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17.05.2018 14:45:02
FX300/PROM16 LIVE #0878117
1310.0 nm
Cable ID: Cable
Fiber ID: Fiber
Fiber Type: [G.652] conventional SM fiber
Originating Location:
Terminating Location:
Line Status: as-built condition
Trace Type: standard trace
Refractive Index: 1.4677
Backscattering coef.: -80 dB
Acquisition range: 20 km
Distance Range: 20 km
First data point: -0.04390 km
Last data point: 19.95444 km
Sampling Resolution: 1.3 m
X: [-0.04390, 19.95444] km; 1.99983 km/div Pulse Width: 30 ns
Y: [-59.874, -0.000] dB; 5.987 dB/div Averaging Time: 0:30
Analysis parameters:
Event Loss Threshold: 0.020 dB
Reflectance Threshold: -65.000 dB
End of Fiber Threshold: 20.000 dB
End-to-end loss: 9.330
ORL: 23.803

# Distance, km Splice loss, dB Reflectance, dB OF loss, dB/km Cumulative loss, dB

0 R 0.00000 -21.789 1.108
1 S 0.19356 0.251 0.300 1.428
2 R 0.23441 0.391 -31.971 0.300 1.831
3 R 0.63270 0.181 -35.817 0.300 2.131
4 S 0.95569 -0.093 0.300 2.135
5 S 1.14208 0.157 0.300 2.348
6 R 1.18420 0.000 -45.550 0.300 2.361
7 R 1.59656 0.374 -38.351 0.300 2.858
8 R 2.12890 0.526 -28.341 0.300 3.544
9 R 3.26128 0.535 -23.200 0.259 4.372
10 S 5.00386 0.188 0.234 4.968
11 R 5.06132 0.244 -33.541 0.300 5.229
12 S 5.30643 0.147 0.300 5.450
13 R 5.35239 0.347 -37.378 0.300 5.811
14 R 6.48730 0.282 -51.290 0.299 6.432
15 S 7.97968 0.071 0.300 6.951
16 S 8.80054 0.231 0.344 7.464
17 R 8.87077 0.705 -51.302 0.300 8.190
18 S 9.23206 0.207 0.300 8.506
19 R 9.27929 0.302 -34.197 8.822
20 S 10.03634 0.062 0.300 9.111
21 S 10.34144 0.083 0.300 9.285
22 R 10.52527 23.704 -14.913 0.300 9.341
17.05.2018 14:45:32
FX300/PROM16 LIVE #0878117
1550.0 nm
Cable ID: Cable
Fiber ID: Fiber
Fiber Type: [G.652] conventional SM fiber
Originating Location:
Terminating Location:
Line Status: as-built condition
Trace Type: standard trace
Refractive Index: 1.4682
Backscattering coef.: -81 dB
Acquisition range: 20 km
Distance Range: 20 km
First data point: -0.04370 km
Last data point: 19.95804 km
Sampling Resolution: 1.3 m
X: [-0.04370, 19.95804] km; 2.00017 km/div Pulse Width: 30 ns
Y: [-59.787, -2.891] dB; 5.690 dB/div Averaging Time: 0:29
Analysis parameters:
Event Loss Threshold: 0.020 dB
Reflectance Threshold: -65.000 dB
End of Fiber Threshold: 20.000 dB
End-to-end loss: 9.477
ORL: 21.465

# Distance, km Splice loss, dB Reflectance, dB OF loss, dB/km Cumulative loss, dB

0 R 0.00000 -22.526 1.063
1 S 0.19494 0.121 0.200 1.230
2 R 0.23451 0.052 -32.027 0.200 1.290
3 R 0.63395 0.365 -34.721 0.200 1.735
4 S 0.68884 0.031 0.200 1.777
5 S 1.14061 0.032 0.200 1.899
6 R 1.18400 0.181 -43.081 2.089
7 S 1.41371 0.106 0.200 2.241
8 R 1.59620 0.122 -38.070 0.200 2.399
9 R 2.12838 0.467 -26.415 0.200 2.973
10 R 3.26164 0.671 -18.951 0.200 3.870
11 R 5.00618 0.199 -72.119 0.200 4.418
12 R 5.06233 0.164 -34.023 0.200 4.593
13 S 5.30609 0.093 0.200 4.735
14 R 5.35330 0.341 -37.390 0.200 5.086
15 R 6.48785 0.145 -50.622 0.177 5.431
16 S 8.80028 0.175 0.265 6.219
17 R 8.87048 1.100 -51.735 0.200 7.333
18 S 9.23166 0.122 0.200 7.528
19 R 9.28015 1.698 -33.345 0.200 9.235
20 R 10.52571 20.996 -12.841 0.200 9.484
17.05.2018 14:47:02
FX300/PROM16 LIVE #0878117
1310.0 nm
Cable ID: Cable
Fiber ID: Fiber
Fiber Type: [G.652] conventional SM fiber
Originating Location:
Terminating Location:
Line Status: as-built condition
Trace Type: standard trace
Refractive Index: 1.4677
Backscattering coef.: -80 dB
Acquisition range: 25 km
Distance Range: 20 km
First data point: -0.04390 km
Last data point: 19.95444 km
Sampling Resolution: 1.3 m
X: [-0.04390, 19.95444] km; 1.99983 km/div Pulse Width: 30 ns
Y: [-59.864, -0.000] dB; 5.986 dB/div Averaging Time: 0:29
Analysis parameters:
Event Loss Threshold: 0.020 dB
Reflectance Threshold: -65.000 dB
End of Fiber Threshold: 20.000 dB
End-to-end loss: 9.246
ORL: 23.295

# Distance, km Splice loss, dB Reflectance, dB OF loss, dB/km Cumulative loss, dB

0 R 0.00000 -21.762 1.251
1 R 1.25058 0.458 -35.031 0.318 2.117
2 S 1.58890 0.105 0.300 2.324
3 R 1.65910 0.870 -51.267 0.300 3.215
4 S 2.15061 0.109 0.300 3.471
5 S 3.99151 0.268 0.292 4.277
6 R 4.04257 0.333 -51.941 0.300 4.625
7 R 5.17621 0.201 -37.497 0.318 5.187
8 S 5.41111 0.147 0.300 5.404
9 R 5.46857 0.270 -33.098 0.300 5.691
10 R 7.26859 0.655 -21.645 0.369 7.010
11 R 8.40097 0.389 -28.804 0.240 7.671
12 R 8.93331 0.299 -38.137 0.300 8.130
13 S 9.11972 -0.058 0.300 8.128
14 R 9.34567 0.071 -45.231 0.300 8.267
15 S 9.57802 0.092 0.300 8.428
16 S 9.84482 0.107 0.300 8.615
17 R 9.89462 0.116 -35.958 0.300 8.746
18 R 10.29420 0.321 -32.608 0.300 9.187
19 R 10.52527 23.773 -11.666 0.300 9.257
17.05.2018 14:47:33
FX300/PROM16 LIVE #0878117
1550.0 nm
Cable ID: Cable
Fiber ID: Fiber
Fiber Type: [G.652] conventional SM fiber
Originating Location:
Terminating Location:
Line Status: as-built condition
Trace Type: standard trace
Refractive Index: 1.4682
Backscattering coef.: -81 dB
Acquisition range: 25 km
Distance Range: 20 km
First data point: -0.04370 km
Last data point: 19.95804 km
Sampling Resolution: 1.3 m
X: [-0.04370, 19.95804] km; 2.00017 km/div Pulse Width: 30 ns
Y: [-59.878, -2.912] dB; 5.697 dB/div Averaging Time: 0:30
Analysis parameters:
Event Loss Threshold: 0.020 dB
Reflectance Threshold: -65.000 dB
End of Fiber Threshold: 20.000 dB
End-to-end loss: 9.612
ORL: 23.468

# Distance, km Splice loss, dB Reflectance, dB OF loss, dB/km Cumulative loss, dB

0 R 0.00000 -22.651 1.064
1 S 0.91726 0.069 0.200 1.323
2 R 1.25036 1.813 -37.352 0.200 3.203
3 R 1.65874 0.762 -50.145 0.200 4.047
4 S 2.15517 0.033 0.200 4.179
5 S 3.99162 0.279 0.187 4.801
6 R 4.04264 0.232 -52.178 0.200 5.044
7 R 5.17719 0.237 -37.431 0.176 5.480
8 S 5.41329 0.076 0.200 5.604
9 R 5.46816 0.243 -33.310 0.200 5.858
10 R 7.26887 0.974 -19.021 0.218 7.224
11 R 8.40085 0.249 -27.647 0.200 7.699
12 R 8.93429 0.250 -37.377 0.200 8.056
13 R 9.34651 0.271 -43.482 0.200 8.410
14 S 9.58005 0.088 0.200 8.544
15 R 9.89527 0.183 -35.821 0.200 8.790
16 R 10.29600 0.703 -33.676 0.200 9.574
17 R 10.52571 21.407 -11.256 0.200 9.619

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