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Dear Band Parents or Guardians,

We would like to inform you about a field trip to the Conn-Selmer Brass Factory in Elkhart, IN
on Friday, March 1st, 2019. The tour is free and Random School Middle School (RSMS) will
be providing transportation for the students via school bus. The tour will last about an hour. We
will be departing from the school promptly at 11:30 and returning at 2:30, which will allow
students to go home in the fashion that they normally do.

The purpose of this field trip is to show students how the instruments we use in class function
and are made and to inspire them to dive more deeply into the musical arts.

Mr. Whaley

Please fill out the Permission and Chaperone form below and then remove it and turn it in to Mr.
Whaley by February 15th, 2019.


I have read the information above and give my permission for ___________________

to attend the field trip to The Conn-Selmer Brass Factory in Elkhart, IN on March 1st,

2019 from 11:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. I understand that my child will be traveling by bus.

I give permission for ____________________ to receive emergency medical treatment

while on this field trip.

Teacher Signature:

Parent Signature:____________________________________________


I would like to volunteer to chaperone on this field trip(circle one): Yes No

Parent Email:____________________________ Parent Phone Number:____________

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