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Celena Gilbert


Upward Bound Tacoma, The Evergreen State College

February 29, 2020

RE: Application for Literature/Composition Summer Instructor

Dear Hiring Manager,

As a current English teacher, approaching the completion of my Master of Arts in English degree, I am extremely
interested in your posed position, found via the Indeed Database.

I am currently in my third year of teaching and am enthused by the idea of teaching with your organization!

Along with my soon-to-be Master of Arts degree, I have also obtained a degree in Secondary English/Language and
Literature teaching, as well as a professional teaching certificate. Through this degree and my years of professional
teaching experience, I have been able to pick up various skills for teaching a wide-range of individuals with varying needs
and levels of education. I have taught students that were at an extremely high-level of English education/understanding,
as well as students that were very low in their understanding and had just recently been transferred out of a special
education classroom and into a general education classroom.

Even with this wide-range of students, I was able to get the majority of my students to a passing level of the state-required
test, which led to me receiving the Yelm Community Schools’ “Excellence in Teaching Award” both in 2018 and 2019,
which is awarded only to teachers that have higher average state test (SBA) scores than that of the state.

My teaching philosophy is best described as “student-centered.” My main goal when teaching, is to build quality and
meaningful relationships and connections with students and usually spend the first two weeks of school focusing on that.
This tends to sound “off-putting” to some, but I have found that prioritizing these initial reactions leads to a far more fruitful
educational experience throughout the year since there has been a trust built and solidified between the teacher and the
student. Once this connection has been made, I make sure to deliver instruction in a multitude of ways, so that all
students, regardless of their learning needs, are able to grasp the content and be successful. I understand that this
summer instructor position is unique in its timeframe and I would have to make adjustments, while still making sure to
build these relationships.

With regard to my ability to meet the specific requirements of this job:

 Student-Centered: Through positive student relationships, I am able to ensure that all students’ needs are being
met. Without trust, there is no valuable learning to be had, so I prioritize student interactions to ensure a safe and
effective learning environment.
 Multicultural Awareness: The sophomore curriculum that we use at Yelm High School is geared towards the topic
of “culture” and how to effectively communicate with, work with, and understand people from all walks of life, with
the goal being to broaden students’ horizons and understandings of the world around them.
 High Expectations: Over the years, I have been known for challenging my students on new levels – both
personally and academically – to encourage growth in all aspects of students’ lives.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application and consider me for this incredible opportunity. Please do not
hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, and/or concerns at my above-listed contacted information.

Thank you, again, for your time,

Celena Gilbert

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