Main Assignment: Final Proposal: COURSE: GRAP2411 Visual Language

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COURSE: GRAP2411 Visual Language


Group: 1

Thai Thi Anh Thy S3184292

Dao Thi Phuong Anh S3220793

RMIT University
Bachelor of communication
December 2008, Semester C
This picture shows one kind of insurance we provide: Medical Healthcare Insurance. It can be
seen that in the Red Cross- which represents to the medicine and health, there are many
umbrellas that some of them have similar shape and moving in the same direction. Instead of
drawing the normal Red Cross, we transplant the pink and red umbrellas to contribute it. By
using the Gestalt-common fate and Iconic sign (the Red Cross), we want to change an ordinary
image of Red Cross so that the audiences can have a new look about the new one and
remember that our company includes this service.

This photo, which includes five small different others focuses on the people who use umbrella.
Those pictures have been taken in the morning, which are proven by the brightness of umbrella
users, then were fixed so as to make the background of these people becomes darker. The
plastic art could be listed and interpreted:
Salience: to emphasise on the people who use umbrella, we put them in the black and white
background so that the eyes direction will immediately focus on them.
Balance: all of them are balance: balance by colour, fore ground and position to create the
harmony of the whole pictures
Colour and brightness: the use of colour and brightness are the most important thing to mention.
The out standing colours are pink, white, blue and green which make the principal items more
salient and bring the peaceful and safe feeling to the audiences.
On the whole, this photo carries our message: “Each person lives in different life and no one
can predict what will happen to them. However, for those who use our service, they are more
protective and safely than the others. The umbrella symbolizes to our presence, protection and
help. We are always with you and you know you need us”

Another kind of picture in the art exhibition- a series picture- will tells audiences the story of a
person. Again, the coloured contrast continues to be exploited to make people focus on the
umbrella. Everything, except the umbrella, is in black. Even though there is no emotion in
people’s faces, but audiences still get it through the change of the sky colour: from the early
morning to the evening; and the growth of tree also. It is our purpose, by using the symbol
(growing tree, umbrella) and colour effect; we create a story to present the life insurance in our
In this series, they can perceive that this girl had bought the life insurance when she was a
child, through the image of umbrella. Then she grew up, get married, this umbrella followed her
and finally, when she rested in peace, this umbrella still besides her husband. Its interpretation
can be translated: Life goes on for your beloved, so buying our insurance is a kind of showing
your care to them, even when you are not by their sides.

Based on the same concept and interpretation of the previous picture, we create another story.
This picture again uses the same plastic art as the third one to make audiences know exactly
what it mean and the responsibility we will take. However, this picture is partly different from the
previous. Although people are still in black, but they are salient in the background and attract
the look of readers. People perceive the meaning and emotion of the picture by their gesture
and the colour of the background.
This is the story about one happy family in which the umbrella appears at the very first picture to
imply that the man of this family has bought this insurance. One day, he has accident and gone,
left his family in this world. But in the final picture, this umbrella again appeared as a protection
for his family. Although we can not protect you totally from accidence, we can help you to relieve
somewhat your sorrow.

The final photo is created to present our last service: educational insurance. In this picture, the
graduated students tossed their hats to the sky. However, their images are blur, becomes a
background for these umbrellas. We transplant them along with these hats, to make a concept
that by using our educational insurance, you will feel safety and guarantee for your education
because “Your success, our pride”.
Once again, the balance fore ground is used to make those umbrellas are salient and they also
show themselves in a kind of dynamic- things actually to be in motion- moving with these hats to
set in audiences’ mind that our images are a part of your success.

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