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School                         : SMPN 6 MANADO

Subject                        : English
Class/Semester          : IX/1
Topic Lesson               : Agreement and Disagreement
Skill                              : Speaking and Writing
Time allocation           : 1 X 45 minutes

A.    Core Competence :
CC 1 : Creating peace in the teaching of their religion.
CC 2: Respect as an attitude and shows as part of the solution to various problems in
interacting effectively with the social and natural environment and in placing itself as a
reflection of the nation in the association world.
CC 3:  Understanding based on the curiousity about science, technology, arts, culture and
humaniora with the insight of humanity, nationality, civilization and the state related with
cause of phenomena and events, as well as implementing the procedural specific field of study
according to their talents and interests to solve the problem.
CC 4:  Asking the concrete and abstract domains associated with the development of learned in
school independently, and able to use the method according to the rules of science.

B.     Standard Competence :
- Able to express agreement and disagreement.
- Able to make a conversation in expressing agreement and disagreement.

C. Basic Competence
- Students are able to express agreement and disagreement.
- Students are able to make a conversation in expressions of agreement and disagreement.
D. Indicator
- To express agreement and disagreement.
- To make a conversation in expressions of agreement and disagreement.

E. Objectives
- Students express agreement.
- Students express disagreement.
-Students make a conversation about agreement.
-Students make a conversation about disagreement.

F. Learning Material
Expressions of Agreement
Some expressions that used to show the agreement on an opinion.
  Example :

 I agree with you 100 percent.

 I couldn't agree with you more.

 That's so true.

 That's for sure.

 (slang) Tell me about it!

 You're absolutely right.

 Absolutely.

 That's exactly how I feel.

 Exactly.

 I'm afraid I agree with James.

 I have to side with Dad on this one.

 No doubt about it.

 (agree with negative statement) Me neither.

 (weak) I suppose so./I guess so.

 You have a point there.

 I was just going to say that.

Expressions of Disagreement
Some expressions that used to show the disagreement on an opinion.

 I don't think so.

 (strong) No way.

 I'm afraid I disagree.

 (strong) I totally disagree.

 I beg to differ.

 (strong) I'd say the exact opposite.

 Not necessarily.

 That's not always true.

 That's not always the case.

 No, I'm not so sure about that.

Example of dialogue in Agreement

Ati: “ Hey, Look at my new Ring , isn’t it cool?”

Bis: “Yeah, I absolutely agree with you, your ring is so cool. It perfectly matches with your
finger. It must be a very expensive ring.”

Example of dialogue in Disagreement

John: “ Hey what do you think about this movie?”

Zedo: “I think this movie is really good.”
John: “I don’t think so. This movie is so boring that I sleep while watch it. The plot is flat and
there is not any suspense in the story. I like watching film but this time I disagree with you.”

G. Learning Method
a.       Approach              : Student Centre
b.      Method                 : Task-based Learning
c.       Technique             : Lecturing, Self-assessment
H. Steps of Activities
Pre Activities Time Allocation (minutes)
Teacher Students
1.      The Teacher greets Students answer the
students and ask to greeting of the teacher
students lead the prayer in and open by prayer.
front of the class 2
2.   The teacher checks the A student answers the
students’ attendance. named who called by the
teacher to signify that the
student is present.
3.   Teacher gives a word and Student response the
asks to students to give teacher and give their
their opinion about that. own opinion.

While Activities
4.   Teacher explains the
expressions of agreement
The students listen to the 10
and disagreement to the
teacher’s explanations.
students, then give the
6.   The teacher ask the The students perform the
students to make a conversation.
conversation about
agreement and

Post Activities
11 The teacher explain a The students write down
conclusion and give their their homework.

I. Learning Sources and Media

Source: Students' Text book
Media : Text
Tools  : Whiteboard and Marker

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