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1. Increase foreign exchange

For a long time most of Saudi 'income' came from pilgrims, but slammed when the
country became petrodollars of oil. Arab governments see the source of foreign exchange
donated by pilgrims and umrah, especially from Indonesia that sends the congregation is
relatively larger. Prior to this, the contribution of pilgrims to the Saudi government's
financial coffers was invisible because the state expenditures from the sale of oil were so
great, especially when the 1980s. Income per capita Saudi Arabia is still so high. So that
the income of the annual pilgrimage management is not ogled, and its use and utilization
are ignored. In fact, with Arab petrodollars can prosper Haramain with infrastructure
development and facilities for the guests of Allah. The Saudis have recently weighed Haj
funds as an alternative source of development for the city of Mecca. Seeing the current
conditions, Saudi Arabia will be judged to have progressive policies and advanced ideas
when inviting Muslim countries to contribute in prospering the Mosque of Alharam and
2. Extended travel can actually affect your personality.
It's no surprise that traveling takes you outside of your comfort zone. In fact, this is
perhaps why people crave traveling to the extent they do. In psychology, there is this
concept of the “Big Five,” which refers to the five dominant characteristics that describe
a person's personality. These traits include neuroticism, openness, extraversion,
conscientiousness and agreeableness. The more travelers interact with new people and
immerse themselves in a new culture, the more their goals are aligned with the openness
personality trait. The Hajj basically impacts on the faith of the Muslim community in that
it motivates the feeling of unity among all Muslims. Hence, incorporate the world of
Muslim without looking at the race, nationality or ones gender. This in turn, brings about
unity and equality to both Muslims and non Muslims. Again those who have attended the
Hajj or rather have taken part in the Hajj pilgrimage have an added advantage. This is to
say that they are permitted to perform other Islamic practices such as fasting and saying
the prayers. Tolerance: Interaction among pilgrims is an important feature of the Hajj,
and one that the evidence suggests leads to greater tolerance and empathy for others.
Because the Hajj brings together in close proximity Muslims from across the world for
over a month, Hajjis observe social behavior from other pilgrims of different
nationalities, thus gaining insights into how people interact and behave. As they have
more positive interaction with others, they are likely to update their beliefs. Especially
salient for an international event such as the Hajj, pilgrims return with more positive
views towards people from other countries, especially those with whom they are likely to
interact. For example, in their views of other nationalities, Hajjis show the largest
positive gain for Indonesians, the group they are most likely to observe during the Hajj,
other than Saudis.
3. The accelerated increase of pilgrims in a limited space resulted in a real housing
The habitat is the first victim of the pilgrimage season. The accelerated increase of
pilgrims in a limited space resulted in a real housing crisis. The rental price has incredibly
increased at the time where the private construction of new housing projects has
disappeared. All new buildings in the city center are designed for hotels or commercials
activities. Moreover, many habitats for existing private dwellings are in an improper state
and on track to be substituted by giant's hotels. We can say, without exaggeration, that
the housing crisis has affected all the neighborhoods near of holy places. We find a
unique phenomenon (eviction and deportation during the pilgrimage season), that is, the
resident must leave the home or apartment during the days of Hajj (if tenant). In this case,
the owners rent their buildings to the pilgrims at very high prices, causing many problems
for residents who cannot find another individual or family accommodation. There are
many houses and hotels that are closed throughout the year and operated only during the
pilgrimage season. As a result, there is a loss of housing wealth has not exploited the
optimal economic exploitation. On the other hand, it follows a lack of housing available
for in these neighborhoods.


We can prove that there is a danger that threatens the health of the pilgrims. Dispersal of the
pilgrims on the different hotels and private accommodation, adding poor pilgrims who can not
live in hotels and sleep in the streets of the near neighborhoods of the rites, lead to difficulties in
controlling the spread of an epidemic. The city also suffers from the overload on health
establishments, which leads to shortages in the service of the populations in these

The most common syndromes in returned travelers are diarrhea, respiratory tract illness, skin
conditions, and fever. In a study of nearly 800 returned travelers, diarrhea occurred in 13%,
upper respiratory tract infections in 10%, skin rash in 3%, and fever in 2%. Sixty-five percent of
illnesses had their onset after return, and overall, 12% of travelers sought medical care for them
after arriving home.

 Travel diarrhea
Many cases of diarrhea in returned travelers may be treated empirically; however, in
other cases, diarrheal stools should be tested for blood and cultured for enteropathogens,
particularly when patients present with fever, tenesmus, or gross blood in the stool. In
these cases, empiric treatment with a fluoroquinolone or azithromycin can be considered
while awaiting stool culture results and adjusted as necessary when culture results are
received. If diarrhea has lasted for 10 days to 2 weeks or longer, antigen detection for
Giardia and Cryptosporidium species and, depending upon the clinical history,
examination of stool samples for ova and parasites is appropriate. Some travelers with
prolonged diarrhea will no longer have an infectious etiology but will have developed a
postinfectious irritable bowel syndrome.
 Respiratory
If there are respiratory complaints, a chest radiograph may bemindicated. Certain
travelers with respiratory symptoms may also merit a tuberculin skin test, particularly
long-stay travelers returning from areas in which disease is endemic and health care
 Fever
Febrile illness warrants immediate attention, because it may be due to malaria or another
potentially life-threatening pathogen. Other etiologies for febrile syndromes include
dengue, acute HIV syndrome, leptospirosis, acute schistosomiasis, and enteric fever
caused by S. Typhi or S. Paratyphi. Obtaining an acute-phase serum sample for testing at
a later date may be helpful in characterizing illness.


1. Land Pollution
Land pollution is the deterioration (destruction) of the earth’s land surfaces, often directly
or indirectly as a result of man’s activities and their misuse of land resources. It occurs
when waste is not disposed of properly
Types of land pollution : There are different types of land pollution such as Solid Waste
These include all the various kinds of rubbish like paper, plastic containers, bottles, cans,
Effect land pollution:
 There can be catastrophic consequences of land pollution in relation to humans,
animals, water and soils. The effects are even worse if the garbage is not
separated into organic, reusable and recyclable waste.

 Contaminated lands and environments can:

facts on water pollutionCause problems in the human respiratory system.
facts on water pollutionCause problems on the skin.
facts on water pollutionCause various kinds of cancers.

 The toxic materials that pollute the soil can get

into the human body directly by:
facts on water pollutionComing into contact with the skin.
facts on water pollutionBeing washed into water sources like reservoirs and rivers.
facts on water pollutionEating fruits and vegetables that have been grown in polluted soil.
facts on water pollutionBreathing in polluted dust or particles.
2. Air Pollution
The air pollution coming from tourist transportation is one of the major negative eËects
of tourism. Traveling by rail, air, and road results to air pollution that damages the
environment. Apparently, a large portion of air emissions is caused by 60% of air travel
from tourists going from one place to another. Additionally, transport emissions can
result to photochemical pollution, acid rain, and global warming. The pollution during the
days of the pilgrimage is also a serious problem. confirmed that "the formation of "layers
of grime" over large agglomerations are caused by modern urban concentration and the
development of the car". Therefore, the means of transport have a major role in air
pollution especially with large numbers during the pilgrimage season. "The gaseous
releases of various types of vehicles (motorcycles, cars, buses and trucks) are of
petroleum origin: in decreasing order, oxides of carbon (cause difficulty breathing
especially to starts, accelerations and decelerations during incomplete combustion),
hydrocarbons, which some irritate the eyes and mucous membranes, the oxides of
nitrogen in congested places acting on the lungs, heavy metals especially lead". Another
type of pollution comes from the wastes that accumulate in open areas.
3. Shortage of Water Resources
One of the most essential natural resources is water. It is very evident that the tourism
industry overuses the water resources for the development of swimming pools, hotels,
and even the personal use of water by some tourists. As a result, these could lead to the
degradation of water supplies and water shortages. So, it is better to save water as much
as possible, since water scarcity is being a major issue in some parts of the world now.
The impact of tourism are of course attributed to ignorant and overzealous tourists who
blatantly ignores environmental rules. With climate change still posing great damage to
natural resources around the world.

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