Interpretation of Results Final

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Caitlin Bray

1. Interpretation of Results

A. Resting HR
Score Percentile Rating
1. Pre-value (1) 84 bpm N/A Normal
Post-value 80bpm N/A Normal

2. Explain/Interpret (2)

 From pre-testing to poste-testing, your resting heart rate has been

reduced by four beats per minute. Changes were seen with every

session, each time with a decrease in heart rate or a maintenance of the

heart rate from the week prior. This change shows improvement and

promotes a healthier lifestyle as well as a decrease in the risk for

cardiac disease. Your improvement is related to your compliance to

this program and your willingness to participate. The change could

have been higher in value if we had met more frequently or didn’t

have as many cancellations as we had. This change in heart rate could

be due to normal, everyday fluctuation, however the change was

definitely assisted by the cardiorespiratory training that we performed.

Looking at our weekly logs, we performed cardiorespiratory training

twice a week when we met, sometimes once a week if we were unable

to have our second session.

3. Recommendations/Prescription (1)

 Decreasing your resting heart rate by four beats per minute is a great

start to becoming more fit and decreasing risk of developing heart

disease. It would be best to try and improve this value to be even

lower. In order to do so you will need to continue with

Caitlin Bray

cardiorespiratory training 3-5 days per week at a moderate-vigorous

intensity, which means keeping your heart rate between 141 and 165

beats per minute. You should train for about 10-20 minutes to begin

with and increase duration as you progress. You can use a treadmill, a

stationary bike, an elliptical, or you can go for a run outdoors.

B. Resting Blood Pressure

Score Percentile Rating
1. Pre-Value (1) 122/72mmHg N/A Normal
Post-Value 118/74mmHg N/A Normal

2. Explain/Interpret (2)

 Your blood pressure has two parts to its measurement: systolic and

diastolic. Your systolic pressure, which is the top number or the first

number you see, has decreased from 122mmHg at pre-testing, to

118mmHg at post-testing. Your diastolic pressure at pre-testing was

72mmHg and at post-testing it was at 74mmHg. This small change is

most likely due to normal fluctuation. While it could be partly from

exercise, the change in your measurements is not significant enough to

say so, and looking back at our weekly logs, each blood pressure we

have measured throughout this program was within a healthy range.

Blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day depending on what is

going on for you personally that day.

3. Recommendations/Prescription (1)

 Your blood pressure is within a healthy range, and we have not seen it

become hypertensive, so moving forward, you should work on

Caitlin Bray

maintaining these levels through consistent exercise and healthy

lifestyle choices that we have practiced during this program

C. Body Composition
Weight & Height
Score Suggested Weight Range
1. Pre-Value (1) 63 inches tall, 146lbs 107-140lbs
Post-Value 63 inches tall, 156lbs

2. Explain/Interpret (2)

 Your height is not expected to change during the program; however,

we do look at weight as an idea of improvement. From the pre-test to

the post-test you have gained 10 pounds total. Looking back at our

weekly logs, your weight fluctuated a lot, and around week 7 you saw

your doctor and you reported to me that they have began some testing

because they believe you have a thyroid condition. After finding out

this information you were no longer as concerned about your weight

because you knew it was something that you couldn’t control easily.

Moving forward, with this type of condition it is important to continue

with your exercise plan- namely your cardiorespiratory training- and

continue with your healthy eating habits that we have established such

as only eating dessert three times per week instead of every day.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Score Percentile Rating
1. Pre-Value (1) 25.8kg/m^2 Overweight Increased

Post-Value 27.8kg/m^2 Overweight Increased

2. Explain/Interpret (2)
Caitlin Bray

 Your BMI has increased slightly because of your weight gain, but now

that we have found the cause of your weight gain, you will now find it

easier to manage your weight based upon what your doctor tells you.

BMI was not something we measured each week, but looking back on

the logs, it would have fluctuated because your weight had fluctuated

so much.

Waist Circumference
Score Percentile Rating
1. Pre-Value (1) 76cm N/A Low risk
Post-Value 83.82cm N/A Low risk

2. Explain/Interpret (2)

 Your increase in waist circumference results from your increase in

weight, and as I discussed before, this is most likely because of a

decrease in attendance to sessions as well as your being diagnosed

with a thyroid condition. This also was not a measurement we took

each week, however, as you begin to manage your condition through

assistance of your doctor and comply with an exercise routine you will

to improve this measurement.

Score Percentile Rating
1. Pre-Fat % (1) 28.7% 20th Poor
Post-Fat % 31.1% 15th Very poor

2. Explain/Interpret (2)

 BIA also was not a measurement we took each week, however the

increase in your percentage of fat is also caused by your sudden weight

Caitlin Bray

gain over the past couple of weeks. This is also because of the

decrease in attendance to sessions and your newly diagnosed thyroid

condition. Because of your weight gain you have increased fat mass,

which is why your fat percentage has increased. As previously stated,

once you are able to get this condition under control, you will find

these measurements decreasing as you become healthier and exercise


Score Percentile
1. Method 1 (7-site equation) Pre-Value (1) 21.7%. 50th
Method 1 (7-site equation) Post-Value 21.9% 55th
2. Method 2 (3-site equation) Pre-Value (1) 19.2%. 65th
Method 2 (3-site equation) Post-Value 16.9% 80th

3. Explain/Interpret (2)

 We measured skinfolds once in the beginning of this program and

once in the end. Based on these results you have mostly maintained

your body composition. Based on Method 1, you only gained .2%, and

based on Method 2, you gained 2.3%. The percentages that were

measured are pretty average, as you scored in the 50th percentile or

higher for each test done. These tests, along with the other body

composition tests we performed, you will find that your values will
Caitlin Bray

become better and better as you begin to manage your conditions as

well as your exercise plan and eating habits.

4. Summary and Recommendation/Prescription (2)

 In each of the categories of body composition, there was a regression

in data and they were all due to lack of attendance, a decrease in

exercise on your own time, and finding that the increase in weight is

due to a thyroid condition, which in turn affects all of the other body

composition data. To improve these pieces of data, I would

recommend cardiorespiratory training 3-5 days per week for 10-20

minutes at a time, increasing duration as you progress, and working at

a moderate-vigorous intensity, which means you will keep your heart

rate within a range of 141-165 beats per minute.

D. Cardiovascular Fitness
Bike Test
Score Percentile Rating
1. Pre- VO2MAX (1) 58.21 mL/kg/min 95th
Post- VO2MAX 55.49 mL/kg/min 90th

2. Explain/Interpret (2)

 Your VO2MAX decreased slightly, but not by too much, you still scored

very well and were able to keep yourself at a superior rating which is

great. For this test we use heart rate responses to decide when to end

the test. We look for something called a steady-state heart rate, which

is having two consecutive measurements of the heart rate within 5

beats per minute. We also look to see how much your heart rate drops
Caitlin Bray

after a bout of exercise, and it should be around 12 beats after the first

minute. If this does not happen, it can mean that your parasympathetic

nervous system is unable to control your heart rate. The decrease in

score is most likely due to lack of attendance to sessions as well as

lack of exercise on your own.

Single-Stage Submaximal Treadmill Jog Test

Score Percentile Rating
3. Pre- VO2MAX (1) 52.34 mL/kg/min 90th
Post- VO2MAX 79.05 mL/kg/min 95th

1. Explain/Interpret (2)

 I chose this test because you enjoy running, but nothing that is too

intense. You scored much better during the post-test, which is great,

and means we have made improvements with your endurance and

cardiorespiratory fitness as a whole. You decided to keep the speed at

4.7 mph the entire test, which was an improvement for you, and you

had a much more normal heart rate response during the post-testing

both during and after exercise. Before, your heart rate was in the 90’s

during your bout of exercise, which is very low, and during the post

-test, it was in the 100-110bpm range which is much more normal.

2. Are the results for the two tests similar in regards to change in

cardiorespiratory fitness? Explain. (If no, explain why they are not similar or

determine if there is an error in assessment technique or calculation) (1)

Caitlin Bray

 From what I can see from the results from the two tests, they are not

exactly the same but the results were definitely very similar, and this is

most likely because they both require more physical exertion than a

walk test would have.

3. Summary and recommendations/prescription (2).

 Based off of the results from the pre-test to the post-test, it is important

for you continue with the cardiorespiratory training prescription

previously stated in order to maintain your good VO2MAX level as well

as maintain a good heart rate response to exercise.

E. Muscular Fitness
Muscular Fitness Tests
Score Percentile
1. Pre- Values (1) Test #1: Grip Strength 31.5kg N/A
Test #2: Push-Up Test 15reps N/A
Test #3: Sit-Up Test 30reps 35th
Post-values Test #1: Grip Strength 40.4kg N/A
Test #2: Push-Up Test 21reps N/A
Very good
Test #3: Sit-Up Test 39reps 35th

2. Explain/Interpret results (3)

 For the first test, the grip strength test, you remained in the “poor”

ranking according to the ACSM standards, however you did improve

Caitlin Bray

your score by about 9kg which is a good start. For the second test, the

push-up test, you did not remain in the “poor” ranking according to

ACSM standards, you moved up to the “Very good” ranking because

you improved by 6 whole repetitions which is also a very good start to

becoming stronger. For the third test, the sit-up test, you remained in

the “poor” ranking according to ACSM standards, however, you

increased your score by 9 whole repetitions. These are all great starts

to becoming stronger and they all resulted from compliance with the

program when you attended and a willingness to work hard and


3. Summary and Recommendations/Prescription (2)

 As a whole, you improved on every one of these tests, which is very

good and in order to continue to improve you will need to perform

resistance training on both your upper and lower body 2-3 times per

week at an intensity that is tolerated but challenging for you,

completing 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions of each exercise chosen.

F. Flexibility
Sit and Reach
Score Percentile Rating
1. Pre-Value 16cm N/A Poor
Post-Value 19cm N/A Poor
Back Scratch
Score Percentile Rating
1. Pre-Value R: +5cm N/A Pass
L: 0cm N/A Pass
Post-Value R: +2cm N/A Pass
L: -1cm N/A Fail
2. Explain/Interpret (3)
Caitlin Bray

 Your lower body flexibility improved as we reached our goal of increasing

your sit-and-reach score by at least 2 cm. However, your shoulder

flexibility was reduced slightly, and this could be because of a build-up of

muscle mass that you didn’t have before. You improved your lower body

flexibility because you stretched on your own daily and worked towards

that goal. Moving forward you will need to continue to stretch both lower

body parts as well as upper body parts to maintain flexibility and improve

it over time as well.

3. Summary and Recommendations/Prescription (3)

 In order to maintain and improve your flexibility further, you should be

doing flexibility training at least once a day for ten minutes or more at a

time. You should stretch until the point of slight uncomfortability and stop

once you reach that point and hold it for 30 seconds at a time and perform

each stretch 2-3 times.

Caitlin Bray

Name: Maria Giunta Date: 11/14/2019

Resting Blood Pressure: Pre: 122/72mmHg Post: 118/74mmHg
Resting Heart Rate: Pre: 84bpm Post: 80bpm
1. Cardiovascular Fitness ______Improved ______Maintained ______Decreased
Test: YMCA Bike Test Pre-Score: 58.21mL/kg/min Post Score: 55.49 mL/kg/min
Test: Treadmill Jog Test Pre-Score: 52.34mL/kg/min Post Score: 79.05 mL/kg/min
Based off of the results from the pre-test to the post-test, it is important for you continue with the
cardiorespiratory training prescription of 3-5 days per week for 10-20 minutes at a time,
increasing duration as you progress, and working at a moderate-vigorous intensity, which means
you will keep your heart rate within a range of 141-165 beats per minute in order to maintain a
good VO2MAX level as well as maintain a good heart rate response to exercise.
2. Muscular Fitness
Test: Grip Strength Pre-Score: 31.5kg Post-Score: 40.4kg
X Improved ______Maintained ______Decreased
Test: Push-up Pre-Score: 15 reps Post-Score: 21 reps
X Improved ______Maintained ______Decreased
Test: Sit-up Pre-Score: 30 reps Post-Score: 39 reps
X Improved ______Maintained ______Decreased
As a whole, you improved on every one of these tests, which is very good and in order to
continue to improve you will need to perform resistance training on both your upper and lower
body 2-3 times per week at an intensity that is tolerated but challenging for you, completing 3
sets of 10-12 repetitions of each exercise chosen
3. Flexibility
Test: Sit-and-reach Pre-Score:16cm Post-Score: 19cm
X Improved ______Maintained ______Decreased
Test: Back Scratch Pre-Score: +5cm / 0cm Post-Score: +2cm / -1cm
______Improved ______Maintained X Decreased
In order to maintain and improve your flexibility further, you should be doing flexibility training
at least once a day for ten minutes or more at a time. You should stretch until the point of slight
uncomfortability and stop once you reach that point and hold it for 30 seconds at a time and
perform each stretch 2-3 times.
4. Body Composition ______Improved ______Maintained X Decreased
Pre Weight: 146lbs Post Weight: 156lbs
Height: 63in
Test: Waist Circumference Pre-Score: 76cm Post-Score: 83.82cm
Test: BIA Pre-Score: 28.7% Post-Score: 31.1%
Test: Skinfold Pre-Score:21.7% (7-site) Post-Score: 21.9% (7-site)

19.2% (3-site) 16.9% (3-site)

Caitlin Bray

In each of the categories of body composition, there was a regression in data and they were all
due to lack of attendance, a decrease in exercise on your own time, and finding that the increase
in weight is due to a thyroid condition, which in turn affects all of the other body composition
data. To improve these pieces of data, I would recommend cardiorespiratory training 3-5 days
per week for 10-20 minutes at a time, increasing duration as you progress, and working at a
moderate-vigorous intensity, which means you will keep your heart rate within a range of 141-
165 beats per minute

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