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Name : Aqila Nurfadila (E1D019026)

Class : II/A

Competence is a person's ability to carry out tasks or jobs in accordance with the profession or position
carried. As for the academic qualifications of teachers or other equivalent forms in accordance with Minister of
National Education regulation No. 16 of 2007. Teachers must have a minimum educational academic qualification
of a Diploma of four or Bachelor degree obtained from an accredited study program. Teacher competencies
developed in Indonesia according to Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers Article 10 paragraph
(1) covers 4 teacher competencies, namely; pedagogical competence, personality competence, social competence,
and professional competence.

1 . Pedagogical competence.

Namely the ability of teachers associated with understanding of students and learning management. In
general these pedagogical competencies include;

a. Mastering students' characteristics from physical, moral, social, cultural, emotional, and intellectual, social
emotional, spiritual and socio-cultural backgrounds.

b. Mastering learning theory and learning principles that educate

c. Develop a curriculum related to the subjects being taught

d. Organizing educational learning

e. Utilizing information and communication technology for learning purposes

f. Facilitating the development of potential learners

g. Communicate effectively, empathically and politely with students

h. Carry out assessment and evaluation of the process and learning outcomes

i. Utilizing the results of assessment and evaluation

j. Reflective take action to improve the quality of learning.

2 . Personality competence

Namely a person who reflects a stable, mature, authoritative personality and becomes a role model for
students and good morals. Personality competencies such as;

a. Acting in accordance with Indonesia's national legal, religious, social and cultural norms

b. Present yourself as a person who is honest, of good character and example

c. Appear yourself as a person who is mature, authoritative and steady

d. Demonstrates work ethic, pride in being a teacher, and trust

e. Uphold the code of ethics of the teaching profession

3. Social competence

Relating to the ability of educators as part of the community to communicate effectively with students,
fellow educators, parents of students, and the community. Social competence has subcompetence with the following

a. Be inclusive, act objectively, and not discriminate because of consideration of gender, religion, race, physical
condition, family background, and socioeconomic status

b. Communicate effectively, empathically, and politely with everyone

c. Adapt in place of duty throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia which has socio-cultural

d. Communicate with the professional community itself and other professions verbally and in writing.
4 . Professional competence

Namely the ability associated with the mastery of learning material widely and deeply. The professional
competencies and sub-competencies are as follows;

a. Mastering the material, structure, concepts, and scientific mindset that supports subjects taught according to

b. Mastering competency standards and basic competencies of subjects / areas of development being taught

c. Develop learning material that is taught creatively

d. Develop professionalism in a sustainable manner by taking reflective action

e. Utilizing information and communication technology to develop themselves.


21st Century learning is a must to integrate information and communication technology, as well as student-
centered learning management. In developing 21st century learning, teachers are required to change conventional
learning patterns, learning must be student-centered, because abundant learning resources are not only sourced from
the teacher.

  The characteristics of 21st century students are very different from those of previous eras. In this 21st
century a person must have 4 C skills (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and
Creativity and Innovation). Pedagogical competence is a part of teacher professional competence which is
continuously to be improved and developed both independently and in groups facilitated by the government,
professional organizations, communities, and non-governmental organizations. Based on the challenges of the 21st
century, teachers must transform themselves in the era of digital pedogogy by continuing to develop creativity and
innovative power.

On the other hand in the management of learning there are a number of important things to consider by
teachers to develop this 21st century learning, namely; strengthening the main task as a learning designer, applying
higher order thinking skills, applying varied learning methods, and integrating technology in learning.

In general, the ability of 21st century teacher pedogogy to manage learning includes the ability to plan
learning plans, carry out learning, assess student learning achievement, and carry out follow-up assessment results
with the principles of contemporary learning (digital age). At this planning stage the teacher develops a lesson plan
(lesson plan) or lesson plan that meets the principles of educational planning.

The teacher in carrying out learning which is one of the core activities in school, should have shown the
best performance in front of their students. The explanation is easy to understand, the mastery of science is correct,
mastering the teaching methodology, and the classroom manager as controlling the situation of students in class. A
teacher must also be able to be a good study partner for students, so students feel happy and motivated to learn well
with the teacher.

In this digital age, teachers are expected to be able to design, develop and evaluate learning authentically.
Teachers are also expected to be able to demonstrate knowledge, skills and work processes that are representative of
an innovative professional in a global and digital society, by demonstrating a technological system to transfer
knowledge in various situations. The ability of 21st century teachers must also understand local and global issues
and be responsive to changing digital culture that develops and shows action by upholding ethics in professional
practice. This competence is important to be owned by the teacher of the digital age, because knowledge and
information are very fast both locally and globally which sometimes may not be in accordance with the norms and
the truth is not necessarily tested.

The core of pedagogical competence is the ability to make an evaluation or evaluation. The stages of
evaluating the learning process are setting goals, determining evaluation designs, developing evaluation instruments,
gathering information / data, analyzing and interpreting, and following up. In brief, the evaluation of the learning
process includes planning, implementing, processing data, and reporting evaluation. Finally, strategies and forms of
activities that can be carried out to improve the ability of this pedagogy such as seminars, workshops, and trainings
organized by the teaching profession institution, teacher forum (KKG), consortium, universities, private sector and
government in this case the education service.a

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