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Untuk memenuhi nilai tugas matakuliah Bahasa Inggris

yang dibina oleh Bapak Yulius Irham, S.Pd, MM

Kelompok 9 :

Annisa Aprilia R (P17210183079)

Syarifah Fadiroh (P17210184093)

Fitri Mulyaningsih (P17210184110)

Siwi Mangesti N (P17210184125)

Fandika Ilham N (P17210184131)

Kelas / Prodi : 2B / D3 Keperawatan




Februari 2020

Member :
1. Annisa Aprilia Rahmaniah : Patient
2. Fitria Mulyaningsih : Presenter
3. Syarifah Fadiroh : Village head
4. Siwi Mangesti Nugrahaning Widi : Goverment
5. Fandika Ilham Nur Pradana : Doctor

Presenter : “Ladies and gentlement, welcome to talk show healty for life, iam fitri mulyani
as presenter, i will comand this show until finish. Currently the intensity of rain is
very frequent, causing mosquito larvae to thrive. This raises the high number of
dengue victims at this time, so that in this discussion session will discuss the topic
of dengue fever ”
Presenter : “Now, i invite speakers who are experts in their fields, let's welcome ilham as
doctor, siwi as government health agency, syarifah as village head of Gunung
Kidul . And let's welcome one of our informant, Anisa.
Presenter : “Thank you for coming to “mata fitri”
Presenter : “How are you?”
Informant (patient, villahe head, goverment, doctor) : “Kind”
Presenter : “Okay before we do the talk show session, I will show the article”
(read article)
Presenter : “Okay, how is the response about that article, mrs. Siwi.”
Goverment : “Thank you for the time given. Data from the health departement there are two
hospital importing an intrease in the number of dengue patients in the last 2
months namely nur rohmah hospital and wonosari hospital. For example, the
Wonosari Hospital had received 143 dengue patients during January February
2020. In January there were 94 patients, of which 94 patients were cured, 1 died
and 1 person was referred for further treatment at Wonosari Hospital.”
Presenter : “Okay thanks for the answer, then what is the opinion of the inspirational doctor
about the data explained by Ms. Siwi? What actually causes increased dengue
Doctor : “Okay thank you, for the time given. Responding from these data, so I will
explain scientifically the cause of high dengue cases. Previously, dengue fever
itself was caused by the dangue virus and so far the transmission medium was
through the aedes aigepty mosquito and aedes albopictus. Inside the mosquito the
deunge virus can live so that at any time when the mosquito bites a healthy person
the deunge virus in the mosquito's body will be left together through the saliva of
the mosquito. And the system is multiple bites, so mosquitoes bite a few times the
first to bite a dengue fever then bite a healthy person then the healthy person is
exposed to the virus too, due to the increase in the number of victims this is due to
a pool of water and humid temperatures to accelerate the development of
mosquito larvae.”
Presenter : “Thank you doctor for the explanation, next due to high dengue fever victims in
Gunung Kidul village, how do you act to reduce dengue fever victims. For mrs.
syarifah are welcome.”
Head village : “Okay thanks, before I want to tell you first, last month there have been 40
victims and 1 of them died of dengue in our area, so we are the party responsible
for our community. We do prevention and prevention of dengue fever so that
there are no more victims in our area. Previously in our village we had done
empowerment and counseling about dengue fever, and there was also an
inspirational doctor at that time, "hello dekter, meeting again. Hehe"”
Doctor : “Yes mrs, hehe.”
Head village : “So we have implemented programs. Among them 5 M is draining, closing,
replacing, burying, and sowing with this program we want to improve health and
reduce the risk of further dengue victims.”
Presenter : Thank you for your explanation. Now here are present informant who have
recovered from dengue fever.”
Presenter : “Good morning, Ms. Anisa, I heard one month ago Ms. Anisa has dengue fever.
Then what did you feel when you had dengue fever?.”
Patient : “Thank you for inviting me here, so at first my body was cheerful, hot in the
morning, when I was drying my clothes suddenly I felt dizzy and nauseous, my
body went limp, I made it possible to sleep tired, after I woke up not healed but
my body was sick all, after two days the fever did not go down and there were
spots red, finally my husband took me to the doctor, then I was diagnosed with
dengue fever and was hospitalized. "
Presenter : “What might be the factors that cause you to develop dengue fever”
Patient : “There was a drainage in front of my house, a gutter that did not flow and me
never cleaned the gutter.”
Presenter : “Then according to the doctor himself, what are the symptoms of dengue fever?”
Docter : “OK, so the sign of the symptoms of dbd is high fever, nausea mutah, spasms
appear redness of the skin, and the appearance of pain in some parts of the body
such as joint muscles and bones. Symptoms last 2-7 days, these symptoms can be
treated with medical treatment, symptoms that lead to severe dbd, namely
abdominal pain, glowing in the nose and gums, vomiting of blood, or blood in the
stool. "
Presenter : “So that we avoid dengue fever. Implementation of 5M for daily life is very
important which includes draining, closing, burying, replacing and sowing.
Because it's better to prevent than cure. This conversation is very fun, our viewers
have arrived at the end of the event, thank you for the free time given to share
experiences with all of us, hopefully what we got today is very useful and a new
inspiration for us all, thank you also to all the audience in the studio or at home
watched our program. I am Fitri Mulyaningsih, host of Mata Fitri, excused
herself. See you soon at MATA FITRI.”

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