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Remote Work Checklist

Create your space

Find an area in your home that is free of distractions. Make sure it’s somewhere
you can be comfortable. Keep essential supplies like pens, notepads, and sticky
notes in your area. If possible, invest in an ergonomic chair.

Create a daily to-do list

Before starting your day, create a realistic to-do list of tasks you can complete
and allocate time for each one.

Maintain lines of communication

Stay in regular contact with your colleagues, whether by phone, webcam, text
Message, or email. Say hello in the morning and say goodbye when signing off for
the day. Exchange ideas, learn from each other, and share successes.

Embrace video conferencing

Information can get lost in translation through text messages and emails. Utilize
video conference technology to have face-to-face interactions. There are many
tools that also provide screen-sharing, chat features, voting analytics, and more.

Establish work-life boundaries

Set a time to end working each day and stick to it. Put your devices away for
The evening and resist the temptation to periodically check emails. Give
yourself time to relax, unwind, and recharge.

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