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1 Can you tell me a time when you took control of a group ? (specific example, hear they took control – not given it) 1
2 Are you sometimes forceful with other people? (yes, sometimes you have to be, don’t back off of forceful) 1
3 Are you satisfied at the end of the day? Tell me about it. (Never feel content, must hear NO BACK OFF) 1
4 Do you have long days? Tell me about it. (12+ hour days, or they just don’t think about it, they just get done what needs
to be done) 1
5 Do you feel the NEED to stay busy all the time? (yes – need to with no backing away) 1
6 Describe for me the best team you’ve ever worked on or played on. What made it the best? (work together, more fun,
common goal, get things done) 1
7 Do you change your style according to your audience? Yes 1
a. Please explain. Adapt to what people need from me or what they need me to be.
8 When you have multiple projects due at one time, how do you juggle? (listen for creating a plan, setting priorities) 1
9 Are you able to stay on task in the face of distractions? Please illustrate (more than just having a plan, they can keep
focused through chaos) 1
10 Can you tell me about a time when you didn’t follow through on a commitment? (no, I always follow through or acts of
God – hurricane, medical emergency, etc.) 1
11 If you could choose who you work with, what characteristics would you look for? (dependable, responsible, follows 1
12 Are you the person others come to when something needs to be done? Why? (yes, because they know I’ll get it done, or I
can’t say no, or I’m compelled to help) 1
13 Do you learn a lot about a little or a little about a lot? (lot about a little) 1
14 Do you prefer to focus on one area and get good at it, or be more well rounded? (focus on one) 1
15 Do you trust people until they prove you can’t or do people have to earn your trust first? (trust people) 1
TOTAL 15 0
Do you enjoy telling others what to do ? (yes – must ENJOY)
All things being equal, would you rather be part of a group or lead it ?
(lead it)
Can you tell me a time when you took control of a group ? (specific
example, hear they took control – not given it)
How do you deal with conflict or opposition? (confront it, speak out)
Please give me an example when you had to deal with conflict. (specific,
not general)
Are you sometimes forceful with other people? (yes, sometimes you
have to be, don’t back off of forceful)
How do you feel when you are the unpopular voice in a group? (don’t
mind; stands own ground)
Describe the best manager you’ve ever had. (gave lots of autonomy, no
Are you satisfied at the end of the day? Tell me about it. (Never feel
content, must hear NO BACK OFF)
Do you outperform others at work? Tell me about a time when you did
this. (yes, listen for a specific time)
Do you have long days? Tell me about it. (12+ hour days, or they just
don’t think about it, they just get done what needs to be done)
Do you feel the NEED to stay busy all the time? (yes – need to with no
backing away)
How do you feel when you are not busy? (listen for emotion – hate it,
bothered, have to be busy)
Would people describe you as helpful? Why? (yes. I enjoy helping, I
have helped in the past, or specific example)
Would you rather be on a successful team with casual acquaintances or
a less successful team with people you are close to? (less successful)
Describe for me the best team you’ve ever worked on or played on.
What made it the best? (work together, more fun, common goal, get
things done)
Would people call you a good friend? Why? (yes. They know I care, or I
listen, something to indicate a relationship)
Are you different things to different people? (yes) Tell me more. (Has
ability to adjust themselves to others, can adapt to other person’s
Do you change your style according to your audience? Yes
a. Please explain. Adapt to what people need from me or what they
need me to be.
When you have multiple projects due at one time, how do you juggle?
(listen for creating a plan, setting priorities)
Do you prefer to work from a plan or go with the flow? (always a plan)
How do you organize a typical day for yourself ? (structure, routine, lists,
time lines)
Are you able to stay on task in the face of distractions? Please illustrate
(more than just having a plan, they can keep focused through chaos)
Can you tell me about a time when you didn’t follow through on a
commitment? (no, I always follow through or acts of God – hurricane,
medical emergency, etc.)
If you could choose who you work with, what characteristics would you
look for? (dependable, responsible, follows through)
Are you the person others come to when something needs to be done?
Why? (yes, because they know I’ll get it done, or I can’t say no, or I’m
compelled to help)
When faced with a problem, do you usually make decisions based on
fact or intuition? (facts)
Would you consider yourself imaginative? (yes – no hedge)
Tell me a time when you came up with an idea that others had not
considered. (Gives specific example)
What are you really smart about? Tell me about that. (Listen for a need
to be competent, love of learning,
Do you learn a lot about a little or a little about a lot? (lot about a little)
Do you prefer to focus on one area and get good at it, or be more well
rounded? (focus on one)
Are you always clear on what the ethical thing to do is? (yes - always)
Do you trust people until they prove you can’t or do people have to earn
your trust first? (trust people)

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