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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 155–161

Late Devonian acanthodians from Colombia

Carole J. Burrowa,*, Philippe Janvierb,c, Carlos Villarroeld
Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072 Queensland, Australia
UMR 8569 du CNRS, Laboratoire de Paléontologie, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 8 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France
Department of Palaeontology, The Natural History Museum, SW7 5BD London, UK
Departamento de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Aptdo Aéreo 56833, Bogotá, Colombia
Received 1 February 2002; accepted 1 December 2002

Acanthodian remains occur in micaceous siltstone lenses (presumed to have been deposited during a marine incursion) in the Cuche
Formation (?Frasnian) of northeast Colombia. The acanthodians are represented by patches of scales from climatiidid Nostolepis sp. cf.
N. gaujensis and a fin spine and scales from a new diplacanthid. Type material of N. gaujensis is from the Frasnian Sventoji regional stage in
the Baltic, and Nostolepis sp. cf. N. gaujensis has been recorded in the Frasnian of Iran, as well as from Colombia. The new diplacanthid
taxon shows affinity to Baltic and Antarctic diplacanthids. The fauna thus shows possible links to both Gondwanan and Euramerican
acanthodian assemblages.
q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Acanthodii; Cuche Formation; frasnian; Devonian; Colombia

1. Introduction 2. Occurrence and stratigraphy

The vertebrate fauna from the Late Devonian Cuche The Cuche Formation outcrops around the igneometa-
Formation of Colombia has been briefly described by Janvier morphic core of the Floresta Massif in the Boyacá
and Villarroel (1998, 2000). It is known to comprise antiarchs department of Colombia (Fig. 1), where it overlies to
(probably two Bothriolepis species and a large Asterolepis various extents two other Devonian formations, the El Tibet
and Floresta formations (for extensive geological infor-
species), an arthrodire (presumably either a groenlandaspidid
mation, see Janvier and Villarroel, 2000; Berry et al., 2000;
or a primitive brachythoracid), an actinopterygian (a Mimia-
Moreno-Sanchez, 2001). Unlike the Floresta Formation,
like form), at least three sarcopterygians (a rhizodontid, a
which yields a rich marine invertebrate fauna of Emsian
holoptychiid, and a large cosmine-covered osteolepiform), a
age, the Cuche Formation consists of reddish sandstones and
chondrichthyan (Antarctilamna sp.), and acanthodians. The
is almost barren except for some clayey lenses that yield
assemblage includes forms comparable to coeval Euramer-
plant remains, ostracods, bivalves, lingulids, and fish
ican taxa, as well as to others known from Gondwana (Janvier remains. These fossiliferous lenses principally outcrop in
and Villarroel, 2000). Most of the material consists of the southwestern part of the Floresta Massif, approximately
scattered scales and dermal bones. The acanthodians, which 5.2 km southwest of the Floresta village in the Quebrada
are represented by isolated scales, patches of squamation, and Potrero Rincón, and are rather conspicuous in that they
isolated spines, are described here in detail. The material appear as yellowish patches on the dominantly reddish
described herein is housed in the collection of the Department background of the Cuche Formation. They are evidence of
of Geosciences, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, slight marine incursions, because they yield inarticulate
Colombia (UN-DG-V) and the Museo Geologico of the brachiopods that are otherwise lacking in the Cuche
Caldas University, Manizales, Colombia (MGCU). Formation.
Acanthodian remains have been found in only one of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 61-7-33654825; fax: þ 61-7-33651655. these lenses (Potrero Rincon 1 [PR1] in Janvier and
E-mail address: (C.J. Burrow). Villarroel, 2000), which consists of thin-bedded, micaceous
0895-9811/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
156 C.J. Burrow et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 155–161

The scale morphology (Fig. 2a– c) shows large acantho-

dian scales 0.5 – 1.2 mm wide, 0.8 – 0.0 mm long, and
, 1.0 mm high. The crown is relatively flat and bears four
or five subparallel ridges that extend the length of the crown.
The ridges are wide with a rounded crest and separated by
wide, shallow troughs. The neck is short, with a shallow
slope from the anterior crown edge toward the neck/base
rim; the base protrudes in front of the crown. The posterior
part of the crown overhangs the base by up to half the length
of the crown. The globular base is of low to moderate
Structurally (Fig. 2d), most scales have been reminer-
alized or replaced, though the outer layers in some scales are
preserved as a phosphatic shell with some histological
structure discernible. A horizontal section of the crown
shows cross-cut dentine tubules rising in the anterior crown,
remnants of vascular canals running back between the
ridges, and horizontal dentine tubules branching off
Fig. 1. Locality map (Janvier and Villarroel, 2000, Fig. 1). perpendicular to the canals.
Nostolepid scales are rare in Middle Devonian and
younger deposits; only two species—Nostolepis kernaven-
siltstone in which delicate fish (acanthodian and actinopter- sis [Valiukevicius, 1985] and N. gaujensis—have been
ygian) and plant remains are preserved. This kind of facies erected for late Middle – Late Devonian material. Morpho-
suits the preservation of articulated specimens, and the logically, the Colombian scales compare well with the type
acanthodian spine and associated portion of squamation material of N. gaujensis from the Sventoji Formation and
described herein from this outcrop probably belong to the Gauja and Amata regional substages (Frasnian) of the
same individual. Sventoji regional stage in the Baltic countries (Valiukevi-
The age of the Cuche Formation (at least its fish-bearing cius, 1998); and scales assigned to Nostolepis sp. cf. N.
part) has been discussed by Janvier and Villarroel (2000) gaujensis from Frasnian? deposits near Chahriseh (Ghola-
and considered as late Frasnian or early Famennian on the malian et al., 2000; Turner et al., 2002, figs. 9, 10), and Bidu
basis of the fish fauna. If it is Frasnian, the abundance 1 (Chanaruh; Frasnian), north of Kerman (Janvier, 1974,
of Strepsodus-like rhizodontid remains suggests a latest 1977), Iran. Because none of the type scales of N. gaujensis
Frasnian age, because these rhizodontids occur elsewhere was sectioned, histological comparison is not possible,
in the Famennian and Carboniferous. This dating also though we assume that the type scales were deemed to have
agrees with the late Frasnian age of the plant remains in Nostolepis-type histology. Longitudinal and transverse thin
the same outcrops (Berry et al., 2000; Moreno-Sanchez, sections of the Iranian Nostolepis sp. cf. N. gaujensis scales
2001). show Stranggewebe (a specialized mesodentine with thin,
closely spaced, parallel tubules/lacunae; Gross, 1971) in the
inner layers of the crown (Tumer et al, 2002, Ag. 10 A), but
3. Description of the Acanthodians because the Colombian scales are hollow shells with their
histological structure only preserved in the outer layers,
Class Acanthodii [Owen, 1846] their innermost structure is unknown. The scales of
Family Climatiidae [Berg, 1940] Nostolepis kernavensis (upper Eifelian, Narva regional
Genus Nostolepis [Pander, 1856] substage, East Baltic) differ from those of Nostolepis
Type species Nostolepis striata [Pander, 1856] gaujensis and Nostolepis sp. cf. N. gaujensis in that they
are larger and the medial crown ridges are usually elevated
Nostolepis gaujensis [Valiukevicius, 1998]. The species
above the rest of the crown.
is diagnosed by having large scales with four to six broad
ridges on a diamond-shaped crown. The neck is low and Family Diplacanthidae [Woodward, 1891]
stout, the base is large and strongly convex (Valiukevicius, Florestacanthus new genus
1998). Type species—Florestacanthus morenoi new species
Nostolepis sp. cf. N. gaujensis (Figs. 2a and 3a –d). Diagnosis the same as for the type species, by monotypy.
UN-DG-VJ1 (three small siltstone flakes) has one piece Etymology after the formation in which the type material
with a possibly articulated scale patch and two pieces with was found.
patches of disarticulated scales. MGCU-B17 is a larger rock Florestacanthus morenoi new species (Figs. 2b – d, 3e –i,
with a large patch of disarticulated scales (Fig. 2a). and 4a –i)
C.J. Burrow et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 155–161 157

Fig. 2. Acanthodian-bearing specimens from the Cuche Formation. (a) Micaceous siltstone block MGCU-B.17 with patch of Nostolepis sp. cf. N. gaujensis
scales. (b–d) Micaceous siltstone block MGCU-B.20 with fin spine and scales of Florestacanthus morenoi nov. gen. et sp. (b) View of whole specimen (plus
plant fragments, palaeoniscoid scales, ostracods, ?sponges). Scale bar ¼ 10 mm. (c) Close up of fin spine impression approximately 25 mm from the tip. Scale
bar ¼ 1 mm. (d) Close up near the middle of the eroded fin spine, showing the radial trabeculae of the middle layer. Scale bar ¼ 0.02 mm.

2000 Cheiracanthoides? sp. indet. Janvier and Villarroel, between the ridges. The neck is strongly concave all around
pp. 736– 8, text fig. 5B, C and constitutes approximately one-third of the height of the
Diagnosis a diplacanthid acanthodian with slender, scale. A marked rim separates the base and neck. The base is
relatively straight unpaired fin spines with a subcircular rounded and deepest at the center (i.e. it is not pushed
cross-section. The exserted part of the spine is ornamented forward). Small, presumably fin web scales are approxi-
with six or more sharp longitudinal ridges per side and a broad mately 0.3 mm wide and 0.2 mm long with shapes
ridge along the leading edge. The central pulp cavity of the comparable to those of the flank scales.
spine is wide and extends almost to the distal tip. The scales The scale histology (Fig. 3g) revealed by the horizontal
have a relatively flat crown bearing 10 – 20 close-set section (Fig. 3h) of the crown shows some preservation of the
subparallel ridges on the anterior half, and some have a outer, relatively narrow growth zones. Dentine tubules are
narrow, smooth rim in front of the ridges. The height of the centrifugal; some vertical dentine canals have been cut
neck is approximately one-third total scale height, and the through in the anterior growth zones. The vertical longitudinal
scale base is deepest centrally. The scales have centrifugal section (Fig. 3h) shows the delineation between the base and
dentine tubules in the top layers of the crown and lack wide crown: The base apex forms a very low angle pyramid.
vascular canals and durodentine/enameloid. Vertically directed, fine-caliber dentine canals and tubules are
Description — The holotype specimen MO – CU – B.20 preserved in the crown. No wide vascular canals, durodentine,
(Fig. 2b) comprises a fin spine, disarticulated scales, and or enameloid are visible. The base has some preserved
a small patch of articulated scales that are probably part remnants of Sharpey’s fibers and canals of Williamson.
of the fin web. The fin spine morphology (Figs. 2b– c and 4a – c) indicates
The scale morphology (Figs. 3e – f and 4d –i) shows that that the whole 67 mm length of the spine is preserved eithier as
the flank scales are 0.5 – 1.0 mm wide, 0.5 –1.0 mm long, an impression or the original hard tissue; the exposed surface
and 0.4 –0.7 mm high. The crown of most scales is flat; represents the eroded trailing, or posterior, face. The spine is
some are slightly depressed centrally. The crown extends relatively slender and perfectly straight with a subcircular
slightly beyond the base. Ten to 20 close-set subparallel cross-section; it is widest (3.5 mm) near the insertion/
ridges ornament the anterior half of the crown and are exsertion boundary. Because the spine is symmetrical, we
narrow and unbranched. The anterior crown edge has a presume it is from an unpaired fin. The insertion area is
rounded outline; some scales have a narrow smooth rim in approximately 20 mm long and semicircular in cross-section,
front of the ridges. There is no indication of pores opening tapers only gradually toward the proximal end, and is
158 C.J. Burrow et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 155–161

Fig. 3. Acanthodian scales from the Cuche Formation, Colombia. (a–d) Nostolepis sp. cf. N. gaujensis. (a) MGCU-B.17.1, crown view. (b) MGCU-B.17.2,
crown view. (c) MGCU-B.17.2, lateral view (most of the base is missing). (d) MGCU-B.17.3, horizontal thin section of crown, anterior corner. Scale
bar ¼ 0.1 mm. (e –i) Florestacanthus morenoi n. gen. et sp. (e) Scale MGCU-B.20.1, crown view. (f) Scale MGCU-B.20.1, anterior view. (g) Vertical
longitudinal ground thin section of scale MGCU-B.20.2. (h) Horizontal ground thin section of scale crown MGCU-B.20.3. (i) Cross-section of spine 10 mm
from the tip of MGCU-B.20.4. Scale bar ¼ 0.1 mm. adt ¼ ascending dentine tubules; cc ¼ central longitudinal cavity; r ¼ longitudinal ridges; and
vc ¼ vascular canal. Arrow is anteriad.

ornamented with fine, close-set, parallel striations. Each side Type locality and stratiography a clayey lens referred to
of the exserted part bears six or more sharp, narrow ridges as PR1 in Janvier and Villarroel (2000, fig 1), Floresta,
separated by wider, shallow grooves; the leading edge is broad Boyacá Department, Colombia; Cuche Formation latest
and appears ornamented with approximately 16 fine-caliber Frasnian or early Famennian.
parallel nodose ridges of comparable width to those on the Reffered material—Impressions of isolated scales on
inserted part. sample UN-DG-PAL V40 (Janvier and Villarroel, 2000,
The fin spine internal structure (Figs. 2d and 3i) figs. 5C, D, 12), and scale MGCU-B20.1, ground thin
shows a wide central pulp cavity extending almost to the sections of scales MGCU-B20.2 and MGCU-B20.3, and a
distal tip of the spine. The hard tissue is oriented mainly ground thin section of fin spine fragment MGCU-B20.4
longitudinally for the proximal two-thirds; 10 radially from the holotype.
directed trabeculae characterize the mid-length portion. Discussion—Scales of the same type as those of
The spine appears to be formed of a thin, dense outer Florestacanthus morenoi were assigned to Cheira-
layer, a trabecular middle layer, and a thin, dense inner canthoides? sp. by Janvier and Villarroel (2000); these are
layer surrounding the pulp cavity. preserved as impressions on the sample UN-DG-PAL V40
Etymology—The species is named after Dr Mario (from the same clayey lens as the specimens described
Moreno-Sanchez, University of Manizales, who discov- here), along with actinopterygian remains. The scales
ered the specimens described herein. superficially resemble those of Cheiracanthoides comptus
Holotype—A patch of squamation associated with a [Wells, 1944]. Although poorly preserved, they appear to
fin spine is presumed to derive from the same individual differ from the latter (and other Cheiracanthoides spp.) in
(MGCU-B.20) lacking Stranggewebe and a regular network of widened
C.J. Burrow et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 155–161 159

Fig. 4. Spine and scales of Florestacanthus morenoi nov. gen. et sp., Cuche Formation, Colombia. (a –c) Reconstruction of MGCU-B.20, unpaired fin spine. (a)
Trailing edge view. (b) Leading edge view. (c) Lateral view with outlines of cross-sections at the level of the insertion area and distally. Scale bar ¼ 10 mm.
(d–i) Camera lucida drawings of scales from MGCU-B.20. (d) MGCU-B.20.5, crown view. (e) MGCU-B.20.5, basal view. (f) MGCU-B.20.5, lateral view. (g)
MGCU-B.20.6, crown view. (h) MGCU-B.20.6, basal view. (i) MGCU-B.20.6, lateral view. Scale bar ¼ 0.1 mm. Arrow is anteriad.

vascular canals in the crown and in having canals of and those of the latter taxon (Valiukevicius and Karataju-
Williamson in the base. The only other scales of a similar te-Talimaa, 1986, pl. II, Figs. 10 –11; pl. III, fig. 1) have
age from South America that have been assigned to the ridges covering the whole length of the crown, a relatively
Acanthodii are from the upper member of the Campo Chico deep neck, and a somewhat pointed base.
Formation (middle Frasnian) of Venezuela (Young and Several Gondwanan acanthodian taxa of a similar age are
Moody, 2002, figs. 16A – C). However, the structure of these known. The west Venezuelan fish fauna described by Young
scales indicates that they are from a protacrodont chon- and Moody (2002) includes Machaeracanthus fin spines
drichthyan rather than an acanthodian. from the early Frasnian and smaller acanthodian fin spines
Scales from several other Middle –Late Devonian taxa plus one Acanthodes-type scale from the middle Frasnian of
from other regions look similar to the Colombian scales. the Campo Chico Formation. None of these fin spines
Those of diplacanthidid Rhadinacanthus balticus [Gross, compares closely to the Colombian example. Semi-
1973] (Eifelian Narova beds, Estonia) differ in having articulated diplacanthidids from the ? middle Givetian of
bifurcating ridges on the crown. Scales of Devononchus Antarctica (Young, 1989) have scales that resemble those of
tennuispinus and D. concinnus [Gross, 1930] (e.g. Valiu- Florestacanthus morenoi, but the former have a pore canal
kevicius, 1998, pl. 8, figs. 17 – 20) have many more crown system in the anterior crown and some bifurcating crown
ridges, which are only weakly and variably developed, ridges. The fin spines of the Antarctic fish match those of
whereas those of D. ketleriensis [Gross, 1947] have a low Byssacanthoides debenhami [White, 1968] (?late Givetian,
base and crown ridges that converge posteriorly (Denison, Antarctica), which have a subcircular cross-section and
1979). Of the scales with a smooth anterior rim on the similar structure but also have radial trabeculae developed
crown, the Colombian ones most closely resemble those of for most of the length of the spine and an ornament that
the cheiracanthidids Cheiracanthus brevicostatus and comprises relatively broad, flat ridges separated by narrow
Markacanthus parallelus [Valiukevicius and Karatajute- grooves.
Talimaa, 1986], but as in all acanthodid scales, they have Rare scales from deposits in the Chahriseh region of Iran
well-developed enameloid layers in the center of the crown, superficially resemble both the Antarctic and Colombian
160 C.J. Burrow et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 155–161

scales, but they have a deep neck and appear to have pore Gondwana, except possibly for Colombia. One Chinese
openings in the crown grooves. Thus, they could be species that was assigned to Asterolepis sinensis is now
conspecific with the Antarctic rather than the Colombian regarded as significantly different from the Euramerican
taxon. Culmacanthid diplacanthoids have been described species and referred to the genus Jiangxilepis (Zhang and
from the oldest and youngest Aztec faunas (middle Liu, 1991). One of the most striking examples of likely
Givetian) from Antarctica, and the latest Givetian Tagg- Gondwanan endemism is that of phyllolepid placoderms,
erty-Howitt and Pambula River faunas of Australia (Young, which seem to have been restricted to Gondwana until well
1993). The Colombian acanthodian is unlikely to be a after the Frasnian – Famennian boundary and then suddenly
culmacanthid, however; none of the distinctive culma- invaded Euramerica by the late Famennian. With regard to
canthid cheek plates have been recorded in association with the acanthodians described here, the two forms closely match
the scales found in this locality. Also, scales from the only both Euramerican and Gondwanan forms, but more precise
articulated species, Culmacanthus stewarti [Long 1983], biogeographic relationships cannot be based on the new
have fewer and weaker crown ridges, and the fin spines have material. The nektonic lifestyle of most acanthodians
broad smooth ridges separated by narrow grooves. probably assisted their wide dispersal, enhancing their
Several Middle – Late Devonian acanthodian taxa have biostratigraphic potential but limiting their biogeographical
been erected for spines with radiating trabeculae that form usefulness. Most of the Euramerican acanthodian taxa which
the middle layer for some or all of the exserted length. Of we have compared with the Colombian material are from the
these, Archaeacanthus quadrisulcatus [Kade, 1858] late Middle – early Late Devonian of the Main Devonian field
(Middle Devonian, Baltic countries) is of a similar size to (cf. Esin et al., 2000) on the East European platform, which
the spine on MGCU-B.20; it has four or five smooth was in the tropics during the Late Devonian (Li et al., 1993);
longitudinal ridges per side, predominantly longitudinal the strata comprise clastic sediments, originating from the
canals running through the middle layer proximally Baltic Shield, with shallow water carbonate intercalations.
(Lyarskaya, 1975), and an open pulp cavity for the proximal Notably, the depositional environment and latitude of those
third of spine length. However, spines of A. quadrisulcatus Baltic ‘Old Red Sandstone’ facies and the Nostolepis sp. cf.
are laterally flattened and sometimes have a subcostal canal. N. gaujensis-bearing red beds at Chanaruh, Iran, were
Devononchus concinnus [Gross, 1940] (early Frasnian, probably very similar.
upper Gauja and Podsnetogor stages, Baltic countries) has It seems the composition of the Late Devonian fish
five smooth longitudinal ridges and an open pulp cavity for assemblages from Euramerica and the northeastern Gond-
the proximal third of the length but also a subcostal canal. wanan margin was chiefly constrained by their tropical
Because both the scales and spine from colombia differ from distribution. The Devonian fish assemblages of Colombia
previously described species, they are assigned to a new and Venezuela appear radically different from those known
taxon, Florestacanthus morenoi. from the Early – Late Devonian of Bolivia, which are
generally associated with Malvinokaffric invertebrate com-
munities (Janvier and Suarez-Riglos, 1986; Gagnier et al.,
4. Conclusions 1988). The Devonian vertebrate faunas of Bolivia are
dominated by chondrichthyans (some of them strongly
Janvier and Villarroel (2000) noted that the fish taxa endemic) and acanthodians, and placoderms are extremely
represented in the Cuche Formation (and the type of rare, with only an Eifelian rhenanid and a late Famennian
assemblage in terms of relative abundance) were rather dunkleosteid known. Bothriolepid-dominated assemblages
suggestive of Euramerican vertebrate faunas of comparable are totally unknown in Bolivia, though favorable rock facies
age, notwithstanding the presence of certain taxa hitherto occur. The same marked difference between northwestern
known essentially from Gondwanan regions (e.g. Antarc- and central-southern South America is also clear when Late
tilamna). They suggested that this faunal assemblage could Devonian plants are considered (Berry et al., 2000).
indicate a close geographical link between Euramerica and Whether this difference is due to tectonics (the Eastern
northwestern Gondwana by Late Devonian times, in Andean Block may have been an allochtonous terrane that
accordance with geophysical models proposed by Dalziel linked Euramerica and western Gondwana in the Late
et al. (1994). In contrast, Young et al. (2000) described a Devonian) or a climatic gradient is still undecided.
Bothriolepis-dominated Late Devonian fish fauna from Moreno-Sanchez (2001), however, believes that both
western Venezuela and concluded that it was of dominantly factors are equally plausible and may have coexisted.
Gondwanan affinity. Considering that the two localities,
Colombian and Venezuelan, belong to the same tectonic unit,
the Eastern Andean Block, the discrepancy between these Acknowledgements
two conclusions seems surprising. However, Late Devonian
fish faunas from Gondwana and Euramerica are not radically Part of the material described herein has been collected
different. Only a few taxa seem restricted to one or the other in the field thanks to grant #6373-98 of the National
areas; e.g. the absence of the antiarch Asterolepis in Geographic Society. The authors are grateful to Dr Mario
C.J. Burrow et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 (2003) 155–161 161

Moreno-Sanchez (Caldas University, Manizales) for the Janvier, P., Villarroel, C., 2000. Devonian vertebrates from Colombia.
loan of the material which he collected. CJB acknowledges Palaeontology 43 (4), 729–763.
Kade, G., 1858. Über die devonischen Fischreste eines Diluvialblockes.
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Programm der Königlichen Realschule zu Meseritz, 1 –24.
Doctoral Fellowship. Li, Z.X., Powell, C.McA., Trench, A., 1993. Palaeozoic global reconstruc-
tions. In: Long, J.A., (Ed.), Palaeozoic Vertebrate Biostratigraphy and
Biogeography, Belhaven Press, London, pp. 25 –53.
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