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Standard 6

Professional Responsibility

Component 6.c: Describe strategies, including the use of technology, for the promotion
and advocacy of physical education and expanded physical activity opportunities.

Artifact: PED 382 School Based Fitness Programming Advocacy Project

Date: Fall 2019


My ability to describe strategies and promote advocacy was assessed in PED

382 School Based Fitness Programming through my health advocacy project. I created
this poster to promote the ways to live a healthy life. This poster includes many things
such as how to be active, how to eat healthy, fitness resources, and much more. This
poster can be used to inform people on how to live the best life possible.

This poster relates to component 6.c in the following manner. This poster allowed
me to promote what it is to be healthy and how to live a healthy lifestyle. I was able to
touch on many different aspects that can inform and advocate someone to be their best
self when it comes to health. I also implemented the use of technology through the
MyFitnessPal application. This app can be downloaded for free and allows users to
track their physical activity along with their daily intake. Users can enter what they ate
and it will show them how many calories are in it and what exactly is in it such as fiber
or protein. This shows how technology can help people stay healthy as well!

Describing strategies and promoting healthy opportunities is important because it

allows your students to learn beyond the classroom. By creating a poster such as this
one it gives students ideas of how to remain active and be healthy even when they are
not in your classroom. This poster can allow students to know where they can be active,
how they can eat healthy, and learn about physical education even more than before.

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