B. Movement B. Personal C. Reference

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Choose the word whose main stress is put syllable from that
of the others in the group.
1. A. commit B. movement C. eject D. depend
2. A. opponent B. personal C. continue D. decision
3. A. referee B. engineer C. reference D. interfere
Choose the word whose underlined part differently from that
of the others in the group.
4. A. penalty B. penalize C. petrol D. pencil
5. A. foul B. found C. fought D. fowl


Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes
each sentence.
6. In recent years, fouls have been severely__________in football matches.
A. forgiven B. ejected C. penalized D. scored
7. 'The match ended in a tie'. The word 'a tie' in this sentence closely means___.
A. a draw B. a necktie C. a rope D. a knot
8. Unemployment is a(n)_____________cause of poverty.
A. minor B. major C. unneeded D. useless
9. He was lucky to escape from the accident with only______injuries.
A. important B. serious C. minor D. major
10. More fouls were___________in the final match than expected.
A. done B. committed C. achieved D. completed
11. Emotional problems can seriously___________with a student's work.
A. involve B. affect C. interfere D. influence
12. It's only a_____________problem. Don't worry!
A. major B. minor C. serious D. severe
13. The rescuers______________for their bravery and fortitude in locating the lost
mountain climbers.
A. were praising B. were praised
C. praised D. have praised
14. Many strange things___________last night.
A. happening B. happened
C. were happened D. have happened
15. The exam results are being __________on Thursday.
A. announce B. announces C. announced D. to announce
16. What ______________the weather like during your holidays there?
A. does B. did C. was D. are
17. She finally finished__________the room at 8:30 p.m.
A. 'clean up B. to clean up C. cleaning up D. cleaned up
18. The policeman_____________me not to park there.
A. said B. suggested C. made D. told
19. ______________how to use this vacuum cleaner and I'll help you clean the

A. If you show me B. When you show me
C. Unless you show me D. Show me
20. “You don’t work at weekends, do you?” “___________.”
A. Yes, I don't B. No problem
C. Of course not D. Never mind
21. Many inventions in technology____________in the past forty years.
A. are made ___________________B. were made
C. have been made D. are being made
22. In order to avoid infection,___________.
A. it's necessary to drink boiled or bottled water
B. you should always drink boiled or bottled water
C. drinking boiled or bottled water is a necessity
D. to drink boiled or bottled water is necessary
23. Let's ______________it anymore!
A. not mention B. not to mention
C. not mentioning D. don't mention
24. ______________, America depends on Africa for 40% of its oil imports.
A. Interesting B. Interest C. Interestingly D. Interested
25. I'd rather send her an e-mail ___________.
A. than telephone her B. by to telephone her
C. to telephoning her D. from telephoning her
26. This old businessman is said___________school at the age of thirteen .
A. that left B. to leave C. to have left D. that having left
27. Billy, stop that! It's not polite to stare_______people.
A. to B. at C. in D. on
28. When I attended my first business conference out of town, I felt very
uncomfortable during the social events because .
A. we were all having a good time
B. I didn't know anyone there
C. I am very knowledgeable in my field
D. the conference was very interesting
29. The failure of the team_______________to have been caused by deep divisions
between the coach and the players.
A. believes B. is believing C. is believed D. believed
30. ______________that his parents were asleep, the boy tiptoed out of the room.
A. Think B. Thinking C. Thought' D. He thinks
31. 'What _____________at this exact moment tomorrow?' 'Sorry. I'm not sure.'
A. do you do B. will you do
C. will you be doing D. have you done
32. Kristi forgave her twin sister__________taking her cell phone without asking.
A. about B. from C. for D. with
33. What __________the meaning of this saying: "The pen is mightier than the
A. does B. is C. do D. are
34. ______________being given a teaching place at the University of Paris, Dr.
Albert volunteered to work in Africa.
A. Instead of B. In spite of
C. In addition to D. Because of
35. The old lady was wearing a_____________.
A. gold Chinese beautiful ring B. ring beautiful gold Chinese
C. beautiful Chinese gold ring D. beautiful gold Chinese ring

III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.
36. Jackie, who isn't speaking French, wants to study it at the Adult Center.
37. The idea of to study abroad is attractive to many students.
38. After having dinner in that restaurant last night, I felt badly and my wife
had to take me to the hospital.
39. Robert spent three sleepless nights to try to solve the problem.
40. John’s get a pay raise will make him happy.

IV. Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished
statement (or best answers the question) about each passage.
Soccer is a kind of sport played by sides of 11 players with around ball. The
ball may not be handle during play except by the goalkeepers. A soccer player
must learn many kinds of footwork. Trapping, dribbling, and passing are there of
the basics.
Good "ball control" depends on this "skill". The ball doesn't always land at a
player's feet. Often, it will bounce or come from high up. The ball must be
brought to the ground and controlled right away.
Usually, a player uses a foot or leg to trap the ball. .
The inside or outside of either foot can be used. When dribbling, the ball is
tapped along with the foot. However, players should never let the ball get away
from them. In this way, players can keep going toward the goal. But if the ball is
tapped too hard, the player may lose the ball. It's better for a player to pass
quickly to a teammate instead.
Using this skill, it is possible to gain half the field with one kick. But when
faced with an opponent, the ball should be passed only a snort distance. A
player should pass to a teammate only a few meters away. The ball is passed
into open space ahead of the teammate. Then, the player runs past the
opponent to receive the ball back.
41. What is true of trapping?
A. Players must only use the sides of their feet.
B. Players must kick the ball into open space.
C. Players must bring the ball down and control it.
D. Players should dribble only for a short while.
42. According to the passage, what should players do when faced by an
A. Kick the ball toward the goal with the outside of the foot
B. kick the ball across the field
C. Kick the ball into the open space in front of a teammate
D. Wrestle with the opponent
43. Which of the following is a basic soccer skill?
A. Receiving B. Scoring C. Goal keeping D. Passing
44. The word "skill" as used in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by which of
the following?
A. Talent B. Pass C. Reason D. Ability
45. The expression "boll control" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. kicking the ball B. directing the ball
C. getting points with the bal D. running with the ball

V. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best {its each space in the
following passage.
Hooligans are people who cause trouble at sporting events. They are fans who
like to cause fights. They often damage the area around a sports match. The
term "hooligan" (46)__________used in a London police report in 1898. This
violence has a long history. In 532 AD, thousands of people died in fights that
lasted a week. They were started by fans at a race. In modern times, soccer
has had the most problems with fan violence. This has been (47)
______________on since the 1950s in England. Italy has had a (48)____________
problem. This sport violence has spread to other countries. It has made it difficult
for non-violent fans to enjoy sports in a safe way. The violence also (49)________it
difficult for shops around soccer fields to open safely. They have strict
(50)_________to punish fans that cause trouble.
46. A. was first B. first was C. firstly was D. at first was
47. A. happening B. taking C. occurring D. going
48. A. same B. like C. similar D. alike
49. A. makes B. causes C. allows D. lets
50. A. rules B. principles C. laws D. discipli nes


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