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Stats 250 Creative Reflection Prelab Apple Watches detect Cardiac Arrhythmia About 7 years ago, my maternal grandmother died of stroke to much of our surprise. She was 72-year-old women with no previous diagnoses and led an active and healthy lifestyle. Her doctor had said the cause of death appeared to be Fast forward 6 years, my mother buys herself an Apple Watch in May of 2017. After roughly a week of usage with my mother wearing it much of her time awake, she received a notification on the watch that said she is exhibiting the symptoms of Cardiac Arrhythmia, My mother is extremely shocked because other than the cause of the death of my grandmother there ‘was no history of heart problems and the like in her family. A week later, she vi cardiologist, and he diagno: tachycardia, and recommends that she take a baby aspirin a day, in order to reduce the risk of a blood clot. Now, I, concemed about my mother’s diagnosis, and the accuracy of it, conducted some googling to determine how a consumer technology device like a smartwatch can determine cardiac arrhythmia with 97% accuracy. (Alvin Alcalde) As it turns out, the cardiac rhythm algorithm within the Apple Watch is simplified fit model that uses linear regression-based analyses that alternate based on what you enter in your age, height, weight, and sex is. Linear-regression is a way to see if there is a steady moderate linear relationship or a constant correlation between two variables, in this case, it would be between the height'weight ratio and the average resting heart rate, Then the respective linear-based regression-based analysis is continuing running in the background of monitoring done by the Apple Watch checking to see if my mother’s average resting heart rate is a significant outlier. If my mother’s RHR is a significant outlier, she receives a message on the watch saying she may be exhibiting signs of an irregular heartbeat. What makes this algorithm how large the database is. Every Apple watch user’s average heart rate, height, and weight info is all transmitted to Apple servers, where the linear-regression based analysis is performet however, is the continually increasing sample size (apple watch users) which lead to ever more accurate linear based regression analyses which reduce the possibility of false positives. (Tracie White) Because of this knowledge, I am able to understand a possible solution to diagnosing the millions of undiagnosed individuals who suffer from cardiac arrhythmia and don’t know it, and more personally, my mother is most probably going to live a longer life due the early recognition of her atrial fibrillation. clot in the side of her brain. a s her with cardiac arrhythmia, specifically atrial fibrillation causing art rate accurate ind the predictive line is produced. What makes this algorithm even more successful, Works Cited ‘Alcalde, Alvin. “Apple Watch Can Now Detect Cardiac Arrhythmia with 97 Percent Accuracy.” White, International Business Times AU, International Business Times AU, 15 May 2017, cy-1553224. Tracie. “Stanford, Apple Describe Heart Study with over 400,000 Participants.” National Symposium, Stanford Medicine, 1 Nov. 2018, l/stanford-apple-describe-heart-study-with-over- 400000-participants. html EHR

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