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4th Sunday of Advent

INTROIT (Isaiah 45: 8) • Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain the Just: let
the earth be opened and bud forth a Savior. Vs. (Ps. 18: 2) The heavens show forth the glory of God: and
the firmament declareth the work of His hands. Vs. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

5f’’ 2p’ ’ ’ ’3p’ ’ ’ ’ 5w===========’’ 6p===’5p=’ ’ ’ 5p’5.==|=’ 5w=============’’ =’ 4p’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 2p’ ’ ’ =’ ’3p’3.========||=’ =========’==
R o- rá- te, coeli, dé- su- per, et nubes plu- ant jus- tum :

5f==’’ ’5w============’6p=’ ’ ’ 5p’5.==|’ ’ ’ 5w===’’ ’ ’ ===========’’===’’ 4p’ ’ ’ ’2p’ ’ ’ ’ 3p’3. ’=====||=================================’’

aperiátur ter- ra, et gérminet Sal- va- tó- rem.

5f===’’ ’ ’ =====’’5w==============’’ =’ ’ ’ ’ ======’’ ’ ’ 6p=’ ’5p’5.==|=’ ’5w===================================================’

Vs. Coeli enárrant glóriam De- i : et ópera mánuum ejus annúntiat

5f===’’ ’ ’ ’ =’ ’ ’ 4p’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 2p’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 3p’3. ’ ’ =====||=============================================================’========’’

fir- ma- mén- tum.

5f====’’ - ’ ==’’- =’ 5w============-- - - - - - - - - ’6p- ’ -’ 5p’ ’ -5p’5.===|===-5w============’’4p===’’2p======’’3p’3.======||==================’’

Vs. Gló- ri- a Patri, et Fí- li- o, et Spirítu- i San- cto.

5f==-’ ==5w=====================-===================’’ -6p===-- - ’ 5p’5.===|===5w=====================================’=’

Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et sem- per, et in saécula

5f==-’ ============’4p======2p=====3p’3.====||===================================================================-
sæculó- rum. A- men.

5f’’ ====’’2p’ ’ ’ ’ 3p’ ’ ’ ’5w===========’’ 6p===’’5p=’ ’ ’ 5p’5.==|=’ ’ 5w==========’’ ’ ’ ’ ’ =4p’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 2p’ ’ ’ =’ ’3p’3.========||=’ ==========’===’’====’’
Ro- rá- te, coeli, dé- su- per, et nubes plu- ant jus- tum :

5f==’’ ’5w============’6p=’ ’ ’ 5p’5.==|’ ’ ’ 5w===’’ ’ ’ ===========’’===’’ 4p’ ’ ’ ’2p’ ’ ’ ’ 3p’3. ’=====||=================================’’

aperiátur ter- ra, et gérminet Sal- va- tó- rem.
GRADUAL (Ps. 144: 18, 21) • The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him: to all that call upon
Him in truth. Vs. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: and let all flesh bless His Holy Name.

5f’’ ’ 2p=’ ’ ’ 3p’ ’ ’5w============’’ =3p’3.==+=’’5w’ ’ ’=======================’’ ’ 6p’ ’ ’ 5p’5.===|’ ’ ’ 5w====’===============

P ro- pe est Dómi- nus ómnibus invocántibus e- um : ómnibus qui

5f==========’==================’’ =’ 4p’ ’ ’ 2p’ ’ ’ ’3p’3.=========||=========================’’ =’ ’ ’===’’ ===================

ínvocant eum in ve- ri- tá- te.

5f==========5w======’’ ’===’’ =====================’’==’’ 6p’ ’ ’ 5p’5.===|’ ’ ’ 5w========================’’ ==================’

Vs. Laudem Dómini loquétur os me- um : et benedícat omnis caro nomen

5f==========’’ ’ 4p’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 2p’ ’ ’ ’3p’=3. ===’’ ==||====’’ ===================================================================

sanc- tum e- jus.

ALLELUIA • Alleluia, alleluia.

Vs. Come, O Lord, and tarry not: forgive the sins of Thy people Israel. Alleluia.

5f’’ =2p==’-3p==’=5w=====-- -=’ =’ =’ 6p=’ ’ 5p’5.=’ =’ |=====’5w=========================’’ 4p’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 2p’ ’ ’ ’ 3p’3.=====||========’’

A l- le- lúja, alle- lú- ja. Vs. Veni, Dómine, et noli tar- dá- re:

5f===’’ ’5w========’’ =========’==========’’ =’ =6p=’ ’ ’ 5p’ ’ ’ 5p’5.=’ |==5p==’’ =’4p’ ’ ’ ’2p’ ’ ’ 3p’3.======||=============================
reláxa facínora plebis tuæ Is- ra- ël. Al- le- lú- ja.

OFFERTORY (Luke 1: 28) • Hail Mary, full of grace: the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among
women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

5f’’ 2p’ ’=’ ’ 3p’ ’ ’ ’ 5w=================6p=’ ’ ’ 5p’5.=’=|===’’ ’ ’ =====’’ ’4p’ ’ ’ ’ 2p’ ’ ’ ’ 3p’3.=’======||=====================
a ve, María, gratia ple- na; Dómi- nus te- cum :

5f==’’=’ ’ 5w=======================’’=’6p=’ ’ 5p’ ’ ’ ’ 5p’5.==|==’=’ 5w’ ’ =====’’==================’’========’4p’ ’ ’ ’ 2p’ ’ ’3p’3.=’====||====’

benedícta tu in muli- é- ri- bus, et benedíctus fructus ven- tris tu- i.
COMMUNION (Isaiah 7: 14) • Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son: and His name shall
be called Emmanuel.

5f’’ ’ ’2p=’ ’ ’3p=’ ’ ’ 5w=====-- -=’ -==================’=’6p=’ ’ 5p’ ’ 5p’5.===|=’ 5w==’’================================

E c- ce, Virgo concípiet et páriet fí- li- um : et vocábitur nomen ejus

5f==-’ 4p’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’2p’ ’ ’ ’ 3p==’’3p’3.========||==============’=============’========’=============’========’=============’=

Em- má- nu- el.

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