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Microsoft Word_Practice 1

Imagine you are a student who is taking weekend piano

lessons at Mozart Music Academy. Your task is to express
your gratitude to the Academy by writing a formal letter.
In your letter, please also state three (3) things you like
about your experience as a student.

(Word Count: 100 – 150)

Writing a formal letter has a format to follow. Please
google some examples of how formal letter looks like.

Read the following points and do as follows

1) The address of the Academy you are writing to:

Mozart Music Academy
1289 Parkdale Drive
Victoria, BC,V9B 4G9
(250) 474-5311

2) Use Times New Roman, 12 point for all text typed.

3) Use Mr Chalifour as a fictional name to address the

person. Alternatively, you can use Dear Sir/Madam.

4) Bold the addressee’s name

5) Insert a picture of a lighthouse picture from ClipArt and use
it as a company logo
- You can either search from Word document or download
the image from the internet directly.

6) Resize the picture and center it above the academy’s


7) Type the Academy’s name (Mozart Music Academy) below

the lighthouse’s logo

Save your work (practice word document) as

“practice 1_yourname_yourclass” and upload
your work in google classroom.

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