facebook’s new ad formats be worth the price?

Advertising on social media has massively grown For example, the 2018 Facebook algorithm change
over the last few years. In fact, advertisers will aimed to show users more posts from friends and
spend nearly $68 billion on social ads worldwide family and less content from Pages. As a result,
by the end of 2018—and that’s projected to grow one case study showed average Page reach declin-
to a jaw-dropping $185 billion by 2022. ing by 50%. That’s a major reason brands will need
to focus on paid and promoted posts in 2019.
Facebook in particular just keeps selling more
and more ads. In Q3 of 2018 alone, they generat- Of course, marketers wouldn’t be raising their so-
ed over $13 billion in ad revenue across all their cial ad budgets if they weren’t seeing positive ROI.
products, a 33% increase since 2017. Even though average ad prices have been increas-
ing on social media over the past few years, social
That growth comes on the back of a larger trend media marketing will keep being profitable for two
on social: brands are finding it increasingly diffi- reasons: optimization and improved targeting.
cult to get their content seen organically due to
recent algorithm changes and are scaling up their Major networks like Facebook and LinkedIn are
paid content to compensate. continuously evolving their analytics to provide
a wealth of data for optimizing ad campaigns.

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 22

Optimizing Social Advertising.

Meanwhile, targeting will continue to become brands that master them first will get ahead of
more advanced in 2019, letting advertisers their competition.
pinpoint their ideal consumers and get higher
conversion rates that justify higher spend. As the platforms begin to run low on ad space
in their traditional feeds, they’ll be looking to
At the same time, the increasing complexity monetize features like Stories and messaging
of native advertising on social media is driving more, giving digital marketers more options than
more marketers to third-party social advertising ever to find the ideal place for their ads.
platforms like Falcon’s.
Marketers will need to focus more and more on
Finally, social platforms will keep pumping out social ads next year, but that doesn’t mean who-
exciting new ad formats and features next year. ever has the biggest budget will dominate the
In 2018, Instagram introduced carousel ads to networks. Instead, those who create compelling
Stories, LinkedIn finally added video ads, and ads, target relevant audiences and optimize their
Facebook majorly expanded Messenger ads. campaigns will come out ahead—with more cash
The continued release of fresh ad types will offer in hand.
advertisers innovative ways to reach users, and

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 23

Out of the 10 most popular
social media platforms of
2008, five no longer exist and
only two remain among the 10
most popular in 2018.

Source: Ericson
Martech Stacks.
The only way companies can keep up with
consumer expectations.

According to research and consulting What goes into the best martech stacks? To achieve that, organizations should
firm Frost & Sullivan, 2019 is the year According to the Walker Sands State start by considering their customer
that customer experience will overtake of Marketing Technology 2018 report, journey and strategic goals. Consider
price and product quality as the key respondents put email, social media, how various tools can complement one
differentiator for brands. content marketing and CRM tools at the another—for example, can your CRM
top of their wish lists. tool integrate with your social media
This makes a fully-integrated marketing management platform so you can keep
technology (martech) stack a brand’s The goal is to enable the free flow of your profiles updated with social data?
most important strategic investment in information throughout the organiza- It will be the companies with the best-
the coming year. Without one, compa- tion so channel-agnostic customers have tuned martech stacks that will reap the
nies simply won’t be able to match the the same seamless experience at every best marketing ROI in 2019.
expectations of increasingly connected touchpoint. The challenge is that with
customers. soooo many martech tools to choose
from, assembling that elusive ‘best-in-
breed’ stack is harder than ever.

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 25

Augmented Reality.
Expect big and exciting things from
this tech disruptor.

Virtual reality hit the scene a few years with major investment. Apple released A few forward-thinking brands have been
back but, from a marketing point of view, its ARKit 2.0 AR developer platform this blazing the trail here, notably IKEA. Their
it has yet to live up to the (awesome) year, while Facebook has the similar AR AR “IKEA Place” digital catalog app has
expectations. Augmented reality (AR), Studio alongside a growing host of AR been downloaded two million times since
however, has picked up the baton—and filters and other features. its September 2017 release.
it looks like 2019 could be the watershed
year for the format. In fact, a study by Why are these tech giants so sold on AR? The future of AR is enormous, entirely
Statista, IDC and Goldman Sachs projects It’s immersive, allowing users to experi- open and extremely exciting. When
that there will be more than a billion AR ence brands in an almost sensory way— Jaguar and BMW are experimenting with
app users by 2020. Not bad for some- but without having to cut the rest of the smart windshields that support AR, you
thing that many still only associate with world off as you do with VR. The most know we’re dealing with a technologi-
Pokémon Go. recent smartphone releases all support cal disruptor. It’s likely that in 2019 the
the format, so there is no doubt that magnitude of this disruption will become
Apple CEO Tim Cook has called AR “a big augmented reality will soon be a normal apparent.
idea, like the smartphone,” and both his part of our everyday reality.
company and Facebook are leaning in

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 26

Brand messaging that manages to cut through the clutter.

Brands have been taking a stand—or a knee in the important, a purpose-lead company’s impact can be
case of Nike’s choice to support Colin Kaepernick—on felt year round.
important issues like racial equality, gender equality
and sustainability. Purpose-driven marketing communicates the reason
why a company exists and how it improves the lives of
And as polarizing as some of these corporate messages customers, beyond just its products’ features.
may be (evidenced by some Nike customers’ choice to For example, Patagonia’s raison d’etre is to save the
burn the company’s products after the release of the environment—and the company is even willing to
Colin Kaepernick ad), the majority of consumers seem sue President Trump to do so.
to be supportive of this new generation of corporate so-
cial responsibility: 78% of customers say they are more Companies like Adidas, IKEA, McDonalds and
loyal to purpose-driven brands than traditional brands. Starbucks have also made their environmental
commitments more clear this year by announcing
So, what is purpose-driven marketing? Well, let’s start initiatives to eliminate or reduce their use of plastic.
off by saying this is not about a company’s employees
volunteering to plant trees or spend the day at a local Purpose-driven marketing messages like these have
food bank. While those initiatives are extremely been proven to cut through the noise: 68% of people

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 27

Purpose-driven Marketing.

said they are more willing to share content from pur- Even PepsiCo, a company best known for hawking junk
pose-driven brands with their social networks than food, has introduced a new sustainable growth plan.
content from traditional companies. Strategic changes like these aren't just socially motivat-
ed, they’re also financially motivated.
When Allan Askov Christoffersen, Global Partnership
& Activation Director at momondo / KAYAK, shared the In one EY survey, companies that prioritized purpose
results from momondo’s The DNA Journey campaign marketing reported seeing significant revenue growth
at Spark, he confirmed this stat, saying the campaign over time, while those that did not reported seeing
video “attracted over 600 million video views, 97% of revenue decline.
which were organic.”
It is clear consumers are favoring mission-driven
Then there are companies like Ripple Foods, which brands; 79% say they prefer social purpose-driven
makes a non-dairy milk alternative, and has adopted brands and would be more likely to purchase from
a self-imposed “Earth Tax,” meaning it donates 1% of them. Next year, companies would be wise to focus on
sales revenue to nonprofits. more than just profits—otherwise they risk sacrificing
their bottom lines.

Falcon.io - 2019 Digital Marketing Trends 28

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