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Lesson Plan #3

Grade: 5, 6/7, 7/8 Topic: Fitness Lesson Duration: 48 minutes

Overview of Lesson
The class will be given instructions and work time for their workout routine assignment and
will finish the class with a game.
Alberta Program of Study

A, B, & C Locomotor Skills: A5-1, A6-1, A7-1, A8-1
Nonlocomotor Skills: A5-3, A6-3, A7-3, A8-3
Effort: B5-2, B6-2, B7-2, B8-2
Leadership: C5-4, C6-4, C7-4, C8-4
Critical Questions

Inquiry Question:
How can we effectively sequence a set of exercise in order to create a successful workout
Learning Objectives

Students will…
 Work collaboratively with their peers in order to create an effective workout routine.

Material and Equipment

 Speaker with music

 Handouts
Lesson Procedure

Introduction (min): 10
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour:
 Only use the equipment in which they are instructed to and nothing more.
 Have a high level of work ethic by participating to the best of their abilities within
each activity.
 Be respectful and listen to whoever is speaking.
 Be respectful of the various skill levels.

Introduction Activity:
 Greet student’s in the fitness room.
 Have the students seated to begin the class.
 Inform the class that they will be starting the group activity today.

Transition to Body:
 Prepare to explain the group activity.
Body (min): 20
Learning Activity #1 – Group Work
 Inform the students that we will now take a few minutes to talk about the group
activity we’ll be working on over the next couple days.
 Overview
o Now that we’ve had a couple of days of doing workout routines, the class will
be put into groups and will now create their own workout routine.
o This will be a competition for who can have the best overall workout routine.
o Purpose
 Practice leadership and followership
 Understanding how to create a workout you can do at any time.
 Continue to practice various exercises.
o Using a planning template, each group will choose from a list of exercises that
they want to include throughout their workout.
o Within each spot on the template, you must write down each workout.
o Each group must come up with a name for their workout program as well as a
song they would like to use.
o Feel free to add variations to workouts.
o At the end of this activity and everyone has presented, I will present awards
for various components.
o These include:
 Best workout program name.
 Most encouraging and enthusiastic.
 Hardest workout.
o Inform the students that following their presentation, they will complete peer
evaluations as well as a self-evaluation.
 Any Questions?
 While you are planning, I want you to be practicing your routine. See how difficult it
may be to do each exercise.
 We will now split the class into groups as you will have the majority of the class to
work on your routines.
 Constant 1-5 checks on how tired they are.
 Constant observation of student’s effort and participation.
 Constant observation of student’s ability to work collaboratively in their groups.

Closure (min): 10
 Bring the class in and gather all of their planning templates.
 Have the class finish with a game of funnel tag.
 Funnel tag instructions:
o Members of the class form a huddle with one person staying outside the
o The person on the outside has 25 seconds to tag a selected person within the
o The huddle must shuffle side-to-side to prevent the outside person from
tagging the chosen player.
o Switch players each round.
 *If there is still time remaining and the students want to play something else, we will
then play knee tag.
 Knee tag instructions:
o Between you and a partner, you are trying to tap each other’s knees.
o It’s important to get low and try to defend but also attack when the time is
 4 high fives and the class is dismissed.

List of Workouts
*Come talk to me if there is a workout that is not listed but you would like to add.

Exercise Description Picture

-Moving back and forth from a
Up & forearm plank to a push-up
Down position.
Planks -Remember to keep your body
straight at all times.
- Take a step forward with a bend
at both knees.
- Switch legs each time.

- Hands behind your head with your

Cross feet straight out.
- Touch one elbow to your opposite
knee (switching sides each time).

- Legs are extended out while you

are resting on your forearms.
- Keep your body straight at all

- Hold in this position.

- Start in a standing, straight up
- Jump to extend your legs and
Jacks raise your arms above your head.

- Start in push-up position while

Mountain keeping your back flat.
- Bring one knee at a time to your
chest (switch legs each time).

- Kick your feet back at a quick

Butt Kicks
- Switch legs each time.

- Start by jumping straight up

Burpees - Once you land, extend out into a

push-up position

- While in the push-up position,

touch your opposite shoulder.
- Switch arm/shoulder each time.
- Go down into a squat (feet
shoulder-width apart, back straight)
- On the way up, jump straight up
Jumps into the air.

- Start bent over with your hands in

front of your feet.
- Walk your hands out into a push-
up position (keep the legs straight).
- Sitting in a ‘V’ formation, move
Flutter your legs up and down at opposite
Kicks times.

- Keep your legs as straight as

- While standing straight up, drive
High your knees up one at a time.

Workout Routine Template

Group Members: ___________________________________________________

Workout Name: ____________________________________

Time Exercise
30 Sec.

30 Sec.

30 Sec.

30 Sec.

60 Sec. Rest

30 Sec.

30 Sec.

30 Sec.

30 Sec.

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