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Lectures. Here is a proof of Lagrange's Theorem.

Note slightly
different notation than what we are accustom to:

These two videos give a proof of Cauchy's Theorem. Only watch

the second one if you want. We can do the second part without
using "group actions."

Homework. Do, but don't turn in Chapter 13 all of section D and all
of section E that we didn't work in class.

Turn In. Turn in this problem at the start of class on Thursday.

(Please. don't turn it in early. That will complicate my life.):

Suppose G is a cyclic group of order n. Suppose m is an integer

where n and m are relatively prime. Let ! λ : G → G where ! λ (x) = x m .
Show that this function is an automorphism.

In addition to using the hints given at the end of your exam, you can also
use the following: If A is a finite set and f: A → A then f is one-to-one if
and only if f is an onto function.

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