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Proforma Invoice No.

:ESCRS2018-127851 20 Jun 2018

Order No.:124089

User ID: 164906

Canache Madalina
Spitalul Universitar de Urgenta Militar
Central Carol Davila, Bucuresti
Strada Bucegi nr 115, sc A, etaj 1
Strada Cupolei, nr 10-12, bloc 108
Bacau, 061158

ESCRS Trading Limited

VAT No. ATU66342969
VAT Rate: 20%

A confirmation e-mail will be sent to when payment is


Package Qty Price Tax Total

Junior Trainee 1 50,00 € 10,00 € 60,00 €
Total 60,00 €

Balance Due 60,00 € Payment Details

Net 50,00 € Account Information

Account Name: ESCRS Trading Ltd.
Tax 10,00 €
Gross 60,00 € IBAN:IE68DABA95178360004626
Address: Danske Bank
Payment Type Wire Transfer 3 Harbour Master Place, IFSC
Dublin 1, Ireland.
Quote your USER ID when making payment. This is
located under the barcode at the top of your invoice.
Registered Office: 5 Fleet Place, London, EC4M7RD, UK

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