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The development of globalization in this era of English is now very advanced. Even now English is an international language
that is very widely used. Brumfit (2001: 35) "English is an international language that it is the most widespread medium of
international communication". As an international language, English is used as a means of communication between nations
who have different languages. The first language difference will not prevent people from communicating like English. English is
one of the communication tools used verbally and in writing. English is a foreign language that is often used in Indonesia and
even has been taught in schools. English in terms of its current role in the world, according to Hornby (2005: 506) states that
"English is the language originally of England, now spoken in many other countries and used as a language of international
communication through out the world" basically English is the native language of English.

Sources Similarity

according to brumfit (2001: 35) said that, “english is an international language that it is the most widespread
medium of international communication”.additionally, the students also have to interact with the teacher to 12%
get feedback. interaction is the action performed by two or more objects. I.pdf

here 12%

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