1 Corona

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Corona virus (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan is a virus that attacks the

respiratory system, this virus belongs to the same class of viruses with
SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle-East
respiratory syndrome). (2)The corona virus (2019-nCoV) ) is a new type
of virus that has never been identified before in humans. Corona virus is
zoonosis (transmitted between animals and humans). (3)The first
problem is the transmission is very fast. (4) This virus has spread to
several countries, among others United States, France, Japan, South
Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, Nepal, Vietnam,
Malaysia, Canada, Cambodia and Sri Lanka
Corona virus infection is caused by the virus itself. Most corona viruses
spread like other viruses in general. (1) From the air, which is spark
(coughing and sneezing), (2) Close contact with an infected person
(shake hands, touching), (3) From the infected animal. In fact, this virus
rarely evolves and infects humans and spreads to other individuals.
However, the case in China is now clear evidence that this virus can
spread from animals to humans and human to human.
Initially, the 2019-nCoV corona virus was returned from animal sources.
The corona 2019-nCoV virus is a virus that is requested in several
animals, including camels, cats and bats. Researchers believe the spread
of the corona virus in China is likely from the animal and seafood
markets in China. But you can also be infected with corona virus from
pets or other animals.You are not in direct contact with animals until the
source of the virus is clearly identified. Do not eat animal foods that are
not cooked well and wear a mask when going out of the house.

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