M-Write Peer Review Stats 250 #2 PDF

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Student #1 While you make a good attempt at clarifying the data itself, your explanation of the t-test statistic and p-value is not very clear. You use null hypothesis and sample statistic to define statistic, but you don't explain explicitly what the null hypothesis or what a sample statistic is. Because of the lack of a proper explanation for the aforementioned, it becomes much harder to understand your writing when you begin explaining the results. st While the explanation for the t-test statistic of 2.42 is accurate, the p-value is inaccurately described as 0.0014% which is neither the acceptable 0.014 or 1.4%. Additionally, I think more explanation of what the 2.42 means would significantly clarify the t-test statistic. Information, regarding the Nighttime Sleep variable, was described well; however the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph is not completely clear in its meaning. Perhaps, fixing the “which is about an hours and some minutes less” would clarify the meaning, Other than that, you describe the average times and the difference in averages appropriately. Aside from awkward wording in the second sentence of the third paragraph, you execute this portion of the letter well. I think if you flip the order of the second and third sentences in the third paragraph, you can make the your explanation of the 95% confidence interval immensely invaluable. Student #2 Overall, I think you execute much of what is required fairly well; however, your description of the t-test statistic is not completely understood by a person with minimal statistical literacy and doesn't understand what a standard error is. Once that is fixed, your letter becomes a much ier to read, The explanation for the t-test statistic of 2.42 is accurate, the p-value accurately described as 0.014, There would be enough detail so the daycare center director will generally understand these results if you had included a sentence or two explaining what 5% significance means Ignoring the colloquial language in this portion, I think making sure to explicitly list units after you mention the difference of -68.7 would immensely clarify this section. However, your description of the sample mean values, in this section, are well done and properly executed. The interpretation of the 95% confidence level in context and of the 95% confidence itself were very well done. You are very clear in what 95% confidence means. And the resulting decision on whether there was a statistically significant difference, you are very clear. Student #3 Before I begin, your letter is 75 words short of the minimum 350-word limit. While your letter is brief, you are missing an explanation of many statistical terms you use in your letter, I think your explanation of the averages was very well done. The explanation for the t-test statistic of 2.42 is accurate, the p-value accurately described as 1.4%, There would be enough detail so the daycare center director will generally understand, these results if you had included a sentence or two explaining what a t-test statistic is. Information, regarding the Nighttime Sleep variable, was described well; however I think your choice of “showing” in the last sentence of the second paragraph is statistically inappropriate. Perhaps “seems to indicate” or “suggesting” would be a more suitable replacement. This is the best part of your letter. The interpretation of the 95% confidence level in context and of the 95% confidence itself were very well done, However, I think you can further improve this by placing the last sentence of the third paragraph before you interpret the 95% confidence interval in context to better set up the reader for your interpretation.

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