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What is Glass Reinforced Concrete

BCM Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) is a thin section concrete
that uses Alkali Resistant glass fibres for reinforcement as opposed
to traditional steel. The fact that the fibres will not rust like steel
means that there is no real requirement for “ cov er” and no
problems associated with the lack of it. As such it is possible to
make lightweight elements that have impressive structural qualities
yet save up around 65-75% of the weight of a solid unit. BCM have
been making “ qual ityassured”GRCs i
nc et heear l
y1980’ s

How Strong Is GRC?

The table on the left gives typical
figures for the mechanical properties
of BCM GRC. As can be seen, the
compressive strengths are better
than normal concrete, the impact
strengths are good, but the real
benefits are gained from the fact
that GRC functions in bending. This
enables designers to make strong
hollow lightweight components.

But What About Durability?

There are few construction materials that have been studied in such detail as GRC.
Accelerated ageing tests were carried out in the early 1980’ swhenGRCwasf irsti
ntroduc ed
and current analysis reports that real life data supports these initial predictions. Over recent
years the cement matrix and fibre compositions have been further refined to improve the
qualities of BCM GRC and the results have been studied by academics right down to the
chemical and nano-technological level. The long term performance of BCM GRC is now well
understood and designers engineer products accordingly. BCM GRC can be expected to
perform equally if not better than pre-cast as it will not suffer from reinforcement corrosion
and subsequent spalling.

GRC Q&A 1/2 14-Mar-05


How Will GRC Weather?

Where BCM GRC products have a stone faced finish this is
very similar to wet cast concrete and can be expected to
weather much the same. The integral face mix of BCM
GRC products is comparable to that of large pre-cast
cladding although a lot thinner with smaller aggregates.
Semi-dry concretes (used mostly for domestic
construction) by comparison, have very low cement
contents and open textures that retain atmospheric
pollution and deteriorate very quickly. In practice, the
design of the element and the local environment has a
strong effect on how any cladding stands the test of time.
Evidence from architectural GRC that has been around for
20 or more years suggest that the weathering
characteristics are as good as any pre-cast material and
better than semi-dry products. There are several projects
in London that combine natural stone, wet pre-cast and
GRC that demonstrate how well GRC blends in with more
”mat eri

How Can I Specify GRC?

GRC is normally specified by reference to the
“Spec i
cationf ort hemanuf actur
ngandt es t
GRC pr oducts” as pr oduc ed by the Glass Reinforced
Concrete Association (GRCA). Standard NBS section H40
contains similar information as does EN 1169 and EN
1170. Specifiers are encouraged to use manufacturers
thatc ompl ywi tht he“ Appr oved ManufacturesSc heme”
audited independently by the GRCA. BCM GRC are the
most experienced manufacture of GRC in the UK.

More details can be found at or

BCM GRC Ltd. Unit 22, Civic Industrial Park, Whitchurch,

Shropshire, SY13 1TT.
Tel. 01948 665321 Fax. 01948666381

GRC Q&A 2/2 14-Mar-05

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