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Names:____________________, ______________________, ____________________, ____________________

Scavenger Hunt

Teacher’s Initial’s

1. _________ Honey bee

2. _________ Monocot

3. _________ Dicot

4. _________ Sporophyte of a non-vascular plant

5. _________ Archegonium of a gymnosperm

6. _________ Antheridium of a dicot

7. _________ Male cone

8. _________ Palmate simple leaf

9. _________ Pinnate simple leaf

10. _________ Foraging animal

11. _________ Migratory animal

12. _________ The contents of phloem

13. _________ Seed

14. _________ Seedless vascular plant

15. _________ Nonvascular plant

16. _________ Site of photosynthesis

17. _________ Pollen

18. _________ Secondary consumer

19. _________ Altruist

20. _________ Symbiotic relationship

21. _________ heterotroph

22. _________autotroph

23. _________something that ends in –mycotes

24. _________a Bryophyte

25. _________an invertebrate

Please use the chart below to remind yourself what to look for when you get outside.

Honeybee How do you differentiate a honeybee from other bees?

Monocot List 4 qualities of a monocot

Dicot List 4 qualities of a dicot

Sporophyte of a non-vascular Define and give examples

Archegonium of a gymnosperm Define and List examples

Antheridium of a dicot Define and list examples

Male cone What do they look like? How do you recognize them? Where do they

Palmate simple leaf Draw one

Pinnate simple leaf Draw one

Foraging animal What does foraging mean? List 4 examples you might find in the

Migratory animal How will you recognize migration?

The contents of phloem What is phloem and where might you find it?
Seed Where is the seed in a plant?

Seedless vascular plant What is another name for it?

Nonvascular plant What are some examples?

Site of photosynthesis Where does photosynthesis occur?

Pollen Where do you find pollen?

Secondary consumer List 4 examples you might find in the quad.

Altruist What is altruism? List 4 examples you might find in the quad.

Symbiotic Relationship Examples? List 4 examples you might find in the quad.

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