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USE , what- where- who- when and how y coloque a la respectiva respuesta la

letra de la pregunta.
A --------------- is your name? I am 11 years old
B -------------- are you? It’s 4-41-12-35 c.
C ----------------- are you from? My name is Luis.
D -------------- do you do? I am from Colombia
E --------------- is your birthday? I am a student
F ---------------- is your nationality? Fine, thank you
G --------------- do you live? It’s on August 3
H ----------------- is your address? I live in Quindò.
I ---------------- is your telephone? I am Colombia?
J ----------------- old are you?. It’s Cra 57 Nº 12-20

Readng activity WE LIVE IN FLORENCE

Read the text and answer the following questions about Anna.

Hello, I’m Anna. I’m from Italy and I’m

twenty – five. I’m a secretary and I work in
an office. My husband’s name is Bruno
and we live in a flat in Florence. My
mother’s name is Francesca and my
father’s name is Alberto. My sister’s name
is Paola and she’s sixteen. They live in a
house in Fiesole.
1- Where is Anna from?
2- How old is she?
3- What´s her occupation?
4- Is she married or single?
5- What´s her husband´s name?

Escoge el verbo correcto para completar las siguientes

oraciones. eat study play work
I _______ basketball every week
We have to ____________ for the test
My brother loves to ___________ cookies
I go to ____________ by train

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