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CS 652 2020 2nd Semester

CS 652 Assignment

Extended Microwave Oven Software Product Line

During this course, we applied the concepts that we learned on the Microwave Oven Software Product
Line case study. In this assignment, you are asked to extend the various designs that we developed for
this case study to support new requirements as follows:

1. The extended software product line (SPL) must support new languages: Chinese and

2. Optionally, some products in this SPL can also Cook Food Automatically at Future Time of Day.
In these products:

a) the user places the food inside the microwave oven.

b) the system prompts the user to enter a future time of day.
c) the user enters a future time of day (at which cooking should be started).
d) the system prompts the user to enter the cooking time.
e) the user enters the cooking time.
f) the system starts cooking the food automatically at the specified time of day and
for the specified cooking time duration as usual.

Note: Cook Food Automatically at Future Time of Day requires the TOD feature.

3. Optionally, products with the Recipe feature can download new recipes from the Internet. To
download new recipes:
a) the user presses the Download Recipes button.
b) the system connects to an external server and retrieves the available recipes list.
c) the system displays the recipes list to the user.
d) the user selects one of the recipes to download.
e) the system downloads the recipe and then displays a message indicating that the
recipe has been downloaded.
The recipe becomes available for selection as stated in the Cook Food with Recipe use case.
CS 652 2020 2nd Semester

Answer the following questions by using the concepts you learned in this course:

Part 1: Requirements Modeling

A. Extend the Use Case diagram for the Microwave Oven Software Product Line to support the new

B. Provide the description of new use cases in the extended Use Case diagram. In addition,
describe how the description of existing use cases need to be changed to satisfy the new

C. Extend the feature model for the Microwave Oven Software Product Line to support the new

D. Extend the Feature/Use Case dependency table based on your previous answers.

Part 2: Analysis Modeling

A. Revise the class diagram of the Microwave Oven Software Product Line to show the required
changes to support the new features.

B. Develop new communication diagrams for the new use cases in part 1.A. In addition, show the
impact of the new features on existing communication diagrams.

C. Extend the parametrized statechart executed by the Microwave Control object to support the
new features.

Part 3: Design Modeling

A. Develop a concurrent communication diagram showing the message communication patterns

used for new messages between objects.

B. Develop a component-based software architecture for the extended Microwave Oven Software
Product Line.
CS 652 2020 2nd Semester

Important Notes:

• The due date for assignment submission is April 16 at 11:59pm. No further extensions can be
given. There will be -10% deduction for each late day beyond the submission deadline.
• This assignment is an individual effort (no groups are allowed).
• You can use either a tool (such as Visio) to generate the various UML diagrams or your
handwriting. If you use your handwriting, please make sure that it is clear and readable.
• Your extended models should not violate any previous requirements and features in the original
case study.
• Clearly state any assumptions you make in your designs. In addition, the assumptions that the
you make should not violate any explicit requirements given in the assignment instructions.

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