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Project Proposal

Academic Year 2009/2010

Candidate Details

Index No: R070349

Name of candidate: ASELA SHALINDA JAGODA
Address: 15/200, Asiri Mawatha, Siddamulla, Piliyandala.
Contact telephone numbers: 0112848772 / 0718320113

Supervisor Details

Supervisor 1 (IT Related) Supervisor 2 (Optional)

Mr. P. T. G. Perera

Designation President - FITP

Workplace address FITP

439/1 D,
Hokandara Road,

Academic/ B Sc., M Sc., B Mus.,

professional/ MBCS, MACS: MIDPM, M
Biol., MIAP
Work experience : 23 Years in IT field

Phone number/s

Note: Any deviation of the final project from the project described in this proposal should
be explained by the candidate in the dissertation.

Project Details

Title of Project:

Mobile Hotel Reservation System

Name and address of client:

Not Specified

Motivation for project:

To prepare an assignment for the project which has to be presented at the end of the final year in
Bachelor of Information Technology degree program, conducted by the University of Colombo
School Of Computing.
Develop a Hotel Reservation System which will be able to communicate with a mobile phone, and
a booking can be performed going ahead of the present on line booking systems available.

Objectives and scope of proposed project:

• Enhance the existing Hotel Reservation System with a set of common features to the
reservation process of a hotel, introducing new trends and technologies in IT.
• Define and develop a mobile interface to the Hotel reservation System.
• Making a Hotel Reservation System more user friendly and available for the common user.

Critical functionalities for project:

• Ability to book a hotel over the mobile phone.

• A cut down on the paper work in the reservation process.

Itemized list of deliverables of the system:

Note: Deliverables are items that you would deliver to the client at the end of the project.

• Working System
• Software CD
• User Manuals and System Details

Work breakdown structure for project (include the work involved in system
development as well as writing the dissertation):

1. Hotel Reservation System
1. Initialization
I. Preliminary study
II. Literature review
III. Prepare the draft version of Introduction chapter of the dissertation

2. Requirements specification
I. Identify user and system requirements
II. Analyzing and formalizing requirements
III. Validating requirements
IV. Prepare the draft version of Analysis chapter of the dissertation

3. System design
I. System design
II. Database design
III. Interface design
IV. Get client’s feedback on interfaces and designed processes
V. Update interfaces and designed processes with the feedback
VI. Prepare the draft version of Design chapter of the dissertation

4. Development
I. Database Implementation
II. System Development ( Coding ) – Module by module
III. Integrating modules
IV. Get client’s feedback on integrated modules (rough system)
V. Update the rough system according to the feedback
VI. Prepare the draft version of Implementation chapter of the dissertation

5. Testing and debugging

I. Create test plan
II. Design test case
III. Unit testing
IV. Integration testing
V. System testing
VI. Testing the system with the client himself
VII. Update the system according to client feedback
VIII. Prepare the draft version of Evaluation chapter of dissertation

6. Documentation
I. Prepare the User Manual for the system

7. Completion of the Final Dissertation

Resource requirements for project (e.g., hardware, software,...):

Hardware – a mobile device supporting JVM (Java Virtual Machine) for client device, a
computer to implement the web server to run web services, a computer to implement the database
server to maintain data.

Software – MySql(for database server), JVM (Java Virtual Machine), Software on the web
server to provide the service, Other third party software for development.

Proposed way of evaluating the success of your system:

• A mobile client can login and reserve a Hotel room through the system.

• Number of customers who are using the Mobile Reservation System will be recorded
monthly and will be compared against the numbers of the current system.

Gantt Chart

Fe Ap
Jan Mar May Jun Jul Aug Sep
b r

Preliminary Study

Evaluating Current

Identify User

Identify System

Analysis requirements

Formalized requirements

Validate requirements

Broad design

Detail design

Database design

Interface Design

System Design Review

Developing Database

Developing Individual
System Components

Integrating System

Create Test Plan

Design test case

Unit Testing

Integration Testing


System Testing

System Review

Complete User Manual


Complete Final

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