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ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY Aligarh - 202 002, U.P., India. PROF. TARIQ MANSOOR Prone: MS (Surgery), FICS Fax Email: yeamu@amu acin Vice-Chancellor March 31, 2020 OPEN LETTER TQ AMU ALUMNI_IN THE MIDST OF CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC My Dear Alig Brethren, ‘Sie DU) and greetings from the Aligarh Muslim University! |_am reaching out to you in the midst of this global health crisis which has impacted the lives of all of us. The deep bond and belonging you share with your alma mater has always been a source of strength for the university, and is reflected in AMU’s growth over the years. Naturally, the university is concerned about your safety and well-being, wherever you are in the world. Please take care of yourself and your near and dear ones by fully collaborating with every step taken by your government, to ensure containment of this pandemic. At this challenging and uncertain time, it is imperative for each one of us to honour one’s duty towards humanity. The human civilization has in the past overcome pandemics of plague, smallpox, polio etc. primarily due to its resilience, considering that these pandemics came at a time of limited medical and technological advancement. Many alumni have their children presently studying in the university. In the midst of this crisis, the Team AMU remains steadfast in its commitment to safeguard the academic interests of your children by ensuring that our academic calendar is minimally disturbed. Our teachers are engaging students through virtual learning modes by making course material available online. It is especially heartening to note that many young faculty are engaging online classes through “Zoom App" and “Google's Teach from home’. We have around 4500 students still residing in various halls of residence as they cannot leave due to lockdown. To them and their parents, we wish to convey that there is no need to worry ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY Aligarh - 202 002, U.P., India. PROF. TARIQ MANSOOR Prone: eee) SOLS aTOON MS (Surgery, FICS fax (Om sovsrt-2voxea7 Emait veamu@emuacin Vice-Chancellor We are taking care of their dining, medical and other needs in the best possible manner. | and members of my team, such as Registrar, DSW, Proctor, Provost, Wardens and their respective teams are constantly monitoring their welfare and safety. To all students who are at their homes, please take all precautions while continuing with your learning activities by remaining in touch with your teachers. The Aligarh Muslim University has in the past always risen to the needs of the nation in times of crisis. You will feel a sense of pride in knowing that your alma mater is playing a leading role in the fight against COVID-19 in India. The J.N. Medical College Hospital is one of the accredited centres for testing COVID-19 samples, and is covering cases from entire western Uttar Pradesh. We have prepared a 40 bed isolation ward dedicated for COVID-19 patients, and are also trying to arrange Ventilators, Para Monitors, PPE etc. To ensure expeditious testing of COVID-19 samples, we are purchasing new machine that will double our testing capacity. We express our gratitude to our doctors, nurses and paramedical staff who are toiling round the clock at great personal risk to tackle the crisis. As | write this, we have tested 33 confirmed cases of COVID-19, but fortunately not a single case from Aligarh district has been tested positive till now The Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff has also decided to contribute one day salary to Prime Minister's COVID-19 Relief Fund. |, on behalf of everyone at AMU, wish our Alig brethren everywhere best of health and well-being. Very soon there will be a new dawn full of activity, progress and continued engagement. With best wishes and profound regards. Professor Tariq Mansoor 3'/°3 [ 2o20- 2

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