A. Complete The Sentences, Put The Verb Into The Correct Form With Circle The Right Answer!

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A. Complete the sentences, put the verb into the correct form with circle the right answer!
1. My mother was sick, so I ……… her to the hospital (did not deliver/ delivered )
2. We went to Sandy’s house, but he …… at home. (was not / were not)
3. Jihan and Amir ……. their homework yesterday, so they get punishment in the school (did
not do/ did)
4. The university of Oxford …. The first British University (was / were)
5. That’s why Oxford English ….. known as the English of educated people (did not become/

B. Answer these following question based on the text!

Few of my friends spent last holiday by having vacation in several tourist destinations,
but I preferred to stay at home. I chose to focus to help my parents run our online business
because it was a big opportunity to gain a lot of money.
One morning, I served a customer. He was a new buyer, so he asked me detailed
information about our products. We chatted about an hour, but he had not decided to buy the
product. Then, he left the chat room.
In the afternoon he greeted me via chat room and replied it. He left the chat again. In the
evening, he chatted me again. Actually, I was a bit annoyed, but I tried to calm down myself. I
replied it politely. Suddenly he wrote his order, 100 pieces of blankets. He also apologized for
leaving the chat twice. He explained that he was on duty to evacuate people because of the
flood. He asked me to send the blankets the following morning. He transferred me 20% as
down payment. I accepted the order. Then my parents and I packed the blankets. Then in the
next morning we send the blanket in the customer. I felt very happy after send the customer
order and finally got full payment.

1. What is the kind of the text about? And mention how many kind of that text you know!
2. Why the writer preferred to stay at home then spent his holiday by having several vacations?
3. Why did the customer leave the chat room twice?
4. Did the customer directly transfer full payment 100 %?
5. How did the writer feel in the end of the story?

C. Write a simple announcement based on one of the situation bellow!

a. OSIS will do LDK to Borobudur Temple. (Announcement to all the member of OSIS)
b. The school MA Terpadu Kalimasada will hold “The Speech Competition” in the School
Hall. (Announcement to all the students of MA Terpadu Kalimasada)

Good Luck 

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