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European Journal of Orthodontics II (1989) 169-178 © 1989 European Orthodontic Society

The quadhelix maxillary expansion appliance:

Part I Mechanics
S. P. Jones* and N. E. Waters**
"Orthodontic Department, Eastman Dental Hospital, London and "Department of Dental Materials
Science, United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St. Thomas's, London

SUMMARY The mechanics of the quadhelix maxillary expansion appliance have been derived
using the complementary (strain) energy approach, and the results checked experimentally on
enlarged models.
Good agreement between theory and experiment was obtained, for both the lateral stiffness
and the magnitude of the molar couple induced. The analysis shows that the spring characteristics
are defined by three parameters, the lateral stiffness, and two other parameters M\ and M\
which are the rate of change of the molar couple with q> and y respectively, where q> is the
angle the molar arm is rotated on engagement and y the lateral displacement.

Introduction assess both the distribution of stress produced

in the skull and the magnitudes of the forces
The quadhelix is a fixed orthodontic appliance and couples produced by a quadhelix. Chaconas
often used to expand a narrow maxillary arch, and Caputo (1982), using a three-dimensional
when tilting of the teeth rather than orthopaedic model of a skull assembled from birefringent
correction of a basal discrepancy is required. materials, concluded that the predominant effect
Its effects are to increase the intermolar and produced by the quadhelix was orthodontic.
intercanine widths and to rotate the molar teeth. Kamogashira et al. (1983) using strain gauges
The appliance was originally described by fixed at various points to teeth, and the maxil-
Ricketts (1975) as a modification of Coffin's W- lary, zygomatic and frontal bones of monkeys,
spring (Coffin, 1881). It consists of a lingual found that the effects of lateral expansion varied
expansion arch incorporating four helical loops according to the way the appliance was activated.
(Fig. 1). When activated it produces pressure Laboratory studies of the forces delivered by
which expands the arch and rotates the molar a quadhelix hitherto have been limited in their
Jeeth (Bench et al., 1978). The appliance can be approach. Force-deflection characteristics have
used in its standard fornvfor expansion, although been reported by various authors, for example
various modifications have been described to (Chaconas and de Alba y-Levy, _1977; Birnie and
fulfil additional requirements (Ricketts, 1975; McNamara, 1980; Thomas et al., 1982 arid"
Bench et al., 1978; Birnie and McNarama, 1980; Kamogashira et al., 1983). In each case an
West, 1984; Asher, 1985). approximately linear relationship was observed.
A number of clinical investigations have been As the dimensions and configurations of the
carried out to determine the nature of the appliances used in these studies were not given,
expansion produced by this appliance for exam- the reported stiffnesses are somewhat arbitary
ple (Chaconas and de Alba y Levy, 1977; Bell but, for 1 mm diameter wire, ranged between
and LeCompte, 1981; Frank and Engel, 1982; 180 gf for a 20 mm activation (Birnie and
Bell, 1982 and Hermanson et al., 1985). The McNamara, 1980) and 636 gf for an 8 mm
general conclusion reached in these studies was deflection (Thomas et al., 1982). No measure-
that a combination of orthodontic and ortho- ments of the rotational couples which it is
paedic movement is obtained in children and that possible to induce on the molar teeth with this
the orthopaedic effect with adults is negligible. appliance have been reported in the literature.
A variety of techniques have been used to In the present paper the mechanical behaviour

resent an actual quadhelix appliance consisted

of two planar half quadhelices each gabled (and
meeting at the centre of the bridge at an angle
T) as shown in Fig. 2B.
The deformation behaviour of these models
was determined with the rig used previously for
the two-dimensional models but held at an angle
of T degrees to the vertical as shown in Fig.
3C. Throughout a loading sequence the half
appliance was kept in a plane at T degrees to
the vertical by adjusting the weight Q attached
by a perpendicular thread to the centre of the
Figure 1 Intra-oral view of a quadhelix. Perspex beam.
Details of the dimensions of the model ap-
pliances used are given in Table 1. All appliances
of two model quadhelix appliances have been were formed from 18/8 stainless steel wire of
derived by applying the strain-energy approach 1.0 mm diameter (K C Smith, Redbrook Road,
(Timoshenko, 1955; Waters, 1972, 1982) and the Monmouth). The flexural rigidity (El) of the
resulting expressions for the force-deflection and wire used was determined by a cantilever beam
couple-rotation characteristics checked by labo- method (Waters et al., 1975) and the torsional
ratory measurements using a specially designed rigidity (nJ) by a modification of Searle's method
rig. In view of the complex nature of the analysis, (Champion and Davy, 1947). In this method a
the possibility of errors, and to simplify checking, bar of known moment of inertia (/0) is suspended
a planar model was initially analysed. Once at its mid-point by a known length (1) of the
satisfactory agreement with the experimental wire under test rigidly held at its upper end. The
results was obtained, this corrected analysis was determination of the mean time of oscillation
extended to a simplified three-dimensional case (T) of the bar in the horizontal plane enables nJ
and subjected to. further experimental verifica- to be calculated from the formula:
where Wt and W2 are the weights added to either
end of the beam of weight W.
In addition, the rotational couple N acting on
the bridge arm could be determined from the Materials and methods
difference in the weights at either end of the The deformation characteristics of a planar
beam, necessary to keep the latter horizontal, model of the quadhelix was first analysed by the
and their moment arm complementary (strain) energy method (Timosh-
enko, 1955; Waters, 1972, 1982). The essential
i.e., N = x(Wx - W2)
steps in this analysis and the derived expressions
where x — the distance of either weight from the for the deformation behaviour are given in the
centre of the beam. Knowing N, M the couple Appendix. An essential first step in this type of
acting on the molar could be obtained from the analysis (Fig. 2A) is the determination of the
geometry of the spring. disposition and magnitude of the forces and
couples required to maintain the equilibrium of
M=N- P[H2cos02 - HiCosO, - each component part of the appliance when an
K 1 ( l - s i n 0 1 ) + /? 2 (sin0 1 -sin0 2 )] external force P and couple M are required to
In general in clinical use the molar arm of the contract and rotate the arms, respectively, to
appliance will be rotated by an angle <p when locate them against the molars. In practice the
attached to the molar via a soldered joint or molar arm is either soldered directly to an
sleeve. Provision was made for changing q> to a orthodontic band or inserted indirectly via a
predetermined value by mounting the molar arm palatal sleeve; in either case the fixing may be
clamp so that its angulation in a vertical plane assumed to be rigid. The deformation character-
could be adjusted (Fig. 3B). istics of the central portion may thus be con-
The three-dimensional model used to rep- sidered independently of the anterior arms.

0 1

Case 1 Case 2
Figure 2(A) Diagramatic representation of one half of the appliance showing the forces and couples operating on each
component when the appliance is inserted. Left: Case I, the planar model. Right: Case 2, loading system which when combined
with Case I gives the loading on the 3D model (Case 3). N.B. Couples are shown as vectors (broad arrows); O, ® signify forces
out of and into the plane, respectively.


Occlusal plane /c
Case 2 Case 3
Case 1
Figure 2(B) End on views of one half of 3D model quadhelix showing, from left to right, the disposition of the external force
and couple for cases I, 2 and 3, respectively.

Although the latter may be activated by different clamp simulating the fixation point to a molar
amounts to suit the particular clinical situation, whose vertical angulation may be adjusted. A
in general the central portion between the molar rigid but light symmetrical beam of Perspex had
fixing will be symmetrical about the midline, so a small block of the same material fixed to the
that only one half of it need be considered. underside at the exact centre and was drilled
The rig used for the experimental determi- to secure the anterior bridge portion of the
nation of the deformation behaviour is shown appliance. It carried small hooks at each end at
diagrammatically in Fig. 3A. One half of a equal distances from the centre. By the addition
spring is held rigidly in a vertical plane by a of weights to the hooks, known molar forces

The experimental procedure was as follows.

An appliance fabricated from wire of known
flexural and torsional rigidity (£7 and nJ respect-
ively) and of known dimensions and spatial
disposition was rigidly mounted in the molar
clamp. The angulation of the clamp was adjusted
to a suitable value by means of a protractor
aligned with a plumb line. The Perspex beam
was fixed rigidly to the bridge arm and the
vertical alignment of the appliance checked.
FIG 3A FIG 3B Weights were added to the beam to bring it
horizontal; the spring thus loaded simulated
an active appliance in the clinical situation.
Additional loads were then added to the beam
and their disposition at either end of the beam
adjusted to ensure that it remained horizontal.
Readings of the contraction of the appliance
(y) for suitable load increments were made
with a direct reading vernier microscope. This
procedure enabled the force (/^-deflection (y)
characteristics of the quadhelix to be recorded
for a known angulation of the molar as
P = Wy + W2 + W
Figure 3(A) Experimental rig used for planar quadhelix.

Figure 3(B) Experimental method of varying 0, the angle of

rotation of the molar arm.
Results and discussion
Figure 3(C) Method adopted for holding model appliance
at T° to the vertical to simulate loading of the 3D appliance.
Experimental measurements of model appliances
A typical set of results for a planar appliance is
and couples could be applied to the appliance. shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Figure 4 depicts the
A pointer fixed to the mid-point allowed the deflection (y) and bridge couple (AO obtained
angulation of the beam to the horizontal to be for increasing values of the load (P). In both
assessed. cases the plots are seen, within the limits of

Table 1 Dimensions of model appliances.

I mm diameter K. C. Smith hard drawn stainless steel wire was used for which the measured flexural rigidity (El) 8800 g cm2 and
the ratio of the Young's modulus to the rigidity modulus (E/n), 2.46.

Appliance Hi H2 Ri R2 L Symbols on Graphs

reference (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 01° 62° Of 0° T° figures 6 and 7

A 40 15 2.5 2.5 40 20 10 10 0 •
B 21 5.5 1.5 1.5 16 10 10 10 0 ©•
C 28 10 1.75 2.0 30 26 1 1 0 O
D 40 20 2.0 2.0 42 23 8 13 -5 0 n
18 -10 0 n
23 -15 0 D
E 35 15 2.0 2.0 28 21 30 30 0 10 •
20 •
30 T
F 40 15 2.5 2.5 40 20 10 10 0 10 D
20 A

* To obtain the stiffness multiply the graphed values by 2.

5000 experimental error, to be linear as is required by
the analysis and the majority of the points lie
within the probable error envelope for each
predicted mean slope.
The variation in the bridge couple .A/ with
increasing load P for three different values of q>
for the same size model appliance is shown in
Figure 5, together with the predicted theoretical
behaviour. The derived theoretical relationships
§ predict that linear plots of the same slope but
with increasing intercepts should be obtained as
the angle 6 is increased. The general agreement
is good.
The agreement between the predicted values
and experimental results for the stiffness {Ply)
and the slope of the bridge couple (./V) versus
applied load (P) obtained in each case by linear
regression for all the model appliances examined
50 100 150
is shown in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. The error
bars denote the most probable error in the value
Load P(g)
of the stiffness predicted by the analysis assuming
Figure 4 Load P versus deflection y and bridge couple N probable errors of + 1 mm and +1° in the
versus load P for appliance A (0 = 0). Solid lines represent lengths and angular dispositions of the com-
theoretical slopes, dotted lines represent limits of error
ponents and probable errors of 0.2 mm and
+ 5% in the radii of the helices and the flexural
and torsional rigidities (£7 and nJ, respectively).
Taking into consideration the difficulties of
alignment the general agreement between the

5000 -

4000 -

3000 -

m 2000 -

1000 -

200 40 60 100
(P/y) expt

Figure 6 Theoretical versus experimental stiffnesses (P/y)

Figure 5 Load P versus bridge couple N for various angles 0 for both 2D and 3D model appliances. For key to symbols see
for appliance D. Table 1.

measured stiffness P/y was from 25-175 g/mm,

and the change in bridge couple (N) per unit
change in lateral force (P) i.e., (dN/dP) from 7.5
to approximately 20 gmm/mm. The marked
changed of lateral stiffness with appliance size
is shown by the analysis to arise because the
stiffness is inversely proportional to the sum of
a number of factors involving the lengths of the
component parts raised to the third power.
The effect of appliance size and geometry is
considered from the clinical point of view, in
paper II (Jones and Waters, 1989).
The analysis may be used to provide an insight
10 15
into the factors controlling the magnitude and
(dN/dP) oxpl sense of the couples acting on the molar teeth.
Considering the anterior arms as being in a
Figure 7 Theoretical versus experimental (dN/dP) for both passive state once again, it may be deduced that
2D and 3D model appliances. For key to symbols see Table 1.
the larger the quantity (H^ -H2) the larger the
couple, and the larger Rj and R2 the smaller the
experimental results and the predicted behaviour couple. Increasing 9i produces a reduction in
for the three-dimensional as well as planar the molar couple (M 2 ), whereas increase in 92
models is once again satisfactory. an increase. Increases in the bridge length L and
gable angle T tend to increase and decrease the
Predicted characteristics of the quadhelix ap- molar couple, respectively, and also reduce the
pliance and the influence of design factors lateral stiffness.
The agreement obtained between the experimen- Reference to the expression derived for M
tal results and those predicted by the derived from the analysis (see Appendix) shows that M2
equations allows the latter to be used to examine is composed of two terms.
the design features which determine the magni-
tude and sense of the forces and couples prod- Thus M2 = MV + My
uced clinically. . ,. 2EIq> ... PV
where Mv = — ~ and My = ——-y
As noted previously in the review of the
literature in all the laboratory studies reported Here Vx and V2 for any given appliance are
to date, linear load-deflection relationships were constants dependent solely on the dimensions
obtained (as predicted by the analysis) with and geometry and El is the flexural rigidity of
stiffness ranging from 18 to 79.5 grams force/mm the wire. The magnitude of the contribution to
for appliances formed from 1 mm diameter the total molar couple made by the first term
stainless steel wire. In common with other ortho- Mv is consequently proportional to both <p and
dontic wire appliances and components the stiff- also to the flexural rigidity (El) of the wire and
ness is directly proportional to the flexural is independent of the amount of contraction
rigidity (El) of the wire, providing the stresses necessary on insertion, i.e., is independent of the
developed are below the yield stress of the wire. load P. Since V2 is positive, the sense of M v will
The marked variation in stiffness with wire vary according to whether <p is positive or
diameter observed in previous laboratory studies negative. As will be self-evident if a palatal
is thus confirmed, the stiffness being pro- rotation of the molar arm is applied to obtain
portional to the wire diameter raised to the engagement (i.e., q> is positive) a couple M9
fourth power. tending to rotate the molar mesio-buccally will
The size and general geometry of the quadhelix be induced. Conversely, if the molar arm has to
clearly plays an important role in determining rotate bucally for engagement (<p negative) a
the forces and couples produced in clinical use. mesio-palatal rotational couple MQ will operate.
As may be seen from Figures 6 and 7 compar- The second term My is proportional to the
ing the smallest with the largest appliance (A ratio of two geometrical constants Vx and V2 and
and D of Table 1, respectively), the range in is directly proportional to the load P necessary to
contract the appliance to allow insertion. For a Effects of the anterior arms
given contraction (y) this means that My will The anterior arms of the appliance will affect
also be proportional to the flexural rigidity (El) both the forces and the couples operating on the
of the wire. Providing the buccal arm H2 is molar teeth because these arms will be rigidly
short, Vl will be negative so that the term My attached to the molar. If a force PA is generated
which is solely due to the contraction of the by activating these arms at the effective distance
appliance, will be positive i.e., will tend to cause LA from the molar fixing then the force of
mesio-buccal molar rotation. Expressed in other expansion on the molars will be reduced by
words, when the appliance is contracted the an amount PA and an anti-clockwise couple of
buccal arms will rotate palatally and hence will magnitude PALA will operate on the molar.
tend to rotate buccally as the appliance returns Expressed algebraically:
to its unstrained state.
The magnitude and sense of the total molar
couple is obtained by taking the algebraic sum
where M 3 = —PALA.
If a mesio-buccal rotation of the molars is Thus, if the anterior arms are not passive
desired it is only necessary to ensure that the when the appliance is inserted the force of
molar arm needs to be rotated palatally to expansion on the molars is reduced and the
engage the molars since both M^ and My are leverage effect of this arm will reduce any mesio-
positive. If on the other hand, a mesio-palatal buccal rotation intentionally applied to the
rotation is desired, it is necessary to ensure that molars or enhance any intended mesio-palatal
the mesio-buccal rotation of the molar arm rotation.
on engagement, produces a sufficiently large
negative couple Mv to counteract the positive
couple My induced by contracting the appliance.
It will be evident from the above discussion
that in order to characterize the molar couple 1. The deformation characteristics of the
of a particular quadhelix appliance it is necessary quadhelix maxillary expansion appliance de-
to define two additional spring characteristics, rived by the complementary (strain) energy
namely (dM2/d<p) and (dM2/dy). These are ob- method, show good agreement with experi-
tained by differentiating the expression for the mental measurements on enlarged models.
molar couple developed (M2) with respect to (p 2. The size and general geometry of the
(the angular rotation of the buccal arm) as- quadhelix is shown by the analysis to play an
suming the displacement y is constant, and then important role in determining the forces and
with respect to y, assuming q> is constant. Using couples produced on activation.
the abbreviations M\ and M\ for these two 3. For small strains, the force developed is
characteristics gives: proportional to the deflection, and the stiff-
ness (Ply) is directly proportional to the
diW 2 2EI ~ flexural"rigidity (El) of the wire._
<p 4. The molar couple induced is dependent on
dip v2 the algebraic sum of two couples, one of
and which is proportional to the angle q> the
AM 2 2EIV2 molar arm is rotated for engagement, and the
A/f 1 - other couple to the lateral displacement y
dv (* 2V3— V^Vx)
' when the appliance is inserted. Both couples
The knowledge of these two spring character- are directly proportional to the flexural rigid-
istics allows the net molar couple M 2 to be ity (El) of the wire.
determined for any buccal arm rotation <p and 5. The characteristics of the quadhelix appliance
any deflection y, for are completely characterized by three par-
ameters, the lateral stiffness (S), and the rate
of change of the molar couple with respect
In a similar way, the lateral molar force for a to firstly, q> and secondly, to the lateral
given deflection y will be given by: P = Sy. displacement y.

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premolars will reduce the force of expansion Society 42: 442-453
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Bell R A 1982 A review of maxillary expansion in relation Orthodontics 18: 806-810
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of Orthodontics 81: 32-37 Appendix
Bell R A, LeCompte E J 1981 The effects of maxillary Derivation of the theoretical model
expansion using a quadhelix appliance during the decidu-
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tics 79: 152-161 previous paper (Waters, 1982). In brief, the procedure
Bench R W, Gugino C F, Hilgers J J 1978 Bioprogressive required for the three-dimensional model of the
Therapy. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics 12: 279-298 quadhelix is as follows:
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Birnie D J, McNamara T G 1980 The quadhelix appliance. its basic components, as shown in Fig. 2(A).
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Chaconas S J, Caputo A A 1982 Observation of orthopaedic component in equilibrium are determined in terms
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Chaconas S J, de Alba y Levy J A 1977 Orthopaedic rotate the molar arm, H2. For case 2 an external
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Matsumoto M 1983 The effects on the maxillary complex
induced by the quadhelix appliance—measurement by where <p and a are the angular rotations produced
by the applied couples M and M! for cases 1 and <pH = 92cosT—0i
2, respectively. where 03 is the angle the molar tube orfixingmakes
6. The equations obtained may be solved simul- in the horizontal plane, the following expressions,
taneously to give (i) for case 1, the deflection yt written in BASIC for ease of assembly into a
under the load P and the value of M for a given computer program, may be derived for the molar
P and angle (p. (ii) for case 2, the deflection y2 couple M2, the deflection y for a given load Fand
under the applied force Q and the value of M, for stiffness S. If the load F for a given deflection y is
a given Q and angle a. required, a simple iterative procedure, e.g., the
7. The separate analyses for cases 1 and 2 are then Newton-Ralphson (Evans, 1974) may be used. In
combined to give the deflection characteristics of these expressions G = the flexural rigidity of the
the three-dimensional model (case 3) in which each wire {El) in the plane of bending and R = E\n, the
half of the quadhelix from the mid-sagittal plane ratio- of the Young's modulus to the rigidity
is assumed to be inclined at an angle 7" to a modulus of the wire. Note that the angles 9U 92,
horizontal plane (see Fig. 2(B)). 93 and <p which would normally be measured in
For case 3 the horizontal displacement y under degrees have been transformed to angles A, B, C
a force F is given by: and D (AO, BO, CO and DO in radian measure).
Again, the variables DMT and DMY denote the
y = yt cos T=y2 sin T change in M2 per degree change in cp, and the
and the angular rotation of the molar arm in the change in M2 per unit change in y.
occlusal (horizontal) plane by:
hA 2*G*D0 F*V,
q>H = <p cos T+ a sin T
remembering that


and using the relationship

K4 + F*K3]/(2*G)
S = 2G/(K3-K1*K4/K2)
PI =3.14159 Q9 = Q2*Q2
X = L/2 Q10 = Q4*Q4
AO = A*P1/18O Qll = Q 9 - Q 1 0
BO = B*P1/180 Q12 = Q3*Q3
CO = C*P1/180 Q13 = Q1*Q1
TO = T*P1/180 Q14 = Q6*Q6
A6 = AO + BO Q15 = 2*QUQ3
A5 = (3iPl)-A6— Q16 = 2*Q5*Q6- —
A51 =5*Pl/2-AO Q17 = 2*Q2*Q4
Ql = COS(AO) Ul =SIN(TO)
Q2 = COS(BO) U2 = COS(TO)
Q3 = SIN(AO) U3 = U1*U1
Q4 = SIN(BO) U4 = U2*U2
Q5 = COS(A6) ZO = H2*Q2-R2*Q4
Q6 = SIN(A6) Zl = H2*Q2 + R2*(Q3-Q4)
Q7 = Q2 + Q4 Z2 = Z1-(H1*Q1)
Q8 = Q2-Q4 Z3 = Z2-R1*(1-Q3)
Fl = ( ( H 2 A 2 ) » Q 2 ) - ( ( H 1 A2)*Q1) + (2*Z1*H1) + (2*Z3*X)
F2 = (2*Z0*R2*A5) + ( 2 * ( R 2 A 2 ) * Q 2 * ( 1 + Q 5 ) )
F3 = (2*(R2 A 2)*Q4*Q6)
F4 = 2*(Z3 + Rl)*RU((5*Pl/2)-AO)-(2*(Rl A2)*Q1)
Bl = F 1 + F 2 + F3 + F4
El = ( ( 2 / 3 ) * ( H 2 A 3 ) * ( Q 2 A 2 ) ) + ((2/3)*(H1 A3)*(Q1 A 2))

E2 = (2*(Z1 A 2 ) * H 1 ) - ( 2 * Z 1 * ( H 1 A 2 ) * Q 1 )
E3 = (2*(Z3 A2)*X) + ( 2 * ( Z 0 A 2 ) * R 2 * A 5 )
E4 = 4*Z0*(R2A2)*Q2*(1 +Q5)
E5 = 4*Z0*(R2 A 2)*Q4*Q6
E6 = (1/2)*(R2 A 3)*(SIN(2*A6))*((Q2 A 2) -(Q4 A 2))
E7 = (3*P1 *(R2 A 3)*(Q2 A 2)) + (A5*(R2 A 3)*(Q4 A 2))
E8 = 2*(R2 A 3)*Q4*Q2*(Q6 A 2)
E9 = 2*((Z3 + R 1 ) A 2 ) * R 1 * ( ( 5 * P I / 2 ) - A O )
F6 = 4*(R1 A2)*(Z3 + R1)*Q1
F7 = 2*(R1 A 3 ) * ( ( ( 5 * P 1 / 4 ) - ( A O / 2 ) ) + ((COS(2*AO))/4))
B2 = E1+E2 + E3 + E4 + E5 + E6 + E7 + E8 + E9-F6 + F7
C\ = 2*(H1 +H2 + X + (R2*A5) + (RU((5*Pl/2)-AO)))
C 3 = ( ( H 2 A 2 ) * Q 2 ) - ( ( H 1 A 2 ) * Q 1 ) + (2*Z1*H1) + (2*Z3*X)
C4 = (2*Z0*R2*A5) + (2*(R2 A2)*Q2*(1 + Q5))
C5 = 2*(R2 A 2)*Q4*Q6
C6 = (2*Rl*(Z3 + Rl)*((5*Pl/2)-AO))-(2*(Rl A2)*Q1)

= H2*U1+R2*(1+U2)
D33 = H2*Q5-R2*Q6
= H2*Q4+H1*Q3 + R2*(Q1+Q2) +
= H2*Q2-H1*Q1+R2*(Q3-Q4)-R1*(1-Q3)
D36 = D35 + R1
K11 = 2*H I *D33*Q1 + H2*H2*Q2 + R2*H2*Q8* A5 + R2*H2*Q 16*Q7/2
K.12 = R2*Q14*Z4 + Rl*A51*D36-Rl*Q15*D36/2 + R)*D34*Q13
K13 = R/2*(L*D35 + 2*Hl*D33*Ql+R2*A5*H2*Q8-R2*Q16*H2*Q7/2)
K14= R/2*(-R2*Q14*Z4 + 2*R2*R2*(Ql+Q2) + Rl*A51*D36)
K15 = R/2*(Rl*Q15*D36/2-Rl*D34*Q13-2*Rl*Rl*Ql)
Kl =K1I+K12 + K13 + K14 + K15-H1*HI*Q1
Lll =2*Hl*Q13 + 2*H2*Q9 + R2*A5 + R2*Q16*Qll/2-R2*Q14*Q17
L12 = Rl*A51-Rl*QI5/2
L13 = R/2*(L + 2*Hl*QI3 + 2*H2*Q10 + R2*A5-R2*Q16*Qll/2)
L14= R/2*(R2*Q14*Q17 + Rl*A51+RUQ15/2)
LI =L11+LI2 + L13 + L14
K21 = 2/3*(X*X*X + Hl*Hl*Hl +H2*H2*H2) + 2*X*X*D34
K22 = L*D34*D34-2*H1*H1*D33 + 2*H1*D33*D33 + R2*A5*Z5
K23 = R2*Z6*Q16/2 + 2*R2*R2*H2*Q14 + Rl*A51*(D36*D36
K24 = RI/2*(D34*D34-D36*D36)*Q15 + 2*RUQ13*D34*D36
K25 = R/2*(L*D35*D35 + 2*HI*D33*D33 + R2*A5*Z5-R2*Z6*Q16/2)
K27 = R/2*(4*H2*R2*R2 + A5*R2*R2*R2 + R1*A5U(D36*D36 + D34
K28 = R/2*(-Rl*Q15*(D34*D34-D36*D36)/2-2*RUQ13*D34*D36)
K29= R/2*(2*A51*R1*R1*R1+4*RUR1*D34-2*R1*R1*(D34*

L21 = -H1*H1*Q1+2*H1*D33*Q1+H2*H2*Q2 + R2*A5*H2*Q8

L22 = R2*H2*Q16*Q7/2 + R2*Q14*Z4
L23 = Rl*A51*D36-RUQ15*D36/2 + RUD34*Q13
L24 = R/2*(L*D35 + 2*H 1 *D33*Q 1 + R2*H2* A5*Q8)
L25 = R/2*(-R2*H2*Q16*Q7/2-R2*Q14*Z4 + 2*R2*R2*Q5)
L26= R/2*(4*R2*R2*Q6*Q4 + 2*R2*R2*Q2 + Rl*A51*D36 + Rl*Q15*D36/2-Rl*Q13*D34)
L2 = L21+L22 + L23 + L24+L25 + L26
VI =B1*U4 + KI*U3
V2 = CUU4 + L1*U3
V3 = B2*U4+K2*U3
V4 = C2*U4+L2*U3
V5 = V3*V2-V1*V4
V6 = V5/V2

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