Lesson Plan Format Student - Veronica Fox - Subject/Concepts - Art - Grade Level: Kindergarten

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Student___Veronica Fox_______________________________

Subject/Concepts_Art___________ Grade Level: Kindergarten______

1. Standards: (K)2.1 Discuss materials, processes, purposes and learn how artist’s choices are
influenced by culture, time and place. [NS. 4. 3. 2]
o Observable objective: SWBAT Relate to other students and their background.
● Multicultural goal: Promote positive gender, racial, cultural, class and individual identities.
o Observable objective: SWBAT Describe the likeness and differences between another
● Auditory-Visual-Kinesthetic learning styles: Visual learners will get the chance to observe other
students art projects. Auditory learners will get the chance to discusses with other children
about their artwork and Kinesthetic learners will get the chance to express themselves while
creating their art project.
● Gardner's Intelligence: 6. Interpersonal Intelligence

2. Materials:
o Handouts- Children will receive a handout of questions to ask a parent or family
member about their background, culture and traditions.
o Reading- My Family, Your Family by Lisa Ballard.
o Discussion Questions- Each child will ask at least one other student questions about
their culture and background.
o Video- Before the lesson is started the teacher will begin by showing a short video
talking about the definition of a culture and what it entitles.
o Poster board- to hold the materials and to show to classroom.
o Scissors- for cutting.
o Glue- for sticking things onto poster board.
o Natural Geographic Magazines- for children to use and cut stuff out of for their

3. Instruction- learning Process:

● Do First: First begin by introducing yourself to the classroom. Talk about your interests, why
you became a teacher, and where you come from. Then begin to introduce your culture to your
students, such as your background and traditions your family have passed down or traditions you
have made for your own family. Tell them what religion you believe in and if they don't know
what it is, briefly explain. This is where Visual learners will get the chance to observe the
information for themselves.
● Mini-lesson: Second we will read the story, My Family, Your Family by Lisa Ballard
https://youtu.be/l43BjhJeW1g as a group to show examples of diversity. After the story we will
watch a short 4 minute video explaining what culture is to help them get the information they
need to complete their posters. The concept is to allow children to introduce themselves to their
classmates and to allow them to also find out more about themselves and their families
● Guided Practice: The children will receive a handout that has 10 questions asking them about
their background. I will walking around the classroom asking anyone if they need help with a
question that they might not understand and if that child does not know the answer they will be
able to take him that day to ask any parent or family member(s) to get the answers they could not
answer themselves and bring it back the next day.
● Independent Practice: Now it is time for the students to start working on their culture posters.
Give each student plenty of room to be able to write, cut, and glue the information from their
papers onto their poster boards. This is where the Kinesthetic learners will get the chance to
express themselves through their art. I will be readily available walking around the room and
asking if anyone needs help with their posters. After they have had 30 mins to complete all of
their information for their posters and have decorated it we will have 10 mins to ask students who
would like to talk about their posters to the class and allow them the chance to share their stories.
This is where Auditory learners will get the chance to discusses with other children about their
● Exit Slip: At the end of the day when everyone has had a chance to talk about themselves and
their family culture they will choose one student that they would like to ask questions about their
culture and learn more of them on their own. There are 5 questions for the students to see what
they have learned from this project and what they would like to learn more of.

4. Resources (APA Format): Video- Lowery, J. (2017, May 9). Culture Definition: Lesson for kids.
Retrieved November 25, 2018 from https://study.com/academy/lesson/culture-definition-lesson-

Parent Questions- Feet, S. (2015, May 12). Cultural Interview Questions. Retrieved November 25, 2018,
from https://www.scribd.com/doc/15562562/Cultural-Interview-Questions

5. Reflection:

1.What specific subject concepts, skills, applications etc. does the student achieve for the
identified grade level?
o With this project the students will be practicing scissor skills, self expression, and
individuality. They are showing these skill with the cutting out of the geographic
magazines, allowing to show other students who they are through their decorating
of their posters and seeing that even though we aren't so different we are also not
the same.
2.What specific multicultural knowledge, skills, etc. Has the student achieved?
o They are achieving multicultural skills by finding out more about themselves and
their family such as their background, their heritage. religion. traditions. and beliefs.
They are also achieving this through open discussion of other cultures and families in
their classroom. They will also be able to see from other points of views and learn to
except the differences that others will have.

3.Assess the level of student engagement and active learning for the lesson strategies selected for the
“Instruction-learning process?
o Student engagement and active learning is very present in the instruction learning process.
This assignment is very hands on for each student and will have plenty of guidance from the
teacher when ever needed. I believe this would be a great back to school project to allow
each child to learn about their classmates and about themselves.

4,Lastly, list the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan.

o I thinks the strength of this lesson plan is more focused on the cultural aspect than it
is actually on art. I think i could of chosen a different subject for this lesson plan and
it would of worked better. but overall I think the cultural part is very well
implemented and would work for several age groups as well.
Hand out #1



Parent Questions
1. Do you or your family have any traditions that you have continued, if yes what are they and
how long have they been in your family?                        





2. What is your ethnicity?


3. Where were you born?



4. What languages do you speak?




5. How many people are in your family?




6. What kinds of food do you eat that are from your culture?



7. Do you or your family follow a religion?



8. Does your culture or religion have a symbolic symbol(s)? If yes, what is it called, what does it
look like and what does it represent?

9. Do you celebrate your culture? If no, why?




10. If yes, how do you celebrate your culture and how often?



Hand out #2



Student Questions
1. Choose a topic from your classmates culture that you would like to know more


2. Is this the first time you have heard about the topic you chose?


3. Is there anything you would like to ask your classmate, if so ask





4. Did you have anything in common with your classmate? If so, what was




5. Did you have any differences in your culture with your classmate? if so, what was





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