European Polymer Journal: Abbas Hijazi, Antoine Khater

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European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 3409–3416

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Macromolecular Nanotechnology

Boëder PDF Brownian simulations for macromolecular rod-like

particles near uneven solid surfaces
Abbas Hijazi a,b,c,*, Antoine Khater a,*
Laboratoire de Physique de l’Etat Condensé UMR 6087, Université du Maine, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72000 Le Mans, France
Département de Physique, Université Libanaise, Hadath-Beyrouth, Lebanon
Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences et des Arts, Université UIL, Khaldé, Lebanon

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A molecular dynamics simulation is presented to calculate the Probability Distribution
Received 7 April 2008 Functions (PDF) for the spatial positions and angular orientations of macromolecular
Received in revised form 19 June 2008 rod-like particles in dilute solutions, under hydrodynamic flow, in the vicinity of uneven
Accepted 5 August 2008
solid boundaries. The Brownian and hydrodynamic restitution model for ideally flat sur-
Available online 20 August 2008
faces is generalized to simulate the diffusive collisions between the macromolecular parti-
cles and an uneven solid surface. Two types of uneven surfaces are particularly considered:
the periodic grating and the random rough, with characteristic profiles of heights and lat-
Boeder PDF
eral variations. Different from ideally flat surfaces, the simulation results demonstrate that
Complex fluids uneven surfaces have characteristic depletion layers, and characteristic and variable PDF.
Numerical simulations This is the case under varying conditions of hydrodynamic flow, Brownian movement
Uneven surfaces and diffusive collisions. These characteristics uniquely identify Boeder PDF signatures for
Mesopore nanotechnology the uneven surface topography.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction solution containing dilute concentrations of suspended

macromolecular rod-like particles. He suggested an ordin-
Interest in the motion and average orientations of mac- ary differential equation that governs the Probability Dis-
romolecules at dilute concentrations in the bulk of a flowing tribution Functions (PDF), P(h), where h is the orientation
liquid, stems from the physical effects that may arise when of a macromolecular rod-like particle. This differential
these solutions flow, with their load of macromolecules, in- equation is derived in two dimensions in the plane of the
side channels of mesoscopic dimensions [1]. The statistics linear laminar flow, for macromolecular rod-like particles
for the spatial positions of the centres of mass and for the of negligible cross-sectional area, in the form
orientations of such macromolecules, under equilibrium 2
dynamics inside the flow, are then of particular interest. P00 þ ½a sin ðhÞP0 ¼ 0 ð1Þ
The spatial positions and the orientations of such mac- This so called Boeder Differential Equation (BDE) as in Eq.
romolecules are determined, under flow conditions of the (1) is derived as a functional of the dimensionless a
solution, by two conflicting forces, the first is a hydrody-
namic force stemming from the shear flow, and the other
a ¼ c_ =Drot ð2Þ
is thermal originating from Brownian diffusion. c_ is the shear rate in the hydrodynamic laminar flow, and
Boeder [2], is the first to have studied this problem, Drot is a diffusion coefficient for the Brownian rotational
from the theoretical point of view, in the bulk of a flowing motion of the macromolecular rod-like particle. The
number a is then a dimensionless measure for the ratio
* Corresponding authors.
of the shear hydrodynamic flow to the rotational diffusion
E-mail addresses: (A. Hijazi), antoine.khater@univ- coefficient. For a given solvent, different macromolecules (A. Khater). have different values of Drot [3–5]. The shear rate c_ in the

0014-3057/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3410 A. Hijazi, A. Khater / European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 3409–3416

laminar flow of the solutions is in contrast characteristic of found in agreement with the exact analytical solutions of
the hydrodynamic flow conditions. For one and the same the bulk BDE. Furthermore, the assumptions of restitution
macromolecule, low and high a correspond then, respec- were tested experimentally and found valid for micro-
tively, to low and high flow. scopic macromolecular particles [12]. Surface PDF distribu-
Boeder gave a series mathematical solution valid for tions, given as a function of the spatial positions of the
only small values of a, and a Taylor series development centres of mass and of the angular orientations of the mac-
for the high values of a that suffered from the difficulty romolecular rod-like particles, are thus calculated for the
of identifying the necessary boundary conditions. Some physical range of possible values of the restitution.
improvements have been made, first to remove restrictions The simulated surface spatial PDF distributions for
on the cross-sectional areas of such macromolecules, and ideally flat surfaces are consistently concave in the deple-
secondly to be able to consider their rotational diffusion tion layer as is physically expected. For small a i.e. low flow
in three dimensions [6–8], but these efforts have been lim- conditions, these PDF distributions are shown to be the
ited to small values of a. result of a dynamic balance between competing Brownian
The analytical solution of the Boeder Differential Equa- and hydrodynamic diffusive collisions. For large a, the
tion in the bulk has been obtained recently in general in macromolecular particles are shown to be evacuated from
two dimensions, in the plane of the linear flow, for a wide the depletion layer by the dominant hydrodynamic colli-
range of a [9]. Special analytical as well as numerical meth- sions, which effect is consistent with experimental obser-
ods are developed in order to calculate accurately the PDF vations. On the other hand, the numerically simulated
distributions, for all arbitrary values of a. Turbulence ef- surface angular PDF distributions for the depletion layer
fects, however, are known to take place for a P 104, and show marked differences from their bulk counterpart.
the BDE equation ceases to apply in a strict physical sense The purpose of this paper is to perform Boeder Brown-
beyond this value.

ian simulations to examine the angular and spatial Boeder

Furthermore, Brownian 2D simulations have been con- PDF distributions in the vicinity of uneven solid surfaces.
structed to calculate the PDF probability distributions for Theoretical models and experimental interpretations for
macromolecular rod-like particles in a flowing solution surface problems are often restricted to ideally flat surfaces
near ideally flat solid surfaces, in open and bounded chan- in a first approximation. This is justified provided the
nels [10–12], for a wide range of a values. probe wavelength is much greater than the standard devi-
For rod-like macromolecules in the solution, the ation of surface uneven heights for a given surface
Brownian and hydrodynamic shear forces give rise to diffu- topography.
sive collisions with the solid surface boundary. There is, From a nanoscopic perspective a perfectly smooth solid
however, very little information available in the literature surface does not exist [16–19]. Surfaces can be naturally
concerning the nature and dynamics of these diffusive col- rough, due to growth, fracture, or erosion. And regardless
lisions. An analytical solution in the depletion region, com- of the efforts to reduce the surface roughness during prep-
parable to that in the bulk, is hence too complex since the aration, it is impossible to totally eliminate this at different
mathematical problem of the collisions is intractable. length scales. A number of profiling techniques applied to
In previous simulations which attempt to treat this par- the finest optical surfaces [20,21], are capable of measuring
ticular problem, two algorithms have been tested [13]. The surface nanometer roughness. Ref. [16] gives the topogra-
so-called naive algorithm treats these collisions by ignor- phy of a rough solid surface with large microscopic inho-
ing them, where if a particle should penetrate the solid sur- mogeneities reconstructed using optical correlation
face the corresponding simulation configuration is not diagnostics, as in Fig. 1.
accepted. A second improved algorithm begins by estimat- Uneven surfaces manifest themselves also under other
ing the random time at which a collision takes place during categories. Of particular interest are the manufactured grat-
a simulation time step with the use of a complicated time ing surfaces important for a variety of applications [22–27].
bisection procedure. The particle is then left in the collision Advanced technical methods allow one effectively to endow
configuration when it gets to it, with one extremity touch- surfaces with specific, regular patterns down to the nano-
ing the surface, until a random event allows it to move meter scale [28,29]. Ref. [23] gives, for example, the topogra-
away in the remainder of the simulation time step. The phy of a surface grating with characteristic spatial
simulation results of this algorithm are dependent on the dimensions that characterize its unevenness, as in Fig. 2.
choice of the time step leading to different results for dif- In the present paper we examine specifically the simula-
ferent time steps. There is a literature on Brownian dynam- tions of the Boeder PDF distributions for the rod-like macro-
ics simulations of polymer solutions [14,15], although this molecular particles, in the neighborhood of the uneven
is outside the scope of the present study. surfaces as the grating and the random rough. The paper is
To circumvent the problem encountered in Ref. [13], organized as follows. In Section 2, the geometry and the
and another which arises due to the absence of detailed model are introduced and the basic elements of the simula-
knowledge of the physical nature of the diffusive collisions tions are presented. In Section 3, the calculated PDF distribu-
at the solid boundaries, mechanical restitution was intro- tions for the uneven surfaces are analyzed and compared to
duced for Brownian and the hydrodynamic collisions, in the PDF distributions for a flat solid surface. It is shown that
order to develop an algorithm for the these collisions at the surface unevenness strongly modifies the flat surface
an ideally flat solid surface boundary [10,11]. The formal- PDF distributions. Further, these distributions are distinct
ism for surface simulations is developed in a similar man- signatures for each type of uneven surface, and the corre-
ner to that for bulk simulations, which results have been sponding depletion layer is modified with respect to flat sur-
A. Hijazi, A. Khater / European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 3409–3416 3411

Fig. 1. A typical topography of a rough solid surface at the microscopic scale, from Ref. [16].

Fig. 2. A typical topography of a grating solid surface at the microscopic scale, from Ref. [23].

face results. It is seen that these PDF distributions are char- boundary this translation diffusion contributes to deter-
acteristic of the unevenness of the solid boundary. mining the displacement of the particles from the bulk
towards the depletion layer and vice versa. Brownian diffu-
sion comprises hence both rotation and translation diffu-
2. The model algorithm for simulations sion in the neighbourhood of solid boundaries, and for
relatively low concentrations of the particles it is possible
In this section, we present the model for numerical to treat the diffusive collisions arising from both processes
simulations. The notion of restitution is developed to separately.
develop an algorithm for the diffusive collisions of the Since, the detailed nature of the collisions is quite com-
macromolecular particles with the uneven grating and plex, we introduce the notion of mechanical restitution for
the random rough surfaces. The joint PDF distributions, both Brownian and hydrodynamic collisions. These colli-
P(h, n), are calculated as a function of the angular orienta- sions take place in the algorithm following, respectively,
tions h of the macromolecular particles and the normalized a Brownian or a hydrodynamic bulk movement that brings
distance of their center of mass n, measured from a refer- a macromolecular extremity into contact with the solid
ence plane at the boundary. The solution is considered sta- surface boundary. They are distinguished physically by
tionary in contact with the uneven solid surface boundary, treating the Brownian collision as due to a Brownian ran-
and the shear rate field c_ is assumed to be uniform beyond dom event following which the macromolecule should
the uneven topography. come away from the surface in an equally random manner;
For the dynamics of the macromolecular particles, zc in this sense a surface Brownian collision intercedes across
shall denote the distance that separates their centre of the same random Brownian movement. The hydrodynamic
mass from a chosen reference plane in the boundary. In collision in contrast is caused by the laminar flow before
the bulk it is possible to neglect the Brownian translation and after such a collision; in this sense a surface hydrody-
diffusion, since this has no statistical incidence on the namic collision intercedes across the causal flow, forma-
angular PDF distributions, P(h). However, near a surface lised by the turning of the macromolecular rod-like about
3412 A. Hijazi, A. Khater / European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 3409–3416

its extremity after the hydrodynamic collision. Two inde- A generalized Brownian random variable, Dzc,tr is intro-
pendent restitution coefficients, e and e0 , are then consid- duced that displaces the particle in either sense normal to
ered to describe, respectively, the Brownian and hydrody the reference plane in the boundary. The ambiguities aris-
namic collisions. The two restitution coefficients, are both ing from the arbitrary simulation time steps are eliminated
defined on a [0, 1] measure interval, as detailed next. in order to derive an expression for Dzc,tr = zc(n + 1)zc(n)
The collisions algorithm is constructed next over a as a function of the simulation variable Dh = h(n + 1)h(n).
sequence of events, named n, ncollision, n + 1, for a collision In the case when a random translation Brownian diffusion
arising due to translation diffusion. Note that n denotes event brings one of the extremities of the rod-like molecu-
the event before collision, and n + 1 the event after colli- lar particle into collision with the surface, we may write
sion and that near a surface boundary the extremities need that
to be identified in order to distinguish and follow the col-
lisions of one or the other with the surface boundary. To zc ðn þ 1Þ ¼ zcollision þ e½zc ðnÞ  zcollision 
illustrate this see Fig. 3a for the case of the grating surface zcollision ¼ L=2 j sin hðnÞ j þbran ð0; 1Þ ð4Þ
and rod-like particle. Without loss of generality we con-
sider the grating spacing and the periodic microstructure L=2 sin hðnÞ j is the touch distance of the centre of mass of
to be of equal lengths, namely a. The height of the micro- the particle from a reference plane, here considered to be
structure is b, and L is the common length of the rod-like the base plane for a grating surface. For such a periodic
macromolecules. It is assumed that grating surface, the algorithm element ran(0,1) is consid-
ered as a purely random integer that is either 0 or 1, with
b < L << a ð3Þ equal probabilities. The touch angle for the present
This is a general condition applying for macromolecules of sequence is h(n) = h(n + 1). This sequence determines Dzc,tr,
variable lengths provided they scale following Eq. (3). whereas the next event beyond n + 1, moves the particle

In a given simulation sequence for a Brownian transla- into other accessible configurations.
tion diffusion, the limiting case e = 0 corresponds to stick- The Brownian rotation diffusion that brings one of the
ing, whereas e = 1 corresponds to the restitution of the extremities of the particle into collision with the boundary
macromolecular particle to its previous position. The resti- may be characterized in a comparable manner. In this case
tution coefficient satisfies in general the conditions zc(n + 1) = zc(n) is the touch distance of the centre of mass
0 6 e 6 1, and the simulations are investigated for different from the reference plane, and we have the rotation algo-
possibilities. rithm for collisions as

b L/2 - b ran(0,1) - Zc(n)


2D profile of
rough surface
Variable height = Zc(n) θ (n+1)
b ran(0,1)

Fig. 3. Basic algorithm elements for the collision configurations of the rod-like macromolecular particles with a grating surface in Fig. 3a, and with a rough
surface in Fig. 3b.
A. Hijazi, A. Khater / European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 3409–3416 3413

hðn þ 1Þ ¼ hcollision  e j hðnÞ  hcollision j Z c ðn þ 1Þ ¼ L=2 þ b ranð0; 1Þ

hcollision ¼j arcsinf2½zc ðnÞ  branð0; 1Þg=L j ð5Þ hðn þ 1Þ ¼ 3p=4 ð6Þ
The choice of plus or minus sign in Eq. (5) depends on In the present analysis the collisions arising due to the
which of the two extremities collides with the solid hydrodynamic flow are characterized in the numerical
boundary. simulations by different values of e0 . The algorithm for
To construct an algorithm for the hydrodynamic colli- hydrodynamic restitution after a collision may be then
sions we use an independent restitution coefficient, e0 , over written in general for the position and orientation as
the acceptable range 0 6 e0 6 1, [10,11]. For the limiting case
e0 = 0, the rod-like particle is supposed to slide maintaining Z c ðn þ 1Þ ¼ zc ðnÞ þ e0½L=2 þ b ranð0; 1Þ  zc ðnÞ
its touch configuration, whereas e0 = 1 corresponds to its hðn þ 1Þ ¼j arcsinf2½zc ðn þ 1Þ  b ranð0; 1Þg=L j ð7Þ
rotation under the influence of the flow into a maximum
turning angle before losing contact with the solid boundary. The algorithm presented in Eqs. (4)–(7) is also applied to
Both of these limiting cases have been investigated in a pre- random rough surfaces. In this case the algorithm element
vious work, [12], where the theoretical model and the resti- 0 6 ran(0,1) 6 1 is, however, treated as a random real num-
tution assumption is checked experimentally for dilute ber having equally probable values between 0 and 1, over
solutions of microscopic rod-like fibers. The maximum turn- the interval [0, 1]. Such purely random rough surfaces
ing angle has been identified as 3p/4. It is then possible to are rare, because rough surfaces often present surface cor-
introduce the following condition in the algorithm for e0 = 1 relations with Gaussian profiles. Nevertheless, the present

a periodic grating surface α =2. e=0.5
P(ξ ) normalized


0.002 e'=0

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

b periodic grating surface α =50. e=0.5


P(ξ) normalized


0.002 e'=0.5

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 4. Typical simulation results, for a surface grating, for the normalized PDF P(n), folded over the orientations, as a function of the normalized distance, n,
of the centre of mass of the macromolecular rod-like particles, measured from the reference plane. The P(n) are calculated in the depletion layer in the
vicinity of the surface grating, for a fixed choice of the restitution coefficient e = 0.5, and for variable e0 , at conditions of relatively low flow, a = 2, in Fig. 4a,
and of relatively high flow, a = 50, in Fig. 4b, for comparison.
3414 A. Hijazi, A. Khater / European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 3409–3416

application of the model to such surfaces is useful to test algorithm condition b << L, and go through N = 108 events
the algorithm. per Monte Carlo simulation run.
In Fig. 3b the algorithm scheme of the diffusive colli- In Fig. 4, are presented, for the surface grating, typical
sions of the rod-like particles with an uneven surface is simulation results for the joint normalized PDF P(n), folded
presented, for random rough surfaces. The reference plane over the orientations, as a function of the normalized dis-
is a flat plane that corresponds to the base line in Fig. 3b. tance of the centre of mass of the macromolecular rod-like
Further, we assume that successive diffusive collisions particles, n, from the reference base plane. The P(n) are cal-
with the uneven surface are independent of surface topo- culated, for a fixed choice of the Brownian restitution
graphic correlations, for the choice of b and L. This assump- e = 0.5, and for variable hydrodynamic restitutions e0 = 0,
tion, however, is not applicable when the length of the 0.5, and 1, at conditions of low hydrodynamic flow, a = 2,
macromolecular particle is comparable to the mean height in Fig. 4a, and high flow, a = 50, in Fig. 4b. The first obser-
of the uneven surface, for which b P L, when both lateral vation is the existence of effectively two depletion layers,
and normal correlations of the uneven surface, become the first in the interval 0 6 n 6 0.5, as for an ideally flat sur-
important. face, and the second in the interval 0.5 6 n 6 0.5 + 2b /L.
This is a new effect absent from the case of an ideally flat
surface. It may be readily understood in terms of the
3. Simulation results and conclusions cumulative effects of the collisions of the rod-like particles
relative to the reference plane between the grating ele-
The numerical simulations are applied next for two ments, and to the height of the grating elements above
uneven surfaces types, the periodic grating and random the reference plane. Note that P(n) is consistently concave
rough. We consider in general that b = L/10 to satisfy the in the total depletion layer, with pinning at n = 0.5, and that

a 0.005
random rough surface α =15

P(ξ) normalized


0.002 e=e'=0

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
random rough surface α=100

P(ξ) normalized


0.001 e=e'=1

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 5. Typical simulation results, for a rough surface, for the normalized PDF P(n), folded over the orientations, as a function of the normalized distance, n, of
the centre of mass of the macromolecular rod-like particles, measured from the reference plane. The P(n) are calculated in the depletion layer in the vicinity
of the rough surface, for variable values of e = e0 , at conditions of relatively medium flow, a = 15, in Fig. 5a, and of relatively high flow, a = 100, in Fig. 5b, for
A. Hijazi, A. Khater / European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 3409–3416 3415

flat surface
grating surface
α=0. e=0. e'=0
random rough surface



P(ξ ) normalized 0.0025





0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 6. A comparison of simulation results for the PDF P(n), under identical conditions, for the flat, grating and rough surfaces, where the normalized n is
measured from a common reference plane. The P(n) are calculated for a stationary liquid, a = 0, and for e = e0 = 0.

it decreases with increasing a. This is expected and is due is to compare under the same conditions the results for
to the hydrodynamic flow which tends to evacuate the par- three different surfaces. It is seen that the differences
ticles with increasing a. in the PDFs are significantly enhanced in the depletion
In Fig. 5, are presented, for the random rough surface, layer under certain restitution conditions. The normal-
typical simulation results for the joint normalized PDF ized n is measured from a common reference plane for
P(n). This is calculated for variable values of the Brownian all three surfaces.
and hydrodynamic restitutions, e = e0 = 0, 0.5, and 1, at In Fig. 7 we present simulation results for the normal-
conditions of medium flow, a = 15, in Fig. 5a, and high flow, ized PDF P(h), folded over the distances, n, of the centre
a = 100, in Fig. 5b. It is observed that the rough surface of mass of the particles in the depletion layer of the grat-
washes away the trace of the two distinct depletion layers ing surface, as a function of the orientations, h, measured
observed in the previous case of a periodic grating surface. with respect to the reference angle h = 0 parallel to the
For a random rough surface the depletion layer is effec- flow. The P(h) PDF are calculated, for the variable condi-
tively a single homogeneous layer over the entire interval tions of low hydrodynamic flow, a = 0, 2, 6, for
0 6 n 6 0.5 + 2b /L. The second observation concerns the e = e0 = 0.5 in Fig. 7a, and for e = e0 = 1 in Fig. 7b. As ex-
concavity of the PDF P(n), in the depletion layer, for differ- pected these P(h) PDF are symmetric with a maximum
ent e and e0 . For the medium hydrodynamic flow, a = 15, about the reference angle h = 0, for a stationary liquid
P(n) is convex for e = e0 = 0 and as such is the inverse of at rest. It is interesting to note that the P(h) PDF are
the concavity for e = e0 – 0. The convex character is modi- asymmetric with increasing flow a – 0. In particular
fied for the high hydrodynamic flow, a = 100, for which the peak displaces with increasing a in a monotonic
conditions the differences between the individual PDF manner for full restitution e = e0 = 1, but has a varying
P(n), for different e = e0 – 0, also become amplified. This behaviour for partial restitution e = e0 = 0.5.
P(n) signature corresponds to a greater probability of find- In this paper we have presented a model for numerical
ing the rod-like particles in the depletion layer for simulations to determine the angular and spatial Boeder
e = e0 = 0, as compared to the situation for e = e0 – 0. Note PDF probability distributions for macromolecular rod-like
that a critical nc1.3 signals the departure of the concavity particles under equilibrium dynamics of Brownian motion,
in one sense and another, which value is evidently charac- hydrodynamic flow and diffusive collisions at uneven solid
teristic of the random rough surface at low hydrodynamic surface boundaries. The simulation results indicate that
flow. This signals for low Brownian and hydrodynamic res- such surfaces have characteristic depletion layers and
titutions the build up of the rod-like particles in the deple- characteristic PDF probability distributions, different from
tion layer near the rough surface when sticking collision those for ideally flat surface boundaries.
events are allowed for e = e0 = 0. Furthermore, it is demon-
strated that the Brownian and hydrodynamic restitution Acknowledgments
effects are of comparable magnitude for low flow condi-
tions, whereas the hydrodynamic restitution dominates Antoine Khater wishes to thank Luc Barbier, Bernard
for high flow conditions. Salanon, and the Service de Physique et Chimie des
Fig. 6 presents the simulation results for the PDF P(n), Surfaces et des Interfaces of the Commissariat à l’Energie
for a solution at rest, a = 0, and for the Brownian and Atomique (CEA), Saclay, France, for their support during
hydrodynamic restitutions e = e0 = 0. The purpose here his visit.
3416 A. Hijazi, A. Khater / European Polymer Journal 44 (2008) 3409–3416

a grating surface e=0.5. e'=0.5

0.010 α=2
α =6

P(ξ) normalized




-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80

b 0.014 grating surface e=1. e'=1


0.012 α =0
0.010 α =6
P(ξ) normalisée





-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80

Fig. 7. Typical simulation results for the normalized PDF P(h), folded over the distances of the centre of mass of the macromolecular rod-like particles in the
depletion layer of the grating surface, as a function of the orientations, h, measured with respect to the reference angle h = 0 parallel to the flow. The P(h), are
calculated, for the variable conditions of the relatively low flow, a = 0, 2, 6, for e = e0 = 0.5 in Fig. 7a, and for e = e0 = 1 in Fig. 7b, for comparison.

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