4 Brownian Simulation PDF Dilute Flowing Solution Near Surface PDF

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Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227


Simulations of distribution functions for rod-like

macromolecules in linear ¯ow near solid surfaces
A. Hijazi, A. Khater *
Laboratoire PEC UPRES-A 6087, Universit
e du Maine, 72085 Le Mans France
Received 29 June 2000; received in revised form 13 September 2000; accepted 29 September 2000

Brownian two-dimensional simulations are constructed to calculate the probability distribution functions (PDFs), for
_ rot ,
macromolecular rod-like particles in a ¯owing solution near solid surfaces. This is done for a wide range of a ˆ c=D
where c_ is the constant shear rate of the linear hydrodynamic ¯ow and Drot is the di€usion coecient for the molecular
Brownian rotational motion. The surface simulations are developed on the basis of bulk simulations that are in
agreement with the exact numerical solutions of the bulk Boeder di€erential equation (BDE). This procedure ensures an
appropriate limit for the surface simulations. Surface restitution is introduced for Brownian and hydrodynamic events
to develop an algorithm for the surface collisions of the macromolecules. The surface PDFs, given as a function of
spatial and angular co-ordinates, are calculated for the possible range of restitution coecients that model interactions
between molecular species and surface topographies. These PDFs are consistently concave in the depletion layer as is
physically expected. For small a or low ¯ow conditions, the surface spatial PDF are shown to be the result of a dynamic
balance between competing Brownian and hydrodynamic collisions restitution. For large a, the rod-like macromole-
cules are shown to be evacuated from the depletion layer by the dominant hydrodynamic collisions restitution. This is
consistent with experimental observations. The surface angular PDF for the depletion layer are also calculated, showing
marked di€erences from their bulk counterpart. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction determined by two competing forces, the ®rst a

hydrodynamic force stemming from the shear
The most widely used experimental technique ¯ow, and the other thermal originating from
for the observation of rotational di€usion of Brownian rotational di€usion. Boeder [4] is the
macromolecules in hydrodynamic ¯ow is that ®rst to have studied this problem from the theo-
corresponding to dynamic light scattering and to retical point of view for rod-like macromolecules.
birefringence [1±3]. The motion and average ori- He suggested, without the use of the Langevin
entations of macromolecules at dilute concentra- formalism or the Fokker±Planck equation [5,6], an
tions in the bulk of a ¯owing solution are ordinary di€erential equation in two dimensions
(2D) that governs the bulk probability distribution
function (PDF), P …h†, which describes the average
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33-43-833297; fax: +33-43-
orientations of the macromolecules. This Boeder
833518. di€erential equation (BDE) is derived in 2D in
E-mail address: khater@aviion.univ-lemans.fr (A. Khater). the plane of the ¯ow, for rod-like particles of
0927-0256/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 7 - 0 2 5 6 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 7 8 - 6
214 A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227

negligible cross-sections. The angle h describes the [10] introducing an appropriate surface collisions
macromolecular orientations with respect to a algorithm.
reference direction. Some surface simulations in 2D have been
constructed previously in particular concerning the
Brownian movement of polymers in a linear ¯ow
P 00 ‡ …a sin2 hP †0 ˆ 0:
[5], in plane Poiseuille ¯ow [11], and for the dis-
persion of rod-like particles in a shear ¯ow [12].
A key normalised quantity for the study of the Since the numerical solutions of the BED equation
_ rot , where c_ is
problem is a, which is the ratio c=D were unavailable previously, there has been an
the constant shear rate of the linear hydrody- absence in the literature of a comparison between
namic¯ow and Drot is the di€usion coecient for the bulk part of the simulations and these nu-
the Brownian rotational motion of the rod. Dif- merical solutions. To control the surface simula-
ferent macromolecules in solvents have naturally tions, however, where one is often led to making
di€erent Drot , whereas the ¯ow is characterised by reasonable but unveri®able assumptions as regards
_ As has been pointed out [4] a solution in
a given c. the surface collisions algorithm [5,11±13] we
closed form cannot be obtained for the BDE compare initially the bulk simulations with the
equation. Boeder hence gave initially a series so- numerical solutions of the BDE equation.
lution valid for only small values of a, and also a The subject of the Brownian dynamics of hard
Taylor development for the high values of a. The macromolecular spheres in solutions has also been
latter, however, su€ers from the absence of nec- studied previously. It is discussed extensively in a
essary boundary conditions. Some improvements recent work [14] where it is pointed out that hard
have been made since, on the one hand to remove sphere dispersions have proven dicult to simulate
restrictions on cross-sections of the macromole- due to the singular nature of the hard sphere inter
cules, and on the other to be able to consider the particle potential. It has been proposed, however,
di€usion in three dimensions [7±9]. These im- [15] that the overlap of particles be treated as
provements, however, are limited to small values elastic collisions.
of a. In Section 2 we introduce the method of
The analytical solution of the BDE equation in Brownian simulations via those constructed to
the bulk has been obtained in a recent work [10] calculate the PDF, P …h†, in the bulk of a ¯owing
for a wide range of a. Special analytical as well as dilute solution. These are shown to be in agree-
numerical methods are developed in order to cal- ment with the numerical solutions of the BED
culate accurately the Boeder bulk PDF over sev- equation [10]. These solutions for the bulk serve
eral orders of magnitude, 10ÿ4 6 a 6 108 , and the hence as a reference for our surface simulations. In
mathematical nature of the BDE equation is re- Section 3 we present a model for the surface sim-
vealed as a singular perturbation problem when a ulations. These are constructed for the joint PDFs,
becomes larger than about 103 . Since turbulence P …h; n†, as a function of h and also of the norma-
e€ects are known to take place for a P 104 for lised distance of the centre of mass of the rods
macromolecules such as the polysaccharide chain from the surface, n ˆ zc =L, where L is their com-
the analysis is generally con®ned to inferior values. mon length. To treat the collisions between the
In this paper we present Brownian simulations rod-like macromolecules and the solid surface the
for the PDF in the vicinity of solid impenetrable notion of geometric restitution is introduced de-
surfaces [5,11,12]. An analytical solution in this veloping an appropriate collisions algorithm. Two
region comparable to that in the bulk is too independent restitution coecients are introduced
complex since the mathematical problem of the to model the Brownian and the hydrodynamic
collisions of the macromolecules with the surface is collisions. The terms Brownian and hydrodynamic
analytically intractable. The surface simulations collisions imply, respectively, the collisions in-
are hence constructed as an alternative approach, duced by the Brownian movement and by the
and this is done by adapting the bulk simulations hydrodynamic shear ¯ow. The simulation results
A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227 215

are presented for a variety of situations and con- where h ˆ 0 is parallel to the ¯ow direction which
clusions are given in Section 4. is also parallel to the wall. h is taken as positive or
negative in the trigonometric sense, it is negative
for example in Fig. 2. The elementary rotations
2. Simulations in the bulk ÿDhrot and ‡Dhrot are, respectively, clockwise and
anticlockwise from a given h…n† in the simulation.
In this section the simulation method is intro- The procedure of Eq. (4) is e€ectively an approx-
duced to calculate the Boeder PDF, P …h†, in the imation compared to the Gaussian distribution.
bulk of a ¯owing solution, where a 6ˆ 0. These To satisfy the Brownian condition that the simu-
simulations are compared and shown to be in lation interval Dt  1=drot , where drot ˆ kB T =
agreement with the exact numerical solutions of ‰Drot Icm Š, and Icm is the moment of inertia of the
the BDE equation. This ensures the appropriate rod-like particles about their centre of mass, we
bulk limit conditions for the surface simulations. have found that the domains of interest for the
Since the Boeder PDF is periodic with a period Gaussian distribution are reduced in practice to
equal to p, as the rod-like particles are indistin- values that permit the above approximation,
guishable when oriented at h or h ‡ p, the simu- where small values of Dhrot are improbable. Large
lation results should satisfy the condition: values of Dhrot are also improbable. Dhrot is ®xed
for a given statistical ensemble of simulation runs
P …h† ˆ P …h ‡ p†: …1†
for any given a. An appropriate random number
The simulations are shown to be consistent with generator is employed in the algorithm [16] to se-
this condition. lect random simulation events avoiding cumulative
The simulations are determined by both errors. Using this procedure, Dt may be given as a
Brownian and hydrodynamic forces acting on the virtual di€usion variable:
particles in the dilute solution. The hydrodynamic
Dh2rot ˆ 2Drot Dt; …5†
forces tend to align the rod-like particles in the
direction of the shear ¯ow with an average angular where Drot ˆ 3kB T ln…L=d†=pgs L3 is the coecient
speed, w, given in [4] by of Brownian rotation di€usion [7], gs the viscosity
w ˆ c_ sin2 h: …2† of the solvent, kB the Boltzman's constant, T the
absolute temperature, and d is the diameter of the
To simulate the e€ects of hydrodynamic forces macromolecular rod-like particles, d  L.
in a time interval Dt between successive simulation Dt may be eliminated now from the algorithm.
events, n and n ‡ 1, we compute Dhhyd …n ‡ 1; n†, This procedure avoids ambiguities that could arise
the hydrodynamic rotation about the centre of owing to the arbitrary choice of the simulation
mass of the particles using the following algo- time interval [5]. Eqs. (3) and (5) lead consequently
rithm: to the hydrodynamic algorithm component in the
Dhhyd …n ‡ 1; n† ˆ h…tn‡1 † ÿ h…tn † ˆ c_ sin2 hDt: …3† form:

This Dhhyd is e€ectively a negative increment, since Dhhyd ˆ a sin2 h‰Dh2rot =2Š: …6†
the rod always follows the direction of the hy-
drodynamic ¯ow. In a simulation we typically chose L  880 nm,
In contrast the Brownian forces in the bulk and Dhrot  0:05 rad, which engenders reasonable
create a di€usive rotational motion of the parti- elementary hydrodynamic rotations for a 6 102 .
cles. The Brownian rotation variable For relatively high a P 102 , the basic simulation
Dhrot …n ‡ 1; n† may be given from a random random variable Dhrot may be chosen smaller.
Gaussian distribution. It is, however, more con- These values are sucient to construct viable sta-
venient to work with a simpli®ed random variable: tistics.
In Fig. 1 the Brownian simulations of the Boe-
Dhrot …n ‡ 1; n† ˆ Dhrot ; …4† der bulk PDF is given for a ˆ 100. The results are
216 A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227

Fig. 1. The PDF, for the orientations of the macromolecular rod-like particles in a hydrodynamic ¯ow, are presented for a relatively
_ rot ˆ 100. The continuous curve denotes the numerical solution of the BDE
high value of the shear to rotational di€usion ratio, a ˆ c=D
for this PDF. The black dots with error bars are the simulation results.

obtained from 108 hydrodynamic and stochastic utes to determining the displacement of the parti-
events per simulation run in a statistical ensemble cles from the bulk towards the surface and in the
of various runs. The black dots are the mean val- opposite sense. It consequently contributes to the
ues over a given statistical ensemble and the error establishment of stationary probability distribu-
bars are the maximum uncertainty per point in an tion functions in the neighbourhood of the surface.
ensemble. These simulation results are compared Brownian di€usion in fact comprises both rotation
with the numerical solutions of the BDE equation and translation di€usion. For dilute solutions of
presented as the continuous curve in Fig. 1. The the particles, it is possible to treat these processes
Boeder bulk PDF and the Brownian simulations separately since the macromolecules are free from
are normalised to unity. Simulation results for a particle±particle interactions that would otherwise
wide range of a have been made [10] though not couple their rotation and translation di€usion. In
presented here and are generally in agreement with this approximation a new Brownian random
the BDE numerical solutions. variable, Dzc;tr is introduced that displaces the
particle in either sense normal to the surface. We
eliminate the simulation time step variable again in
3. Model for simulations near a solid surface order to derive an expression for Dzc;tr as a func-
tion of the basic simulation variable Dhrot , namely:
Near a solid surface the dynamics of the rod-like L
particles acquires a new reference, namely the Dzc;tr ˆ  jDhrot j: …7†
distance zc that separates their centre of mass from
the surface along the vertical. The solid surface is The factor L/3 in Eq. (7) comes from the ratio of
assumed here to be impenetrable. Note that the Brownian translation and rotation di€usion
n ˆ zc =L is a normalised distance. coecients [7].
In the bulk it is possible to neglect the Brownian When the rod-like macromolecules are near to a
translation di€usion for dilute solutions, since this surface, the Brownian and hydrodynamic forces
has no statistical incidence on the PDF, P …h†. Near may cause the collisions of their extremities with
a solid surface this translation di€usion contrib- the surface. Very little information is available in
A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227 217

the literature concerning the nature and dynamics To construct our simulations near a solid sur-
of these collisions. In previous simulations that face, we introduce the notion of geometric resti-
attempt to treat this problem, two algorithms have tution for both Brownian and hydrodynamic
been tested [5]. The so-called naive algorithm, a collisions. Since the nature of these collisions is
®rst attempt, treats these collisions by ignoring di€erent, random when arising from di€usion and
them, where if a particle should penetrate the solid causal under the hydrodynamic shear, two sepa-
surface the corresponding simulation con®gura- rate restitution coecients, e and e0 , are considered
tion is not accepted. A second improved algorithm to describe these collisions, respectively. The co-
begins by estimating the random time at which a ecient e is used to describe the collisions arising
collision takes place during a simulation time step from both the translation and the rotation di€u-
with the use of a complicated time bisection pro- sions.
cedure. The particle is then left in the collision To illustrate the collisions algorithm, we present
con®guration when it gets to it, with one extremity in Fig. 2 a sequence of events, named n, ncollision ,
touching the surface, until a random event allows n ‡ 1, for a collision between a rod-like macro-
it to move away in the remainder of the simulation molecule and a solid surface, arising due to
time step. The simulation results of this algorithm translation di€usion. Near a surface the extremi-
are dependant on the choice of the time step ties, e1 and e2 , need to be distinguished in order to
leading to di€erent results for di€erent time steps. follow the collision of one or the other with the
Further, some of the calculated surface PDF using surface. The ambiguities arising from the simula-
this algorithm are convex in the depletion layer tion time steps [5], where time is a continuous
which is physically dicult to understand for a variable, are eliminated here since we work with
random ¯uctuating process. Dhrot , a basic simulation random variable.
In other research domains the interaction of a In Fig. 2 the two limiting cases that correspond
¯ux of molecules incident at thermal energies on a to e ˆ 0 and e ˆ 1 are presented along the upper
solid surface is treated from a completely di€erent and lower array of ®gures, respectively. In the case
point of view [17]. This type of work yields little when a random translation di€usion event Dzc;tr
information that may be useful for the present brings one of the extremities of the rod into colli-
problem. sion with the surface, we may write that

Fig. 2. The two limiting cases for collision restitution following a Brownian translation di€usion event, along the upper and lower
array of ®gures, respectively. For e ˆ 0, the rod stays at its touch angle and waits until the next event. For e ˆ 1, it comes back to its
initial con®guration.
218 A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227

L L manner, where in this case zc …n ‡ 1† ˆ zc …n† is the

zcollision ˆ j sin h…n†j ˆ j sin h…n ‡ 1†j: …8† touch distance of the centre of mass from the
2 2
surface and
h…n† ˆ h…n ‡ 1† is the touch angle. It is then pos-
hcollision ˆ j arcsinfzc …n†=Lgj
sible to write the algorithm for the Brownian dif-
fusion translation between n and n ‡ 1, via a ˆ j arcsinfzc …n ‡ 1†=Lgj: …10†
collision, as
It is next possible to write the Brownian rotation
zc …n ‡ 1† ˆ zcollision ‡ e‰zc …n† ÿ zcollision Š: …9† algorithm between n and n ‡ 1 events, via a colli-
sion, as
In a given simulation event the two limiting h…n ‡ 1† ˆ hcollision  ejhcollision ÿ h…n†j: …11†
cases, in Fig. 2, correspond, respectively, to a
Brownian translation di€usion that leaves the The plus or minus sign depends on which of the
colliding extremity momentarily at rest at the two extremities collides with the surface.
surface for e ˆ 0 and to a geometric return to its It is necessary next to construct an algorithm for
initial position for e ˆ 1. The next event moves the the hydrodynamic collisions. Using an indepen-
particle into other con®gurations. For a given dent restitution coecient, e0 , the parameter in-
macromolecular specie and a given topography of terval 0 6 e0 6 1 is considered to correspond to the
the prepared surface [18,19] the collisions arising angular interval situated between hcollision (for
due to random di€usion processes may be conse- e0 ˆ 0), which is the surface touch angle for the
quently characterised by a given e coecient. A colliding extremity and p=2 (for e0 ˆ 1), a sup-
comparable algorithm may be given for a collision posed maximum that the particle can turn into
arising due to rotation di€usion, since these pro- under the ¯ow. In the present analysis the colli-
cesses are considered intrinsically similar. sions arising due to the hydrodynamic ¯ow, for a
The rotation di€usion that brings one of the given macromolecular specie and a given topog-
extremities of the particle into collision with the raphy of the prepared surface, are characterised
surface may be characterised in a comparable by a given value of the e0 coecient. In Fig. 3 we

Fig. 3. The two limiting cases that correspond to collision restitution following a hydrodynamic rotation event, along the upper and
lower array of ®gures, respectively. For e0 ˆ 0, the rod stays at its touch angle corresponding to a sliding possibility under the ¯ow and
waits until the next event. For e0 ˆ 1, it turns into a maximum p=2 angle.
A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227 219

illustrate the two limiting cases of e0 ˆ 0 and 1. whether these experiments scale down to the na-
The interpretation that may be given to the limit- nometric size macromolecules. Furthermore, the
ing case of e0 ˆ 0 is that for ideally smooth sur- polymer microscopic particles are too large to ex-
faces a colliding macromolecular rod-like particle hibit random di€usion.
may slide under the ¯ow without turning. Al-
though a rare event, this has been observed in re-
cent experiments on microscopic polymer rod-like 4. Simulation results and conclusions
particles in a ¯owing solution [20]. A mixture of
some sliding and turning is a more likely event for To circumscribe the present uncertainty as re-
surfaces with e0 6ˆ 0. It is also possible that the gards the topography of prepared solid surfaces in
maximum angle which the macromolecular rod- these experiments, and the nature of the collision
like particles turn into, is greater than p=2. Recent between the extremity of a macromolecule and
experiments [20] show an average maximum the surface, the simulations are carried out for
turning angle of 3p=4. However, it is not known di€erent values of e and e0 . They are also

Fig. 4. The simulation results for the normalised spatial PDF in the depletion layer and the bulk, calculated for relatively small a ˆ 2,
for di€erent restitution possibilities. The ®gures correspond to: (a) e ˆ 0, (b) e ˆ 0:3, (c) e ˆ 0:6, (d) e ˆ 1, where in each the hy-
drodynamic restitution is varied through e0 ˆ 0; 0:1; 0:3; 0:6; 1. The PDF are consistently concave in the depletion layer.
220 A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227

presented for diverse values of a. The purpose is quantities that depend on these PDF and to
to calculate near a solid surface the stationary discern their tendencies for low and high ¯ow
PDF functions, P …h; n†, a number of measurable conditions.

Fig. 5. The simulated PDF, as in Fig. 4, calculated for relatively high a ˆ 200, for a typical Brownian restitution, e ˆ 0:6. The hy-
drodynamic restitution is varied through e0 ˆ 0; 0:3; 0:6; 1. The PDF are consistently concave in the depletion layer.

Fig. 6. The simulation normalised spatial PDF in the depletion layer, calculated for a solution at rest, a ˆ 0, for e ˆ 0, 0.5, 1, presented
as discrete results in comparison with the normalised arcsin function, itself presented as the analytic curve, which de®nes the theoretical
limit of the rod exclusion domain.
A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227 221

These PDF are the stationary PDFs for the between two comparable surfaces a distance D > L
particles, themselves in constant movement, com- apart. Unless otherwise speci®ed the simulations
ing from the bulk of the ¯owing solution into the are constructed for D ˆ 2L. Bulk conditions are
neighbourhood of the surface then leaving the retrieved for n > 0:5. If and when a particle in the
depletion layer to go back into the bulk. To ensure simulation passes from one half into the other, it is
the conservation of the particle numbers in the reintegrated into the initial half using appropriate
simulation, we con®ne the particles inside a space anti-symmetric conditions across the mid plane.

Fig. 7. The simulation results for the normalised spatial PDF, in the depletion layer and the bulk, as a function of a: (a) for relatively
small a where the concave PDF increase slightly with increasing a; (b) for relatively high a where the concave PDF decrease markedly
with increasing a.
222 A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227

Although the simulation results are presented as bars is known for a statistical ensemble, as seen in
a function of normalised parameters such as a and Fig. 1 for example, the surface simulation results
n, it is convenient to work out the simulations are presented here without the corresponding error
using typical variables as is done for the bulk. Dhrot bars.
is considered hence as typically 0.05 rad, which In Figs. 4(a)±(d) simulation results are presented
yields Dzc;tr  10ÿ2 L and as previously Dhhyd for the normalised PDF P …n†, for the depletion
 10ÿ3 a. For relatively high values of a P 102 , the layer 0 6 n 6 0:5 as well as for the bulk, for the
simulation random variable Dhrot is chosen small- relatively low ¯ow conditions a ˆ 2, and for four
er. This range of values is sucient to construct values e ˆ 0, 0.3, 0.6, 1, respectively, as a function
viable statistics. of increasing e0 . This latter varies typically through
In this section the normalised numerical results 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1, in each ®gure. These results il-
are given for a variety of ¯ow conditions and lustrate the variations of the concave PDF. These
surface restitution coecients, in the form of the show a dependence on the Brownian restitution e.
projected PDF components. These are, respec- They are also seen for a ®xed e to decrease in the
tively, depletion layer with increasing hydrodynamic
Z p=2 restitution e0 . This decrease is not linear and the
P …n† ˆ P …h; n† dh …12† PDF seem to come to their concave minima
ÿp=2 bunching together for e0 P 0:3. For small a, the
variations of the PDF with e and e0 are of a
in the depletion layer and the bulk and
comparable order of magnitude. For the sake of
Z 1=2 comparison, the normalised simulation PDF for
Pdl …h† ˆ P …h; n† dn; …13† high ¯ow conditions, a ˆ 200, are presented in
Fig. 5 this for a typical e ˆ 0:6 value. It is seen in
in the depletion layer. Unless otherwise speci®ed, this case that the concave PDF also decrease with
the simulation results are obtained from 108 hy- increasing e0 . An interesting observation is that the
drodynamic and stochastic events per simulation PDF are systematically concave in the depletion
run. Since the order of magnitude for the error layer for high and low ¯ow conditions. This is

Fig. 8. The simulation results for the surface excess function plotted as a function of a.
A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227 223

physically to be expected owing to the di€usive sults lie above and do not cross the normalised
nature of the Brownian movement as seen in arcsin curve which de®nes the theoretical limit of
Fig. 6. the rod-like exclusion domain. This con®rms the
When the solution is at rest, a ˆ 0, the hydro- validity of the surface simulations. To our
dynamic collision restitution is absent, and our knowledge this is the ®rst time that a comparable
surface simulations are constructed on the basis of procedure is employed to test the surface simula-
the Brownian collisions restitution only. In Fig. 6 tions. Secondly, the simulated surface PDF are
we present the surface PDF simulation results for quite similar to the theoretical exclusion limit in
this case for a range of values of the e coecient. the complete interval 0 6 e 6 1. The simulated
Two important conclusions may be drawn from surface PDF nearest to the theoretical limit cor-
Fig. 6. Firstly, all the surface PDF simulation re- responds to e ˆ 1.

Fig. 9. The simulation results for the normalised angular PDF in the depletion layer, as a function of a: (a) for relatively small a; (b) for
relatively high a.
224 A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227

In Fig. 7 the variation of the PDF with in- from its rod-like particles via hydrodynamic col-
creasing ¯ow conditions are presented for e ˆ 1 lisions restitution for high a. The simulation results
and e0 ˆ 1. This choice for the restitution coe- for high a are consistent with observed experi-
cients is maintained in the rest of this work. As has mental data [3].
been pointed out e0 ˆ 1 seems to be a reasonable The variations of the projected spatial PDF,
choice judging by recent experiments [17]. A typi- P …n† with a, may be succinctly summarised via the
cal choice of e ˆ 1 also seems appropriate fol- surface excess function. This is de®ned as
lowing Fig. 6, although a small error is introduced Z 1=2
in this case for small a and small e, near the de- 1
Cˆÿ fPdl …n† ÿ Pb …n†g dn: …14†
pletion layer boundary. 0 Pb …n†
For relatively small a, as in Fig. 7(a), the sim-
ulation results show that the concave PDF P …n† Pdl …n† and Pb …n† denote in Eq. (14) the spatial PDF
tends to increase modestly with increasing a in the in the depletion layer and in the bulk, respectively.
depletion layer. This may be explained as due to The simulation results for the surface excess C are
the in¯uence of the Brownian compared to the presented in Fig. 8, as a function of a, for e ˆ 1
hydrodynamic collisions restitution for relatively and e0 ˆ 1. In previous work [5] the question
low ¯ow conditions. The Brownian restitution has whether C should increase or decrease has been
a tendency to induce a lingering e€ect for the discussed, and is also shown to undergo a transi-
particles in the depletion layer once they arrive tion qualitatively comparable to that in Fig. 8. To
from the bulk. For relatively high a, the hydro- our knowledge, however, this is the ®rst time that a
dynamic restitution is very active and supersedes clear behaviour is calculated as a function of a,
the in¯uence of the Brownian restitution. In this with a functional transition of C shown to take
case the concave PDF P …n†, decrease with in- place for a  15, for systematically concave and
creasing a in the depletion layer going to a theo- hence physically acceptable PDF. The minimum
retical minimum of a Heaviside step function at exists as a transition between Brownian and hy-
the boundary n ˆ 0:5, as may be seen in Fig. 7(b). drodynamic dominated PDF events.
Physically, this implies that the increasing ¯ow rate Up to this point we have presented simulation
in the channel should evacuate the depletion layer results for the spatial PDF P …n†. In what follows

Fig. 10. The variation of hmaximum with a from the simulation results for the normalised angular PDF in the depletion layer. This
contrasts strongly with the variation of the same quantity in the bulk.
A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227 225

simulation results for the angular PDF P …h† are function of the increasing a. The maximum angle
presented for the depletion layer. For e ˆ 1 and hmax of the bulk angular P …h† [10], varies strongly
e0 ˆ 1, we give these in Figs. 9(a) and (b) as a with the ¯ow, decreasing monotonically from a

Fig. 11. A comparison of the simulation results for the normalised angular PDF in the depletion layer and in the bulk, as a function of
a: (a) for relatively small a ˆ 5; (b) for relatively high a ˆ 200, ¯ow conditions.
226 A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227

high 45°, for small a to much smaller angles for spectively, low a ˆ 5 and high a ˆ 200, ¯ow con-
a  104 . In contrast the maximum angle hmax for ditions. Note the narrowing of both PDF for the
the depletion layer angular PDF P …h† has quite a high ¯ow conditions, which is expected, as the ¯ow
di€erent variation with a as shown here in Fig. 10. tends to increasingly align the rod like particles in
To illustrate the di€erence of the depletion layer the direction of the ¯ow.
PDF P …h†, in comparison with the bulk PDF P …h†, The simulations can also yield the angular PDF
we present both in Figs. 11(a) and (b) for, re- P …h† at di€erent planes n inside the depletion layer.

Fig. 12. The variation of the simulation results for the normalised angular PDF calculated for di€erent planes inside the depletion
layer: (a) for relatively low a ˆ 2; (b) for relatively high a ˆ 200; ¯ow conditions.
A. Hijazi, A. Khater / Computational Materials Science 20 (2001) 213±227 227

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L. Auvray, T. Nicolai, J.-C. Gimel, J.-F. Tassin,
[20] B. Lazhar, A. Hijazi, A. Khater, to be published, 2001.
D. Durand, and D. Aussere for useful discussions.

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