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Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute

Michael Washam

Summary: Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute makes it easy to establish dedicated and private circuits
between your data center and Microsoft Azure. ExpressRoute connections do not go over the public
Internet and offer more reliability, faster speeds, lower latencies, and higher security than typical
connections over the Internet. This guide explains ExpressRoute and its uses, compares provider models,
and walks you through the workflow and deployment steps.

Category: Guide
Applies to: Microsoft Azure
Source: ExpressRoute Technical Overview | Source Content
E-book publication date: [July 2014]

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Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute

Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute ...................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction to Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute ............................................................................................ 4
How does ExpressRoute help? ...................................................................................................................... 4
Network Privacy ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Reduces Costs 4
Hybrid Applications ................................................................................................................................... 5
Cross Region Connectivity......................................................................................................................... 5
Consistent Network Performance ............................................................................................................ 5
Comparing ExpressRoute Provider Models .................................................................................................. 6
Exchange Provider Overview .................................................................................................................... 6
Network Service Provider Overview ......................................................................................................... 6
Choosing a Provider .................................................................................................................................. 7
Understanding Availability ........................................................................................................................ 7
Identifying Provider Locations and Capabilities........................................................................................ 7
Private Access to Microsoft Azure ................................................................................................................ 8
Deploying ExpressRoute through a Network Service Provider (Telco) ......................................................... 9
Contacting your Network Service Provider............................................................................................... 9
Deploying ExpressRoute through an Exchange Provider (IXP) ................................................................... 10
Contacting Your Exchange Provider ........................................................................................................ 10
Configuring Routing with an Exchange Provider .................................................................................... 11
Routing IP Prefixes .................................................................................................................................. 11
Autonomous System Number................................................................................................................. 12
Configuring Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Peering............................................................................. 12
Virtual Network Configuration.................................................................................................................... 13
Specifying Address Spaces ...................................................................................................................... 13
Linking a Virtual Network to an ExpressRoute Circuit ............................................................................ 15
Connecting Multiple Virtual Networks to the Same Circuit.................................................................... 15
Example Virtual Network to Virtual Network Configuration .................................................................. 16
Compatibility ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Upgrading an Existing Circuit .................................................................................................................. 16
Migrating Virtual Networks with Site to Site Gateways to ExpressRoute .............................................. 16
Delete the Existing Gateway ............................................................................................................... 16
Resize the Existing Gateway Subnet ................................................................................................... 17
Enable ExpressRoute on the Gateway ................................................................................................ 17
Create the Gateway and Link the Virtual Network to ExpressRoute .................................................. 18
Securing ExpressRoute ................................................................................................................................ 19
Firewalls and Security Appliances ........................................................................................................... 19
Securing External Endpoints ................................................................................................................... 19
Using Access Control Lists ....................................................................................................................... 20
Removing an ExpressRoute Circuit ............................................................................................................. 21
Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 21

Introduction to Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute

Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute makes it easy to establish dedicated and private circuits between your
data center and Microsoft Azure. Your existing infrastructure can be located on-premises in your own
data center or co-located in one of several participating provider locations. ExpressRoute allows you to
extend your infrastructure to Microsoft Azure by providing private, reliable, high speed connectivity
between you and the cloud.

With ExpressRoute your circuit is isolated using industry standard VLANs to allow private, secure access
to resources deployed in Microsoft Azure Virtual Networks and also to provide connectivity to Microsoft
Azure public services.

How does ExpressRoute help?

Network Privacy
Connectivity between your on-premises infrastructure and infrastructure hosted in Microsoft Azure is
private and secure through your ExpressRoute circuit. Your traffic never traverses the public Internet
when connecting to your own virtual machines or even connecting to other Microsoft Azure public
services such as Storage and SQL Database through ExpressRoute.

Reduces Costs
If you have bandwidth heavy applications and workloads, Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute may reduce
your bandwidth costs. Unlimited inbound traffic to Microsoft Azure is included with your circuit. If your
ExpressRoute partner falls under the network service provider billing model you also have unlimited
outbound traffic for the same price.

If your provider is an Exchange Provider, a significant amount of outbound traffic is included and any
bandwidth between ExpressRoute linked virtual networks is unlimited and included in the cost.
Outbound traffic above and beyond the included amount in your plan will be at significantly reduced
rates compared with traditional Internet Service Providers and regular Microsoft Azure bandwidth rates.


0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000
Monthly Egress data (in GB)

Cost with Internet Xfer Cost w/ ExpressRoute (1 GBps)*

Hybrid Applications
ExpressRoute is not just for deploying infrastructure and server workloads directly in the cloud. Building
hybrid applications and workloads where resources or services reside on-premises and in the cloud is
strategic for many organizations and is easily enabled using ExpressRoute. Additionally, Microsoft Azure
application and data services such as Cloud Services, Storage and SQL Database are compatible and
available to your application developers over your private ExpressRoute circuit. This allows you to build
the next generation of hybrid applications using the latest capabilities by providing private and secure
access to these services over your ExpressRoute circuit.

See the ExpressRoute FAQ for a complete list of Microsoft Azure public services supported with

Cross Region Connectivity

It is easy to deploy virtual machines, cloud services and Azure public services within separate Microsoft
Azure regions (on the same continent) that can be connected to the same ExpressRoute circuit. This
allows you to deploy infrastructure in multiple Microsoft Azure regions that can take advantage of your
ExpressRoute circuit while only connecting your on-premises infrastructure to Azure and minimizing
costs by eliminating bandwidth expenses between regions.

Consistent Network Performance

Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute offers circuits with bandwidth starting from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps
depending on your ExpressRoute provider. These connections are dedicated from your network,
through your provider, and then to Microsoft Azure to ensure consistent performance. ExpressRoute is
highly available by supporting active-active router configurations and also provides control for how data
is routed. This can provide you a more reliable and consistent experience over traditional Internet based

Comparing ExpressRoute Provider Models

There are two types of providers you can choose from when using ExpressRoute: Connecting through an
Exchange Provider (IXP) or a Network Service Provider (Telco).

Exchange Provider Overview

Exchange Providers allow you to connect your co-located hardware and your data center directly to
Microsoft Azure. Exchange providers have bandwidth options starting from 200 Mbps through 10 Gbps.
Connecting your datacenter to Microsoft Azure through an Exchange Provider requires a regional carrier
or direct Ethernet connection to the exchange provider and from the exchange provider you will peer
with Microsoft Azure. Choosing an exchange providers puts you in full control of the routing and
availability with the management of the routers connecting to ExpressRoute in your hands.

To ensure your ExpressRoute circuit is highly available, Microsoft Azure provides two redundant ports
on two routers in an active-active configuration to your on-premises network. When connecting through
an exchange provider it is recommended to deploy redundant routers in your network in a highly
available active-active configuration as well. With redundancy on both sides of the circuit you will avoid
single points of failures and ensure your circuit is highly available.

Connecting through an Exchange Provider

Network Service Provider Overview

Network Service Providers offer bandwidth options from 10 Mbps through 1 Gbps. With a Network
Service Provider as your ExpressRoute partner setting up the routing and high availability is done for you
and managed by your provider. Once connected, your infrastructure in Microsoft Azure and other
Microsoft Azure services such as storage and SQL Database will be available to your network over your
private ExpressRoute circuit.
Connecting through a Network Service Provider

Comparing Service Provider Models

Exchange Provider Network Service Provider

Bandwidth 200 Mbps, 500 Mbps, 1 Gbps, 10 Gbps 10 Mbps, 50 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 500 Mbps, 1 Gbps
Routing Managed by the customer Managed by the provider
High Availability Managed by the customer Managed by the provider
Pricing Pricing Details Pricing Details
MPLS Support No Yes
Bandwidth Costs Inbound and some outbound included Inbound and outbound included

Choosing a Provider
You will need to establish a relationship with an ExpressRoute partner to establish connectivity to
Microsoft Azure using ExpressRoute.

Click here to view the current list of ExpressRoute partners and supported bandwidth options.

Understanding Availability
Choosing either model, your ExpressRoute dedicated circuits are guaranteed to be available for use for a
minimum of 99.9% of the time. If your circuit connectivity does not meet this guarantee and the cause is
within Microsoft's control and not excluded in the ExpressRoute service level agreement you could be
eligible for a service credit.

Click here to review the full details of the ExpressRoute service level agreement.

Identifying Provider Locations and Capabilities

Using the Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute PowerShell cmdlets you can view all of the available providers,
locations and available bandwidths.

Installing and Configuring the Microsoft Azure PowerShell Cmdlets

After installing the Microsoft Azure PowerShell cmdlets, you will need to load the modules into your
PowerShell session.
Import-Module 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows

Import-Module 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows


Using PowerShell to Enumerate ExpressRoute Providers and Capabilities

The Get-AzureDedicatedCircuitServiceProvider cmdlet returns a complete list of ExpressRoute


Running the following PowerShell code will allow you to filter on the selected provider and show the
available bandwidths available. In this example, I am filtering the available bandwidths with the Equinix

Get-AzureDedicatedCircuitServiceProvider |
where Name -eq "Equinix" |
select -ExpandProperty DedicatedCircuitBandwidths

The same cmdlet with a similar expression can be used to expend the available data center locations.
Get-AzureDedicatedCircuitServiceProvider |
where Name -eq "Equinix" |
select -ExpandProperty DedicatedCircuitLocations

Private Access to Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute uses Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for the exchange of routing
information between your on-premises networks and Microsoft Azure. Networks use BGP to exchange
routing information through a process called peering where the networks are known as autonomous
systems exchange routing information with each other.

With ExpressRoute you can configure access to your virtual machines and cloud services hosted in a
virtual network and route traffic to them exclusively over your ExpressRoute circuit where the traffic
never enters the public Internet. This exchange of routing information between your network on-
premises and your network in Microsoft Azure is known as private peering.

In addition to connecting to virtual networks in Microsoft Azure over your ExpressRoute circuit you may
also route traffic to Microsoft Azure services such as Microsoft Azure Storage and SQL Database. This
allows you to access publicly accessible services without the worry of your data leaving your
ExpressRoute circuit and network provider. This exchange of routing information between your network
on-premises and Microsoft Azure public services is known as public peering.

Deploying ExpressRoute through a Network Service Provider (Telco)

It is assumed that at this point you already have an existing relationship and MPLS VPN setup over your
wide area network with a network service provider such as AT&T, British Telecom, Level 3 or Verizon.

The first step to begin setting up connectivity is to use the Microsoft Azure PowerShell cmdlet New-
AzureDedicatedCircuit to create the circuit.

New-AzureDedicatedCircuit -CircuitName "1GpsCircuit" `

-Bandwidth "1024" `
-Location "Silicon Valley" `
-ServiceProviderName "AT&T"

When the circuit has been created PowerShell will return the details of the circuit which includes the
speed, name, location, service provider, status and service key.

The service key value is important because it uniquely identifies this specific circuit. This value will be
needed when contacting your ExpressRoute provider so they can identify the circuit to provision. This
service key will also be used when linking virtual networks and any management operations on the
circuit such as deleting it. It is important to only share the service key with users that are authorized for
changing your Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute configuration.

Important: Billing starts the moment the circuit has been created!

Contacting your Network Service Provider

Once the circuit has been created you will need to contact your service provider by filling out an online
form in their customer portal to request them to complete the connection on their end.
You will need to provide them the service key from the newly created circuit and to provide a /29
subnet that is outside of the IP addresses for your on-premises and Microsoft Azure Virtual Networks.
This network will be split up by the provider into multiple /30 subnets and used to enabling routing.

Example Routing Subnet:

After your provider has completed the provisioning process you will see your circuit provisioning state is
set to Provisioned in the output of the Get-AzureDedicatedCircuit cmdlet.

The next step is to create and link your Microsoft Azure Virtual Networks to the circuit. Linking and
configuring virtual networks is discussed here.

Deploying ExpressRoute through an Exchange Provider (IXP)

It is assumed at this point that you already have a relationship with the ExpressRoute partner.

The next step is to provision a circuit using the New-AzureDedicatedCircuit cmdlet. This cmdlet will
need to know the name of the circuit you are creating, the bandwidth requested, location, and of course
the provider name.
New-AzureDedicatedCircuit -CircuitName "1GpsCircuit" `
-Bandwidth "1024" `
-Location "Silicon Valley" `
-ServiceProviderName "Equinix"

Important: Billing starts the moment the circuit has been created!

Contacting Your Exchange Provider

After the circuit has been created using the PowerShell cmdlet you will need to copy the service key and
pass it to your provider for them to complete the cross connect and enable the circuit.

To view the current status and service keys of your circuits you can run the Get-AzureDedicatedCircuit
cmdlet without parameters to view all of your circuits or you can specify the circuit name to return only
the details for the specified circuit.
Configuring Routing with an Exchange Provider
If your connection to ExpressRoute is through an Exchange Provider (IXP) it is your responsibility to
setup and configure your router to exchange routes with Microsoft Azure.

After your provider has created the proper cross connects your circuit provisioning status will show
Provisioned and you can then move on to configuring BGP routing.

Routing IP Prefixes
ExpressRoute uses Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for exchanging routes between your network and
Microsoft Azure. To setup the required BGP sessions for public and private peering you will need to four
/30 subnets for your primary and secondary routers for both the public and private peering

Note: The IP Prefixes for BGP cannot overlap with the IP prefixes within your virtual or on-premises

Example Routing Subnets and VLAND IDs

Router IP Prefix Peering VLAN ID

Primary Private 555
Secondary Private 555
Primary Public 556
Secondary Public 556

The first available IP address of each subnet will be assigned to your router and the second available IP
address will be automatically assigned to the router on the Microsoft Azure side.

Router Configuration IP Address Assignments

Customer Router Microsoft Azure Router

Example Deployment

Autonomous System Number

To configure BGP for ExpressRoute you will need to provide an autonomous system number (ASN) to
represent your network. You can use a public ASN that you own or you can use a private ASN as long as
it is greater than 65000.

Configuring Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Peering

To configure the BGP sessions for both private and public peering you can use the Microsoft Azure
PowerShell cmdlets.

The following sample uses example information on how you could configure BGP sessions for both
private and public peering in the Exchange Provider model.

To execute the script you will need to replace the place holder value for your service key by retrieving
that value using the Get-AzureDedicatedCircuit cmdlet. The New-AzureBGPPeering cmdlet supports
passing a -SharedKey parameter with an MD5 hash password to ensure only authenticated devices can
manipulate routes. The hash must be a 16-byte hash value represented as a 32 digit hexadecimal

Using PowerShell to Configure BGP Peering for an Exchange Provider

# Service key from your previously created and provisioned circuit
$ServiceKey = "[your service key goes here]"

# MD5 Hash to authenticate BGP sessions

$MD5Hash = "[your MD5 hash password]"

# Subnets used for configuring private peering

$private_Subnet_Primary = ""
$private_Subnet_Secondary = ""
# Subnets used for configuring public peering
$public_Subnet_Primary = ""
$public_Subnet_Secondary = ""

# Autonomous System Number

$ASN = "65520"

# VLAN ID for private peering

$VLANPrivate = "555"

# VLAN ID for public peering

$VLANPublic = "556"

# Create the private peering configuration

New-AzureBGPPeering -ServiceKey $ServiceKey `
-PrimaryPeerSubnet $private_Subnet_Primary `
-SecondaryPeerSubnet $private_Subnet_Secondary `
-PeerAsn $ASN `
-VlanId $VLANPrivate `
–AccessType Private `
-SharedKey $MD5Hash

# Create the public peering configuration

New-AzureBGPPeering -ServiceKey $ServiceKey `
-PrimaryPeerSubnet $public_Subnet_Primary `
-SecondaryPeerSubnet $public_Subnet_Secondary `
-PeerAsn $ASN `
-VlanId $VLANPublic `
-AccessType Public `
-SharedKey $MD5Hash

Some guidelines for configuring BGP when connecting to Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute

 You may publish up to 3000 routes to the Microsoft Azure routers for private peering and up to
4000 for public peering. You should aggregate routes to stay within this limit.
 The smallest subnet you should publish is a /29.
 Do not publish private IP addresses through the public peering.

Virtual Network Configuration

After your ExpressRoute circuit has been provisioned you will need to create and link one or more
virtual networks to the circuit. You can link multiple virtual networks to an ExpressRoute circuit from any
region on the same continent. For example: West US and East US may connect directory as well as North
Europe and West Europe. However, virtual networks created in West US and North Europe could not be
linked together on the same circuit.

Specifying Address Spaces

To configure ExpressRoute you must specify the address spaces or IP prefixes for your on-premises and
Microsoft Azure-based Virtual Networks. The address spaces should not overlap.

Local Network Prefixes

The IP Prefixes used on your on-premises network configuration can include public or private IP prefixes.
When configuring your virtual network you should add all of the IP prefixes you wish to be able to
communicate to the Microsoft Azure Virtual Network.
IP Prefixes for On-Premises or Co-Located Network

Note: When creating a virtual network using the management portal you are currently required to
specify an IP address for the VPN device. This value is not used with ExpressRoute and any placeholder
address can be used such as

Virtual Network Prefixes

The IP prefixes that will be used within your Microsoft Azure Virtual Network(s) should not overlap with
your on-premises network connected to Microsoft Azure. Only IP prefixes from RFC1918 are supported
within Microsoft Azure Virtual Networks.

Available Ranges for Microsoft Azure Virtual Networks (10/8 prefix) (172.16/12 prefix) (192.168/16 prefix)

As part of creating your virtual network you should partition your address space into subnets.

Note: You must create a /28 subnet named Gateway for the Microsoft Azure gateway roles.

Example IP Prefixes for a Microsoft Azure Virtual Network

Linking a Virtual Network to an ExpressRoute Circuit
After the ExpressRoute circuit is provisioned and configured, the next step is to link a virtual network to
your ExpressRoute circuit.

Call the New-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink cmdlet and specify the service key and the virtual network
name you want to link to the circuit. After this command has completed routes from your virtual
network will be advertised to your routers to allow connectivity over the ExpressRoute circuit.

Linking a Virtual Network to the ExpressRoute Circuit

Connecting Multiple Virtual Networks to the Same Circuit

You can connect virtual networks to the same ExpressRoute circuit within the same physical geography.

Currently Available Virtual Network to Virtual Network Locations:

 West US, East US and Central US

 West Europe and North Europe

Accessing Public and Private Services from an ExpressRoute circuit in multiple regions
Example Virtual Network to Virtual Network Configuration
Local Network ExpressRouteVNET (West US) ExpressRouteVNETEast (East US)

Linking a second virtual network in a remote region to the same ExpressRoute circuit.
New-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink -ServiceKey $serviceKey -VNetName "ExpressRouteVNETEast"

Currently, Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute is not compatible with site-to-site, point-to-site or regionally
connected virtual networks. ExpressRoute is fully compatible with internal load balancing, static IPs,
reserved IPs and public IPs.

Upgrading an Existing Circuit

The process of upgrading to a higher capacity circuit is relatively simple. Create and configure a new
circuit with a higher capacity using the process outlined earlier. Once the circuit is ready, simply unlink
the existing circuit from the virtual network and link it to the new circuit.

# Unlink the existing circuit from the virtual network

Remove-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink -ServiceKey $serviceKey -VNetName $vnetName

# Link the virtual network to the new circuit

New-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink -ServiceKey $upgradedServiceKey -VNetName $vnetName

Warning: Unlinking and relinking a circuit to a virtual network will cause a short amount of lost
connectivity between your on-premises network and your virtual network.

Migrating Virtual Networks with Site to Site Gateways to ExpressRoute

It is possible to move an existing Microsoft Azure Virtual Network that currently uses a site-to-site VPN
gateway to use an ExpressRoute circuit. The steps to migrate an existing configuration are below.

Delete the Existing Gateway

Delete the existing gateway by pressing the DELETE GATEWAY button in the portal or by using the
Remove-AzureVNETGateway PowerShell cmdlet.

Deleting an Existing Site-to-Site Gateway from the management portal.

Resize the Existing Gateway Subnet
Existing site to site gateways support a gateway subnet with a minimum size of a /29. However,
Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute gateways support a minimum gateway subnet size of /28. Change the
subnet to support the increased size and save your virtual network configuration.

Site-to-Site gateway subnet before resizing (/29)

Site-to-Site Gateway subnet after resizing (/28)

Enable ExpressRoute on the Gateway

After the existing site-to-site gateway has been deleted and the gateway subnet has been resized you
can then enable ExpressRoute by checking the Use ExpressRoute check box in the management portal
and then clicking save.
Create the Gateway and Link the Virtual Network to ExpressRoute
To complete the migration from site-to-site to ExpressRoute you must click the CREATE GATEWAY
button to recreate the gateway.

Once the gateway has completed provisioning simply link the virtual network to your existing
ExpressRoute circuit.

Gateway recreated with ExpressRoute Enabled.

Note: with ExpressRoute the portal does not currently show a connected state when ExpressRoute is
New-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink -ServiceKey $serviceKey -VNetName "VNETtoMigrate"

Warning: Migrating an existing virtual network from site-to-site to ExpressRoute will cause a short
amount of lost connectivity between your on-premises network and your virtual network.
Securing ExpressRoute
Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute is more secure than a traditional Internet connection due to the private
and dedicated nature of its connection. However, there are several additional approaches that you can
utilize to decrease your attack surface and lower the risk of your network being attacked.

Firewalls and Security Appliances

Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute places you in control of your network. This means you can place
additional firewalls, security appliances or further protect your network with IPSEC.

Securing External Endpoints

When creating virtual machines in Microsoft Azure, endpoints are automatically created for Remote
Desktop and Remote PowerShell for Windows-based virtual machines and SSH for Linux-based virtual
machines. You can further secure access to these virtual machines by removing the endpoints altogether
and accessing the management features using the virtual machines internal IP address from your
ExpressRoute network.
Managing Virtual Machines by connecting direct over an ExpressRoute Circuit.

Using Access Control Lists

If management endpoints on Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines are required to be exposed to external
networks it is highly recommended to do so only using access control lists to restrict the visibility and
access to the these ports to a whitelist of IP addresses or networks.

Managing Virtual Machines by connecting to internal IP addresses for internal management and
external endpoints with an access control list (ACL) for external access.
Removing an ExpressRoute Circuit
Billing for your ExpressRoute circuit begins once the circuit has been created regardless of its
provisioned state. To remove an ExpressRoute circuit and stop billing it is important to include your
service provider as part of the disconnect process.

To remove a provisioned circuit follow the following steps:

Remove the link from any virtual networks using the Remove-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink cmdlet.

Contact your service provider with the service key for the specific circuit you wish to remove. You can
use the Get-AzureDedicatedCircuit cmdlet to retrieve the service key.

Once your service provider notifies you that the cross connects have been removed the circuits
provisioning state should be set to NotProvisioned. You can view the state by calling the Get-
AzureDedicatedCircuit cmdlet.

Finally, call the Remove-AzureDedicatedCircuit cmdlet passing the service key to delete the circuit from
your subscription.

Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute provides private and consistent network capabilities to enable the hybrid
cloud with Microsoft Azure.

ExpressRoute is ideal for workloads that require transferring large amounts of data, low latency, or
solutions that require a higher degree of security, privacy and control over the network. ExpressRoute
may also provide significant cost savings related to bandwidth costs by providing a lower cost alternative
for high bandwidth workloads.

ExpressRoute also enables you to connect virtual machines and public services from multiple Microsoft
Azure regions directly to your on-premises network providing hybrid cloud capabilities and enabling you
to bring your infrastructure closer to your customers.

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