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Tavera page — N Cape Peninsula University of Technology ENGINEERING FACULTY course: NATIONAL DIPLOMA MARITIME STUDIES SUBJECT: MECHANICS OF MACHINES 11 cove: ION 2028 DATE: 49 March 2018 TIME: 120 MIN TOTAL: 70 MARKS = 100% EXAMINER: BM Ntamba Ntamba INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. ‘Add all the relevant information inthe Tite Blocks. Tavera page — ‘ Cape Peninsula University of Technology ENGINEERING FACULTY course: NATIONAL DIPLOMA MARITIME STUDIES SUBJECT: MECHANICS OF MACHINES 11 cone: ION 2028 DATE: 19 March 2018 TIME: 120 MIN TOTAL: 70 MARKS = 100% EXAMINER: BM Ntamba Ntamba INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. ‘Add all the relevant information inthe Tite Blocks. Question 1 [10 marks] The hoist drum has mass 400 kg. Diameter 1.2 m, radius of gyration 600 mm, and ‘experiences a frictional torque of 50 Nm in its bearings. ‘An electric motor drives a winch drum through @ gearbox with overall gear ratio 15, and ficiency 80%. A lit (elevator) of mass 2000 kq is raised by means of a rope wound ‘around the drum. The friction force in the Ift guides is constant at 600N, ‘8. When the drum is raising the lt sat constant velocity of 4 mis, determine ‘+The tension in the rope ‘+The value of Ta, the torque input needed to tum the drum and + The value of T;, the torque input othe gearbox '. When the itis being accelerated upwards at 2.4 mist, determine ‘The value of T, the torque input to the hoist drum. QUESTION 2 [10 marks} Masses of 53 kg & 27 kg are connected by a light inextensible card which passes over a light fctonless pulley. The masses are held at rest. When they are released determine the ‘acceleration ofthe two masses, the tension inthe covd, and the magnitude ofthe change in the forces necessary to support the system QUESTION 3 [10 marks} 1. The figure 1 below shows a boy swinging on a rope, starting at a point higher than A. Consider the folowing distinc forces: ‘2) A downward force of gravity. ») A force exerted by the rope pointing from A to 0, ©) & force in Ue cieetion of tne boy's mation 4) 4. A force pointing from 0 to A, Which ofthe above forces is (are) acting onthe boy when heist postion A? (@) 1 only. (b) 1 and 2. (c) tand 3.3) 1, 2, and 3.(e) 1.3, and 4 Figure 2 2 The accompanying figure 2 shows a fficionless channel in the shape of a segment of a circle with center at “O°. The channel has been anchored fo a {rionless horizontal table top. You are looking down on the table. Forces xetted by the air are nagigible. A balls shot at high speed into the channel at "and exists at". Consider the following distinct forces ‘A downward force of gravity. {A force exerted by the channel pointing from q to O. A force inthe direction of mation. ‘A force pointing from © tog Which of the above forces is (are) acting on the ball when it Is withn the {ictionless channel at position “q? (@) 1 only, (@) 1and3. (@) 1,3, and 4.(b) 1 and2. (@) 1,2, and 3, 3, A1200-g car rounds a curve of radius 67 m banked at an angle of 12°. I tre car is traveling at 95 km/h, wil friction be required? If so, how much and in what sirection? [7] QUESTION 4 [15marks] “The shape of a cycle track at one comers an ac of circle in the horizontal, radius 861m. At What angle to the vertical should the a cyclist lean in order to take the bend at 45 kr, and ‘What is the least coeficent of fiction between the tyres and the tracks so thatthe bicycle ‘will not sides? ‘Another comer has the same radius but is banked at an angle 0 to the horizontal. It's ‘ound that the cycistcan round this comer at 84 karvh whist he and his machine remain at fight angles tothe surface of the track. What is the angle 0? Ifthe coefficient of fiction between the tyres and the track is 0.8, what is the maximum speed at which a motor- cyclist can safely negotiate each comer, and at what angle reiatve tothe surface ofthe road must he lean in each? ‘Question 1 When a cyclist is riding towards West at 20 km per hour, he finds the rain meeting at an angle of 45° withthe vertical. When he rides at 12 km per hour, he meats the rar at an ‘angle of 20° withthe vertical, What isthe actual velocity, n magnitude and direction, of the rain? QUESTION 6 [15 marks] | truck driving at a steady 80 kmh along a straight road, in a tine parallel to a row of telephone poles that are 50 m apart. A boy on the back of the truck is 12 m rom theline of the poles, as they drive. He has a catapult that shoots a stone at 40 mis He decides to shoot the stone to hit the pole D. If helt fy atthe instant he is level with the pole C. 1 Atwhat angle should he fire the stone? . With what velocity wil the stone hit the pole? ‘ What actual distance does the stone travel? Whats the tie taken from the instant of firing tothe stone hiting the pols? Ifthe stone Is fred horizontally from a point 3 m above the flat road way, which is atthe ‘same level as the base ofthe poles, wil the stone sil be inthe air by the time the pole, oF ill thave to bounce first? 7 ANSWER BOOK : Cape Penineula i sity of Technology READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY Book no, —— student number [i [ew ]2 Jo [2 Percentage obtained: SURNAME o> ee EO SAD ye 2) NAME ee ‘SUBJECT MODULE. ‘SUBJECTIMODULE (@9. ECONOMICS 1) _HScHAvi cs ©F MACHWeS TE CODE lew 2ers ‘STUDENT SIGNATURE Ya Marks cbained DATE OF ASSESSMENT__19_Haecu 2ore Seen Se INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS 3 4. Ensure thet you receive the appropiate assessment pape. 2. Ensure that your sumame, nar and student number appear on your book: ie ‘38 The ast page of your answer book maybe used for ough ia werk No pages maybe tom fem the answer book. ‘Yu may not have any unauthorised books, papers or notes in your possession. 5. You are not alowar to halp another student or ty to get hp from anather student, not even to borow someting, 6. You may not creat any deturbances, forinstanca by eating or raking» noo ofan Kind 7. You may not eave the venue before one hour has expired. {8 No-xplanaon of assessment queatons may be asked or sven 9 Unser no crcuntances ay anor bok be eae or removed rom the assessment venue 10. Both ses ofthe pages must be used. 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