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Student Teacher: MERCY G. TRAJICO Subject Area: ENGLISH 10

Date and time: 6:50-7:40 & 8:50-9:40 Quarter: FOURTH

February 3, 2020 (WEDNESDAY)


A. Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as instruments to resolve
social conflicts, also how to use the language of research, campaigns and advocacies.

B. Performance Standard

The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant socio-cultural issue.

C. Learning Competencies

 EN10VC-IVb-15: Compare and contrast the contents of the materials viewed with outside sources of information
in terms of accessibility and effectiveness


 “A Martian Sends a Postcard Home” by Craig Raine (1979)


 CDTWL pages 427-431

 Laptop (PowerPoint Presentation)
 Projector/Television
 Other Visual Aids


Priming/Review (Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson/ Establishing a purpose for the lesson)

 What is your opinion about UFOs and aliens? Do you think they really exist? Have aliens actually landed on earth?

 Activity (Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson)

 “UFO - Unlock unFamiliar wOrds” - The students will attach the flying saucer with words to their respective
definitions; that’s carried by the alien.

Words that the students will give meaning to:

1.Martian- imaginary people who live on the planet Mars

2. Postcard- a card for sending a message by mail

3. Caxtons- any book printed by William Caxton during 15 th century

3. Mist- a cloud of tiny water droplets

5. Apparatus- technical equipment needed for a purpose

 The teacher shall present a short description about the author.

Craig Raine was educated at Oxford. He is a poet, a novelist and recently the poetry editor of Faber and an academic
at New College, Oxford, where he is now Professor Emeritus. He is founder and editor of the literary magazine Arete. His
first collection of poetry was published in 1978 and he has gone on to produce eleven collections, in addition to two
novels and some literary criticisms.

 The teacher shall present a short description about the poem

This poem seeks to describe human behavior and objects as if they are being seen for the first time by a visiting Martian.
Consequently, the tone is detached and objective but also inquisitive. The ordinary and common place are illuminated
by a fresh perspective in thirty-four unrhymed couplets. While the poem is almost like a series of riddles that invite the
reader to decipher them, the use of language is original and evocative.

 Activity: “Mix and Match”

The students shall match the appropriate picture being described on the given lines of the poem. The students
will work in group and present their answers on the board.

 The task will be evaluated by the following rubric.




Total 20

The students will come up with these answers:

Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings

and some are treasured for their markings..

they cause the eyes to melt

or the body to shriek with pain

I have never seen one fly, but

sometimes they perch on the hand.

Mist is when the sky is tired of flight

and rests its soft machine on the ground:

then the world is dim and bookish

like engravings under tissue paper.

Rain is when the earth is television

it has the property of making colours darker.

Model T is a room with the lock inside ...

a lock is turned to free the world

for movement, so quick there is a film

to watch for anything missed.

But time is tied to the wrist

or kept in a box ticking with impatience.

In homes a haunted apparatus sleeps,

that snores when you pick it up.

If the ghost cries, they carry it

to their lips and soothe it to sleep

with sounds. A yet they wake it up

deliberately, by tickling with a finger.

Only the young are allowed to suffer

openly. Adults go to a punishment room

with water, but nothing to eat.

They lock the door and suffer the noises

alone. No one is exempt

and everyone’s pain has a different smell.

At night, when all the colours die,

they hide in pairs

and read about themselves ...

in colour, with their eyelids shut

Analysis (Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 / Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2)

 The students shall answer the following questions:

Task: Dissecting the Text

1. What is the first object that the Martian is able to describe?

2. What forms of weather are mentioned in the poem?
3. What other objects are described by the Martian?
4. How different does the Martian see the objects? Cite some lines from the text to prove your answer.
5. What figure of speech is used by the author?

Abstraction (Developing mastery leads to Formative Assessment 3/ Finding practical applications of concepts and
skills in daily living/Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson)

 If you will compare yourself to an object, what object are you? Why?
 What characteristics have you in common?


Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who is the author of the poem “A Martian Sends a Postcard Home”?

a. Amelia Earhart
b. Victor Hugo
c. Craig Raine
2. What animal did the author compare the Caxtons?
a. Birds
b. Books
c. Clock
3. What object is being described on the line” tickling with impatience”?
a. Watch
b. Telephone
c. Automobile
4. What is being compared when telephone rings?
a. the flush of the bowl
b. a baby’s cries
c. the pour of the rain
5. What machine did the author compare the rain?
a. Telephone
b. Washing machine
c. Television

Answer key:

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. C
Agreement / Additional Activities

 Compose a poem from the point of view of animals attempting to explain the behavior of human beings. Choose
whether you’ll act as a domestic animal (e.g., a cat or dog), or a “wild” animal (e.g., a lion or penguin). Your
poem should consist of two stanzas with four lines each. Write it on your notebook.



A. No.of learners earned 80% on the formative assessment : ___________________________________________

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: _____________________________________
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson: ______________________
D. No.of learners who continue to require: __________________________________________________________



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