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Beer’s law – why absorbance depends (almost) linearly on

Thomas G. Mayerhöfer *[a], Jürgen Popp [b]

Abstract: Beer’s law assumes a strictly linear dependence of the wherein  is the reduced mass of the charges and x their
absorbance from concentration. Usually, chemical interactions and displacement, and we have assumed that the restoring force is
instrumental imperfection are made responsible for experimental proportional to this displacement (Hook’s law). Furthermore,
deviations from this linearity. In this contribution we show that even in absorption is introduced via the damping of the vibration in form
the absence of such interactions and instrumental errors, absorbance of a term proportional to the velocity of the charged mass dx dt
should be only approximately proportional to concentration. This can and a damping constant . Finally, the vibration is forced by an
be derived from the quadratic dependence of the complex refractive applied electric field E0 exp  it  , which is varying in time with
index, and, by that, of the molar attenuation coefficient, from the the frequency  and acts on the charge q . If the vibration were
dielectric constant and its frequency dispersion. Following dispersion unforced, its eigenfrequency would be 0  k  , wherein k is
theory, it is the variation of the real and the imaginary part of the the force constant from Hook’s law.
dielectric function that depends linearly on concentration in the The solution for the displacement in dependence of time derived
absence of interactions between the oscillators. We show that this from eqn. (1) is well-known:
linear correlation translates into a linear dependence of the q
x t   E t  . (2)
absorbance for low concentrations or molar oscillator strengths based   0   2  i 

on an approximation provided by Lorentz in 1906. Accordingly, Beer’s

law can be derived from dispersion theory. If this displacement is multiplied with the charge, we obtain the
dipole moment p which is linked to the macroscopic polarization
Newton seems to have been the first trying to explain the P via,
phenomenon of dispersion.1 More successful attempts to P  qx
N . (3)
understand the change of optical properties with frequency
originally did not include absorption.2, 3 Nevertheless, even before
Here, N is the number of dipole moments per unit volume. It might
Maxwell’s equations gained general acceptance, it was already
not be obvious at this point, but it is eqn. (3) that ultimately leads
established that absorption plays an important role to elucidate
to Beer’s law, independent from what model we derive x(t). In line
dispersion.4, 5 Later on, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz,6 and Paul
with that and in order to derive the macroscopic polarization, we
Drude,7 among others, included electromagnetic theory into the
explicitly assume that there are no interactions between the
dispersion formulas. Since then, dispersion is seen as the
oscillators, which is synonymous to the assumption that atoms or
consequence of a vibration of opposing charges under the
molecules do not interact “chemically”. To establish the
influence of an electric field. Accordingly, the basic equation of
connection to Beer’s law, we deviate slightly from the usual
this type of motion is given by,
course in deriving the dielectric function by using that the ratio of
d 2x dx
 2
   02 x  qE0 exp  it  , (1) the number of dipole moments per unit volume and the Avogadro
dt dt constant results in the (molar) concentration: N N A  c .
Therefore, we can write eqn. (3) alternatively as:
P  qxN A c . (4)

It is well-known that for the

macroscopic polarization
[a] PD Dr., T.G. Mayerhöfer P   0   r 1 E holds, wherein 0
is the vacuum permittivity.
Using this equation and combining it with eqs. (2) and (4), we can
Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology
Albert-Einstein-Str. 9, Germany derive a formula for the relative dielectric function  r in
And Institute of Physical Chemistry and Abbe Center of Photonics dependence of the concentration c:
Friedrich Schiller University, Jena N Ac q2
D-07743, Helmholtzweg 4, Germany  r  1 . (5)
E-mail:  0 0   2  i

[b] Prof. Dr., J. Popp

Spectroscopy/Imaging To obtain the final form of the dispersion relation, we define a
Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology
molar oscillator strength S* via S  q N A /   0  :
*2 2
Albert-Einstein-Str. 9, Germany
AND Institute of Physical Chemistry and Abbe Center of Photonics S *2
Friedrich Schiller University, Jena r  1 c . (6)
0 2   2  i
D-07743, Helmholtzweg 4, Germany
Supporting information for this article is given via a link at the end of Therefore, there is a linear correlation between the changes of the
the document. dielectric function, both real and imaginary part, due to the forced
oscillation, and the concentration of the vibrating species. At this 4 1 S *2  2
 *    . (13)
point, it is important to realize that this linear relation is not ln10 n     2  2 2  2 2
generally transferred to the index of refraction. The obvious
reason is, as Maxwell’s equations show for scalar media and has
been established experimentally numerous times in the early There is, however, one difference between empirical and derived
days of spectroscopy,8 that law, which is that according to the derivation the molar attenuation
coefficient is inversely proportional to the index of refraction and,
 r  n2 . (7)
thereby, itself a function of concentration, molar oscillator strength,
damping and oscillator position. For diluted gases, however, the
Based on eqn. (7), it can already be concluded that the complex
index of refraction is nearly unity, therefore dispersion will alter
index of refraction n is, in contrast to the dielectric function, not a
the absorbance only at higher concentrations and oscillator
property of matter, but a property of the waves inside. This seems
to be an artificial difference, but this difference becomes much
In fact, if we start from eqn. (8), follow Lorentz’s path and take into
clearer in anisotropic media, where the dielectric function turns
account that for x << 1, 1  x  1  x 2 :6
into a tensor and, respectively, two indices of refraction depend
on the direction of the waves in a complex manner, described by S *2 2
n  1 c . (14)
the so-called Booker quartic.9 Furthermore, we will see later on 0   2  i

that eqn. (7) leads to a kind of destructive interference, which

distorts the absorbance through the imaginary part of n for higher This approximation is what lets us presume that the contributions
concentrations, while the shape of the dielectric function remains from each individual oscillator, be it that they all share the same
unchanged. Therefore, it might not be surprising that doubling the eigenfrequency  0 or not, are additive concerning the index of
concentration will not generally lead to twice the original absorption function and, ultimately, the absorbance (on a side
absorbance. After all, dealing with light means also dealing with note, the linear concentration dependence of the real part is
waves, so some counterintuitive results, very much like in exploited to determine concentration in non-absorbing spectral
quantum mechanics, are to be expected. One would assume, regions by refractive index sensing). The above approximation
though, that there should also be a kind of correspondence eliminates the dependency of the molar attenuation coefficient
principle. In contrast, eqn. (7) seems to reject any connection from the index of refraction:
between Beer’s law and the dispersion relation at first view, since 4 S *2  2
 *    . (15)
the complex index of refraction function, and with it its imaginary

ln10  2  2 2  2 2
0 
part, the index of absorption function seems not at all to depend
on the concentration linearly:
We have recently investigated how eqn. (14) performs as
S *2 approximation of eqn. (8) and found that the differences are very
n  1 c . (8)
0 2   2  i small as long as the oscillators are comparably weak, like for
organic and biological matter in the infrared spectral range.10
Accordingly, we can predict that the approximation/assumption of
For the moment we do not follow this path further. Instead, we additivity, on which Beer’s law and its standard derivation are
separate real and imaginary part in eqn. (6) and obtain for the based, is excellent in these cases.
imaginary part of the dielectric function:
S *2

 r  c . (9) 2.0

 0    2 2

2 2 2

In the next step, we use that for  r the following relation holds, 1.5
 r  2 n k , put this relation into eqn. (9) and divide both sides by

2n : 50
c S *2
 2
k    . (10)
n      2  2  2 2

If we switch to wavenumbers, the absorbance is defined as,

A    k   d . (11) 0.0
ln10 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800
Wavenumber / cm
where d is the thickness and  the wavenumber. From eqs. (10)
and (11) we obtain:
4 c S *2
 2 Figure 1. Wavenumber dependence of the absorbance calculated for the
A    d. (12) hypothetical material and concentrations of 0.05, 0.5, 5 and 50 mol/l. For clarity,
ln10 n     2 2  2 2
 2
 the values have been multiplied by the factors 1000 (0.05 mol/l, black curve,
hidden behind the red curve), 100 (0.5 mol/l, red curve) and 10 (5 mol/l, green
curve), which is equivalent of assuming the product of concentration and
This is nothing else, but Beer’s law A     *   cd , when   
thickness c∙d to be constant.
is the molar attenuation coefficient given by:
For stronger oscillators, however, we have to investigate the limits field standing wave artefacts”).11-14 Respectively, blue shifts and
of the approximation. Accordingly, we assumed an oscillator with asymmetric broadening in absorbance spectra seem to be
a molar oscillator strength of 70 (l cm-1)/mol, which would nothing out of the ordinary, cf., e.g., Fig. 1 in the excellent tutorial
resemble a medium strong oscillator of an inorganic material in about the Beer-Lambert law by Mäntele and Deniz.15 However,
the infrared or in the UV (  *  103 l/(mol cm-1)), if this hypothetical how much the individual influences contribute to the spectral
material would be neat at c = 50 mol/l. deformation, would have to be investigated in each particular case.
We calculated four spectra for c = 0.05, 0.5, 5 and 50 mol/l and Nevertheless, with all progress in instrument development and
assumed that the product of thickness d and c is constant: c∙d = the fact that the tendency to interact should be strongly diverse
0.005 (mol∙cm)/l to clarify the spectral changes. The for chemically different solutes, it would be somewhat surprising
corresponding spectra are shown in Fig. 1. Accordingly, the that we still see the same deviations from linearity for Beer’s law,
absorbance peak is originally practically symmetric and located at except if other factors played a role. Speaking of these deviations,
its oscillator position for the small concentrations c = 0.05 and 0.5 Fig. 1 of 15 also contains an inset in which the absorbance at a
mol/l, suggesting that the approximation contained in eqn. (14) fixed wavelength, the peak maximum for smaller absorbances, is
and thereby Beer’s law should hold well in this range. As a plotted against the concentration. Also, such plots are still very
consequence, there is no noticeable difference between the common, and, likewise, seem to be uninfluenced from progress
thousandfold absorbance for c = 0.05 mol/l (black curve) and the in instrument development. Accordingly, it is still actively
hundredfold absorbance for 0.5 mol/l in Fig. 1 (red curve, which searched for improved mathematical instruments to analyze the
practically covers the black curve completely). deviations from linearity of Beer's law.16 A corresponding plot is
For c = 5 mol/l the inverse proportionality of the molar attenuation provided in Fig. 2 of our paper. As can be seen, similar deviations
constant and the index of refraction begins to show and at c = 50 from linearity occur due to the non-additive nature of absorbance
mol/l, this functional dependence deforms the absorbance and may provide an alternative or additional cause for the
spectrum strongly. These deformations are nothing extraordinary occurrence of such deviations in experiments.
for strong oscillators. While   is a perfectly symmetric function Nevertheless, up to relatively large concentrations, the linear
(at least for one oscillator), k can no longer be symmetric, since dependence of absorbance from concentration according to
  is divided by the index of refraction, which is, in contrast to   , Beer’s law is an excellent approximation (note that, the deviations
an odd function. Accordingly, the deviations of k become grander of the same order of magnitude should occur as long as the
the larger the product of concentration c and oscillator strength S* product  *  c is constant. E.g. for the highest molar attenuation
is (more examples covering most of the possible molar oscillator coefficients in UV-Vis spectroscopy of  *  105 l/(mol cm-1), a
strengths can be found in the supporting information). hundredfold smaller concentrations would suffice to introduce the
same deviations). Even more interesting, also at higher
concentrations, ranges can be found where the absorbance is
approximately linear, albeit with a decreased  * compared to that
2.0 at lower concentrations. These findings are of particular
importance since recently a method has been introduced by Zhao
et al., which allows molar range detection.17 Interestingly, the
Beer's law
1.5 linear fit between 22.5 - 27.5 mol/l authors took for each presented example the so-called sideband
linear fit between 45 - 50 mol/l (actually, it is not really a band. Instead, an inverted peak

develops based on changes in the flank of the band and the

1.0 remaining detector saturation around the peak maximum) at the
high-wavenumber side of the peak maximum. In our view, this is
the natural selection, since due to the blue shift of the band with
increasing concentration, it can be concluded that the high
frequency/wavenumber region should show much stronger
deviations from Beer’s law than its counterpart. This is
demonstrated in Fig. 3, where we have plotted the absorbance
0 10 20 30 40 50 dependence on the concentration 80 cm-1 away from the oscillator
c / (mol/l) position. Note, that eqn. (15) is not the usual Lorentz-profile (for
which two more approximations have to be invoked, cf. 6),
therefore the band is not fully symmetrical and the lines at 1620
Figure 2. Concentration dependence of the absorbance at the oscillator position
(1700 cm-1) for a hypothetical material based on the classical damped harmonic and 1780 cm-1, which display Beer’s law conform behavior, have
oscillator (CDHO) model (black curve) compared to the Lorentz approximation a slightly different inclination. Thanks to the band shift, at 1620
that leads to Beer’s law (red line). Furthermore, two linear fits for two regions of cm-1 the deviations from Beer’s law and linearity are comparably
the black curve are presented. small, whereas at 1780 cm-1 the deviations increase enormously
Deformations like the one for c = 50 mol/l are usually attributed to and are positive right from the start.
either chemical interaction and/or missing linearity of the
instrument. Recently, also deviations from the (Bouguer-)Lambert
part of the (Bouguer-)Beer-Lambert law due to wave optics like
interference became a focus of attention in this context (“electric
@1620 cm-1
CDHO Financial support of the EU, the ”Thüringer Ministerium für
Beer's law Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft”,
@1780 cm-1 the ”Thüringer Aufbaubank”, the Federal Ministry of Education

CDHO and Research, Germany (BMBF), the German Science

Beer's law
Foundation, the “Fonds der Chemischen Industrie” and the Carl-
Zeiss Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.

Keywords: Dispersion • Absorbance • Beer’s law

0.00 References
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[2] W. Sellmeier Annalen der Physik. 1872, 223, 386-403.
Figure 3. Concentration dependence of the absorbance at two wavenumbers [3] W. Sellmeier Annalen der Physik. 1872, 223, 525-554.
80 cm-1 away from the oscillator position (1700 cm-1) for the hypothetical [4] H. Helmholtz Annalen der Physik. 1875, 230, 582-596.
material based on the CDHO model (black/green curves) compared to the [5] E. Ketteler Annalen der Physik. 1887, 266, 299-316.
Lorentz simplification that leads to Beer’s law (red/blue line). [6] H. A. Lorentz Koninkl. Ned. Akad. Wetenschap. Proc. 1906, 8, 591-611.
[7] P. Drude Annalen der Physik. 1893, 284, 536-545.
To summarize, we have established the connection between [8] C. Schaefer, F. Matossi, Das Ultrarote Spektrum, Verlag von Julius
Springer, Berlin, 1930.
Maxwell’s equations, the dispersion relations and Beer’s law and [9] T. G. Mayerhöfer, J. Popp Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics.
derived the latter from the former employing an approximation 2006, 8, 657-671.
[10] T. G. Mayerhöfer, J. Popp Chemphyschem : a European journal of
introduced by Lorentz in 1906. While it is in theory known since chemical physics and physical chemistry. 2018, accepted, DOI:
then, though not well-known, that absorbance is not additive, the 10.1002/cphc.201800961.
intuitive assumption of a linear dependence of absorbance from [11] T. G. Mayerhöfer, H. Mutschke, J. Popp Chemphyschem : a European
journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry. 2016, 17, 1948-1955.
concentration is in wide concentration ranges justified. [12] T. G. Mayerhöfer, H. Mutschke, J. Popp Chemphyschem : a European
The advent of much brighter light sources (like quantum cascade journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry. 2017, 18, 2916-2923.
[13] T. G. Mayerhöfer, J. Popp Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and
lasers in the mid-infrared) and more sensitive detectors, as well Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2018, 191, 283-289.
as methods to determine concentrations in the molar range with [14] T. G. Mayerhöfer, S. Pahlow, U. Hübner, J. Popp The Analyst. 2018, 143,
standard equipment, might, however, be a game changer and 3164-3175.
[15] W. Mäntele, E. Deniz Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and
demand an understanding of the dependence of the optical biomolecular spectroscopy. 2016.
properties way beyond the limits of Beer’s law. [16] A. Y. Tolbin, V. E. Pushkarev, L. G. Tomilova Chemical Physics Letters.
2018, 706, 520-524.
As a note after acceptance, it was hard to believe for us that the [17] L. C. Zhao, M. H. Guo, X. D. Li, Y. P. Huang, S. H. Wu, J. J. Sun
natural connection between dispersion and absorption had not Analytical chemistry. 2017, 89, 13429-13433.
been established previously. In fact, while this manuscript was [18] M. Planck Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften. 1902, I, 470-494.
under review, we kept looking for an older work on this topic and, [19] M. Planck Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der
finally, made a find. Accordingly, Max Planck derived his own kind Wissenschaften. 1903, I, 480-498.
[20] T. G. Mayerhöfer, J. Popp submitted. 2018.
of dispersion relation in 1902.18 One year later, he published a
paper where he discussed, among other things, the principal
influence of the number of dipole moments per unit volume
(“vertheilungsdichte”) on the shape of the bands of the absorption
index.19 He discussed limiting cases based on an analogue of eqn.
(14), and came to the same principal conclusions as we did, i.e.
Beer’s law should hold good for small “vertheilungsdichten” and
lose its justification for stronger absorptions and higher
concentrations. Even if Planck did neither derive Beer’s law
explicitly nor an expression for the molar attenuation constant, we
think that his insights should have deserved much more than
having gone unheeded for so long.
In addition, we recently succeeded in deriving Beer’s law in strict
form directly from basic electromagnetic theory without the detour
to dispersion theory. As a consequence, it is not necessary to
make any assumption about a specific model oscillator/lineshape
function and it can be seen as a generalization of this work.
Accordingly, the principle results, like the dependence of the
molar attenuation constant from the refractive index, and the
corresponding deviation from the empirical law for higher
concentrations, remain unchanged.20
Entry for the Table of Contents

Beer’s law – why absorbance Author(s), Corresponding Author(s)*
depends (almost) linearly on
concentration: Page No. – Page No.
Absorbance is, counterintuitively, not per
se an additive quantity. This is a

hereditary from the absorption index,
which is a wave, rather than a materials
property, and extends to a non-linear
concentration dependence. For weak
oscillators the deviations from linearity
are very weak, otherwise the non-
additivity may account for persistent
experimental errors.

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