Assembly - 5 E Childrens Basic Rights and Their Responsibility Towards It

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Childrens Basic Rights and

their Responsibility towards it
Michael : A very good morning respected Principal, and Supervisors,
Teachers and dear friends. I, Michael, Hiya, Abhinav and
Gayatri have great pleasure in conducting this morning’s
assembly. We begin with the morning prayer led by

Arshdeep: Morning Prayer

Gayatri : Do you know what it is to be happy ?

Abhinav: Well …Happiness is not something you must prove or

justify. Happiness is not something for you to place
conditions upon.

Hiya : Instead of seeking to be happy, be happy. Instead of

waiting to be happy, be happy now, which brings us to the
theme of our assembly Be happy … the power of
happiness lies within one self . Lets see what our friends
have to say through this short skit

Kate ( sitting sadly )

Sejal : What’s wrong Kate ?

Kate: Well I don’t seem to find happiness in anything I do. Every

where I go I see unhappy people .

Udeshya : Happiness is ours when we simply allow it. We can do

that at any time, in any situation, as often as we choose.
Kate: But why don’t people smile at me?

Udeshya : Did you smile at them?

Kate: Well …. No .. I didnt

Shivam : See we must look at it this way …. Happiness is your
decision – it is not dependent on others. And it is a gift you
can share.

Udeshya: When we choose to be happy with life ,We choose to be

generous, creative, energetic and inspired.
Sejal : And a smile does more than just show others that we are

Kate : Yes I do understand – So lets Stop resisting the power and

possibility of happiness.

Shivam : Be happy, now, and lets be all that we are meant to be.

All bow

Hiya: The act of smiling in itself generates a sense of well being

and happiness – try it – hold a smile for a few seconds
Michael : Relationships with family, friends, community and Helping
and caring for others

Gayatri :. Yes This gives us a sense of purpose and fulfilment

Abhinav : Everything thing that make us happy – are inside us. So

spread your smile to one and all - the universal sign for
happiness And see the difference

Hiya : Now we will sing a song power in me followed by a dance,

choreographed by our class students.
Gayatri : Thank you friends . that was powerful.

Michael : Now Alex will read the thought of the day.

Alex: The thought of the day is :

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to

success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

By Albert Schweitzer
I repeat Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key
to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

By Albert Schweitzer

Abhinav: Thank you Alex may we now call on our dear Principal sir A.P.

Singh to share his thoughts with us.

All 4 presenters : you are welcome sir

Hiya : Thank you sir , now close your eyes and bow your heads as Kim

plays the Harmonica for the silent prayer

Gayatri : You may now go back to your classes .And have a wonderful

week ahead.

File folder and accessories made by Kate, Gayatri, Sejal, Alex and Udeshya
Presenters : Kate
Morning Prayer :
Skit : Kate, Sejal, Udeshya, Shivam

Song: Power in me - 5E students

Dance: Dynamite – 5E students

Thought of the Day: Alex

Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success. If you love
what you are doing, you will be successful.
By Albert Schweitzer
Silent Prayer: Kim on the Harmonica

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