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Optics Communications 255 (2005) 175–183

Measurements of birefringence and its sensitivity to

hydrostatic pressure and elongation in photonic
bandgap hollow core fiber with residual core ellipticity
Gabriela Statkiewicz *, Tadeusz Martynkien, Wacław Urbańczyk
Institute of Physics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland

Received 24 March 2005; received in revised form 7 June 2005; accepted 8 June 2005


We investigated polarization properties of the photonic bandgap hollow core fiber operating in the first communi-
cation window. Using specially developed interferometric method, we measured dependence of phase and group modal
birefringence upon wavelength in a wide spectral range. Our results show that the phase birefringence (Dn) is of the
order of 105, depends parabolic like upon wavelength, and reaches minimum value in the vicinity of the bandgap cen-
ter. The group modal birefringence (DN) decreases monotonically vs. wavelength from positive to negative value and
crosses zero near the bandgap center. Due to high chromatic dispersion of the phase modal birefringence, the absolute
value of DN is one order of magnitude higher than Dn at the bandgap boundaries. We also determined the susceptibility
of the phase and the group modal birefringence to strain and hydrostatic pressure in the whole analyzed spectral range.
 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Photonic bandgap fiber; Birefringence; Sensitivity to hydrostatic pressure and strain

1. Introduction started to attract much attention due to possibility

of unusual applications such as transmission of
After light guidance has been demonstrated in high power beams [3,4], delivering of atoms and
the photonic bandgap hollow core (PBG-HC) fiber particles [5], and sensing [6,7]. Due to complex loss
for the first time in [1,2], this new class of fibers mechanism, it was especially difficult to develop
the PBG-HC fibers with low attenuation. Number
of theoretical works analyzing influence of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 71 3204117; fax: +48 71
geometrical parameters on attenuation resulted in
E-mail addresses: (G. significant improvement in construction of these
Statkiewicz), (W. Urbańczyk). new fibers. Recently, the PBG-HC fibers with

0030-4018/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
176 G. Statkiewicz et al. / Optics Communications 255 (2005) 175–183

attenuation as low as 1.72 dB/km [8] and 1.2 dB/ bandgap center. The change of sing of DN was
km [9] have been manufactured and characterized. independently confirmed by a special experiment.
Unusual loss mechanism, having resonant charac- Such behavior of DN is quite different than that re-
ter and arising only in the PBG-HC fibers, is ported in [20] for the PBG-HC fiber operating at
caused by the effect of coupling between the air- 1.55 lm. According to the results presented in
core modes and the surface modes supported by [20], DN is positive in the whole spectral range, de-
the core–cladding interface [4,8,10–13]. The cou- pends parabolic like upon wavelength, and only
pling effect has also an impact on the dispersion approaches zero value near the bandgap center.
characteristic of the air-core modes [8,12,14,15]. In this paper, we also report on measurements
To assure low losses in the PBG-HC fibers, except of the susceptibility of Dn and DN to strain and
efforts towards optimization of geometrical hydrostatic pressure in a wide spectral range. To
parameters such as number of holes in the clad- our knowledge this is the first experimental study
ding, pitch distance, core diameter, and fill factor of the influence of mechanical deformations on
[4,9,14], it was extremely important to eliminate residual birefringence in PBG-HC fibers.
the coupling between the surface modes and the
air-core modes, which was finally achieved by
introducing sharp endings in the core–cladding 2. Measurement of phase and group modal
interface [11,13]. birefringence
In the theoretical work [16] published in 2002, it
was demonstrated for the first time that in PBG- The investigated PBG HC was manufactured
HC fibers a very high birefringence reaching 103 by Blaze Photonics Ltd., type HC-800-02. SEM
can be induced by creating the core of elliptical image of this fiber (Fig. 1) shows that the hollow
shape. The first highly birefringent PBG-HC fiber
was manufactured and experimentally character-
ized in 2004 [17]. There are also published reports
[15,18–20] demonstrating that birefringence can
arise in nominally single-mode PBG-HC fibers
due to residual ellipticity of the core. In very recent
work [20], 50 m long sample of the PBG-HC fiber
operating at 1.55 lm was experimentally investi-
gated, including spectral measurements of phase
and group modal birefringence, spectral measure-
ments of polarization dependent losses, and exper-
imental demonstration of the coupling between
polarization modes.
In this paper, we present the results of investiga-
tions of the short sample (1–5 m) of PBG-HC fiber
operating in the first communication window.
Using specially developed interferometric method,
we measured spectral dependence of the phase and
the group modal birefringence within guidance
band. Our results show that the phase birefrin-
gence (Dn) in the investigated fiber is of the order
of 105, depends parabolically upon wavelength,
Fig. 1. SEM image of the photonic bandgap fiber from Blaze
and reaches minimum value in the vicinity of the
Photonics Ltd. operating in the first communication window;
bandgap center. The group modal birefringence x- and y-coordinate axis coincide, respectively, with shorter and
(DN) decreases monotonically vs. wavelength from longer axis of the elliptical core, ax = 8.4 lm, ay = 9.4 lm,
positive to negative value and crosses zero near the ellipticity ax/ay = 0.89, and pitch distance K = 2.04 lm.
G. Statkiewicz et al. / Optics Communications 255 (2005) 175–183 177

core composed of seven elementary cells is sur- where bx and by are propagation constants for the
rounded by eight rings of holes with the pitch dis- mode of respective polarization.
tance K = 2.04 lm, which assures bandgap A schema of the measurement system is shown
guidance in the first communication window. in Fig. 2. As a light source we used superlumines-
Most probably, due to technological artifacts, cent diode (SLD) with a broadband spectrum
the holes adjacent to the hollow core are different (800–860 nm), which overlaps with the photonic
in shapes and dimensions giving rise to residual bandgap of the investigated fiber. Polarizer and
ellipticity of the core. It causes that the funda- analyzer placed at the ends of the tested fiber were
mental mode splits into two orthogonally polar- aligned at 45 to its polarization axes. Such align-
ized modes propagating with different phase and ment causes that two polarization modes are ex-
group velocities, and polarized in parallel to the cited at the beginning of the tested fiber and they
symmetry axes of the core. As it is shown in interfere at its output after passing through the
Fig. 1, shorter (ax = 8.4 lm) and longer (ay = analyzer. To register the distribution of the output
9.4 lm) axis of the elliptical core overlap, respec- intensity, we used an optical spectrum analyzer
tively, with x- and y-coordinate axis. The core (OSA) or equivalently diffraction grating and
ellipticity determined from the SEM image is CCD camera (Fig. 2). An advantage of the latter
ax/ay = 0.89. system is that it enables for direct observation of
Before starting measurements of the birefrin- the output beam thus allowing for easy control
gence, we checked the investigated PBG-HC fiber whether the fundamental mode has been purely ex-
for the effect of coupling between polarization cited in the investigated fiber. Due to interference
modes. The sample of the PBG-HC fiber was between polarization modes, the outgoing spec-
placed between rotatable polarizer and analyzer. trum is modulated by interference fringes. There-
Such arrangement allowed us to excite one polari- fore, the output intensity can be represented by
zation mode at the fiber input and to estimate its the following relation:
extinction ratio by rotating the analyzer at the fi- IðkÞ ¼ I 0 ðkÞ½1 þ cosðDuðkÞÞ; ð3Þ
ber output. In 5 m long sample, the extinction
parameter determined in this way was of the order where I0(k) is the spectral intensity distribution of
of 1:50, which shows that the coupling between the light source. The phase shift Du(k) between
polarization modes is relatively low. This observa- x- and y-polarized modes can be expressed as
tion proves indirectly that the geometry of the
a P A
investigated fiber is stable along its length. It is leading-in investigated leading-out
not always the case, because as already reported fiber holey fiber fiber
in [20], significant coupling between polarization SLD OSA
modes can be observed in long samples of the
PBG-HC fibers. 45˚ 45˚
Using interferometric method, we first mea- b
sured the spectral dependence of the phase Dn(k) CCD
and the group DN(k) modal birefringence. These
are the most important parameters characterizing P DL A y
L monitor
every birefringent fiber and are defined in the fol- θ
lowing way: SLD x

k 45˚ 45˚ diffraction

Dn ¼ ðb  by Þ ð1Þ
2p x investigated fiber grating

and Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the system for measurement of

phase and group modal birefringence using optical spectrum
dDn analyzer (OSA) (a) and equivalent system with diffraction
DN ¼ Dn  k ; ð2Þ
dk grating and CCD camera (b).
178 G. Statkiewicz et al. / Optics Communications 255 (2005) 175–183

2pDnðkÞL made of crystalline quartz. In Fig. 3(b), we show

DuðkÞ ¼ ; ð4Þ
k three spectrograms registered by the CCD camera.
where Dn(k) is the phase modal birefringence and The first one was obtained for the fiber
L is the length of the investigated fiber. After (L = 1.0885 m) with no delay line, while two oth-
differentiation of the above relation and perform- ers for combination of the investigated fiber and
ing rather straightforward calculations, we can the delay line aligned, respectively, in additive
easily get an expression for the group modal and substractive configuration with respect to the
birefringence fiber polarization axes. It can be easily noticed that
rotation of the delay line by 90 shifts the zero
k2 dD/ point of the overall group delay symmetrically
DN ¼  . ð5Þ
2pL dk with respect to k = 0.846 lm. This experiment
In Fig. 3(a), we show the spectrogram registered proves that the group birefringence DN in the
by OSA at the output of 1.992 m long fiber. We investigated fiber changes monotonically vs. wave-
can easily recognize from this plot that the length and at k = 0.846 lm crosses zero value. It
function Du(k) reaches extreme value at k = means that, according to Eq. (4), the function
0.846 lm. To independently confirm this fact, we Du(k) reaches extreme at k = 0.846 lm.
performed an additional test using a delay plate Due to very small ellipticity of the fiber core, it is
practically impossible to identify its orientation at
the fiber output, and in consequence to experimen-
tally recognize the sign of birefringence. To address
this problem, we performed numerical calculations
of Dn for the investigated structure using fully vec-
torial FEM (220 K triangular elements). The results
of modeling are only with qualitative agreement
with the results of measurements. Nevertheless, in
the coordinate system shown in Fig. 1, the calcu-
lated phase modal birefringence Dn = nx  ny is
positive in the whole spectral range and reaches
minimum at the bandgap center. The existence of
minimum of Dn(k) at k = 0.846 lm was indepen-
dently confirmed by the results of measurement of
the beat length vs. wavelength presented in the
following paragraphs. Basing of these facts, we
conclude that in the coordinate system displayed
in Fig. 1, Dn is positive in the whole spectral
range, while DN is positive for k < 0.846 lm and
negative for k > 0.846 lm. It is worth mentioning
that similar behavior of DN and Dn is reported in
very recent publications [21,22] devoted to theo-
retical analysis of the PBG-HC fibers with high
core ellipticity.
To calculate DN(k) using Eq. (5), we first deter-
mined Du(k) at wavelengths corresponding to suc-
cessive interference maxima and minima, assuming
that interference order for the minima closest to
Fig. 3. Output spectrogram registered by OSA (a) and distri-
butions of spectral intensity registered by CCD camera for extreme of Du(k) is equal to 0. Such procedure al-
combination the investigated fiber and the quartz delay plate lows for determining of Du(k) with the precision
(b). up to the constant value. This uncertainty,
G. Statkiewicz et al. / Optics Communications 255 (2005) 175–183 179

however, has no effect on group modal birefrin- [23]. For this purpose, only one polarization mode
gence, because DN is proportional to dD//dk. was excited at the fiber input and by applying lat-
After approximation of discrete values of Du(k) eral force, we coupled part of energy to initially
with the fifth degree polynomial and differentiation unexcited mode in order to observe spectral inter-
vs. k, we finally determined DN in accordance to ference at the fiber output, Fig. 2(b). In contrast to
Eq. (5). The phase shift Du(k) reconstructed from [15], we detected very week coupling between
the spectrogram and the calculated values of polarization modes, which was also wavelength
DN(k) are displayed in Fig. 4. Our results shows dependent. Nevertheless, it was possible to ob-
that in the investigated PBG-HC fiber with residual serve a displacement of interference fringes in the
core ellipticity, the group modal birefringence output spectrogram in response to the displace-
reaches relatively high values near the bandgap ment of the coupling point. Using this method,
boundaries, respectively, DN = +5.27 · 104 at we found that LB  48 mm at 0.81 lm. Further-
k = 0.793 lm and DN = 7.15 · 104 at k = more, we noticed that the beat length reaches
0.864 lm, and is highly dispersive. maximum value LB  70 mm for k = 0.846 lm.
To measure the beat length (LB) vs. wavelength, However, due to weak contrast of interference
we used first a well-known lateral force method fringes in the output spectrogram, this approach
was charged with 20% error and did not allow
for measurement of LB in the whole spectral
Therefore, to determine spectral dependence of
200 LB more accurately, we used the cut-off method.
Two spectrograms were registered, respectively,
150 before and after the investigated fiber was short-
∆φ [rad]

ened by DL = 51.5 mm, see Fig. 5(a). Knowing

100 a priori that the cut-off length DL is close to
the beat length, allowed us to determine the abso-
50 lute change in the phase shift reconstructed from
two successive spectrograms D(Du) and finally to
0 calculate the spectral dependence of LB
0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87 (Fig. 5(b,c)) and Dn according to the following
λ [µm] relations:
2p  DL
b ×10
-4 LB ðkÞ ¼ ð6Þ
4 and

1 DnðkÞ ¼ k=LB ðkÞ. ð7Þ

The phase modal birefringence in the investigated


PBG-HC fiber is relatively low and shows para-
bolic like dependence upon wavelength with mini-
mum equal to 1.26 · 105 at k = 0.846 lm,
Fig. 5(c). High chromatic dispersion of Dn is
responsible for unusual behaviour of the group
0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87
modal birefringence DN in the investigated fiber,
λ [µm] which is about order of magnitude greater than
Fig. 4. Spectral dependence of reconstructed phase shift Du(k) Dn at the boundaries of the measurement range
(a) and calculated group modal birefringence DN(k) (b). and changes its sign at k = 0.846 lm. To our
180 G. Statkiewicz et al. / Optics Communications 255 (2005) 175–183

a 3. Measurements of sensitivity to hydrostatic

2.4 L1 =1.0885m pressure and elongation
L 2 =1.0370
2 Using the system shown in Fig. 2(a), we also
measured polarimetric sensitivity KX of the investi-
I [a.u]

gated fiber to hydrostatic pressure and elongation.

1.2 This parameter is defined by the following
1 dðDuÞ 2p dDn Dn dL
KX ¼ ¼ þ ð8Þ
0.4 L dX k dX L dX
0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87
and represents an increase in the phase shift be-
λ [µ m]
tween polarization modes induced by unit change
b 70
of measurand X acting on unit fiber length. To
determine KX, we registered a sequence of spectro-
grams for increasing X with the step small enough
60 to assure unambiguity in calculating the measu-
rand induced phase shifts D(Du(X)) .
L b [mm]

50 To measure the polarimetric sensitivity to pres-

sure, part of the tested fiber of length Lp = 0.488 m
was installed in a specially designed chamber and
subjected to pressure changes in the range from 0
to 14 MPa, with the step of 2 MPa. After the total
30 increase in the phase shift D(Du(p)) induced by
0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87 pressure p = 14 MPa was determined from regis-
λ [µm] tered series of spectrograms, we calculated the
polarimetric sensitivity to pressure Kp directly
c -5
×10 from Eq. (8), see Fig. 6(a). Finally, neglecting in
Eq. (8) the second term representing pressure-
2.4 induced fiber elongation, we determined the
susceptibility of the phase modal birefringence to
pressure according to the following expression:
dDn K p  k

¼ . ð9Þ
dp 2p
After approximation of dDn/dp with the sixth de-
gree polynomial and carrying out differentiation
1.2 of dDn/dp with respect to k, the susceptibility of
0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87 group modal birefringence to hydrostatic pressure
λ [µ m] dDN/dp was also calculated using the following
Fig. 5. Output spectrograms registered before and after short-
ening the fiber (a). Calculated spectral dependence of beat dDN dDn d2 Dn
length (b) and phase modal birefringence (c). ¼ k . ð10Þ
dp dp dkdp
The parameters Kp, dDn/dp, and dDN/dp are pre-
knowledge this is the first experimental report sented in Fig. 6(a)–(c). One should note that the
demonstrating this type of behavior of DN in the function Kp(k) is negative in the whole spectral
PBG-HC fiber with residual core ellipticity. range, has parabolic like shape, and reaches
G. Statkiewicz et al. / Optics Communications 255 (2005) 175–183 181

a towards lower gradients. The Dup(k) registered

for the fiber subjected to pressure is constantly
-2 lower than Dup = 0(k). This indicates that applied
pressure diminishes the phase modal birefringence
Kp [rad/m×MPa]

-5 in the investigated fiber, which may be caused by

pressure-induced decrease of the core ellipticity.
To measure the sensitivity to strain, the fiber of
-8 length Le = 0.833 m was attached with epoxy glue
to two mechanical stages and stretched up to 1.5
mstrain. The measurements were repeated several
times for increasing and decreasing strain with
0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87
no hysteresis observed. The parameter Ke was cal-
λ[ µm]
culated from the formula similar to Eq. (8), while
b -7 dDn/de was determined according to the following
0 relation:

-3 dDn K e  k
¼  Dn. ð11Þ
de 2p
d ∆ n/dp [1/MPa]

The difference between the above equation and Eq.
-9 (9) is related to the fact that the term representing
fiber elongation canÕt be disregarded in measure-
-12 ments of strain sensitivity. After approximating
of dDn/de with the fifth degree polynomial and
-15 carrying out differentiation with respect to k, we
0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87 determined also the susceptibility of the group
λ[ µm] modal birefringence to strain dDN/de using rela-
c -5
tion similar to Eq. (10). The calculated parameters
×10 Ke, dDn/de, and dDN/de are presented in Fig. 7(a)–
(c). Spectral dependence of Ke is intuitively well
understood. The change in the phase shift induced
10 by strain D(Du(e)) is equal to the difference be-
tween the phase shifts for elongated Due(k) and
d∆N/dp [1/MPa]

6 non-elongated fiber Due = 0(k). Axial elongation

causes diminishing of transversal dimensions of
the investigated fiber and according to the scaling
law shifts the bandgap towards shorter wave-
lengths. As a result, the functions Due(k) and
-2 Due = 0(k) are almost identical in shape, however,
0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87 Due(k) is shifted with respect to Due = 0(k) towards
λ[ µm]
shorter wavelengths. According to this model, the
Fig. 6. Polarimetric sensitivity to hydrostatic pressure (a) and polarimetric response to strain should be propor-
susceptibility of phase (b) and group (c) modal birefringence to tional to derivative of dDue = 0(k)/dk, which as a
pressure vs. wavelength. matter of fact is in good agreement with our results
of measurements. The polarimetric sensitivity to
maximum value equal to 0.39 rad/MPa · m at strain Ke is negative for shorter wavelengths,
k = 0.846 lm. Such behavior of Kp reflects the fact crosses zero at k = 0.846 lm, and becomes positive
that applied pressure scales the phase shift Du(k) for longer wavelengths, which reflects well the
182 G. Statkiewicz et al. / Optics Communications 255 (2005) 175–183

a 4.67 · 102 1/strain at the long wavelength

boundary of the bandgap, due to high dispersion
3 of dDn/de in this spectral range.
K [rad/m×mstrain]


4. Conclusion

We investigated experimentally the polariza-

tion properties of the PBG-HC fiber operating
in the first communication window. Our results
0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87
show that the phase modal birefringence (Dn)
λ [µm]
in this fiber depends parabolic like upon wave-
length and reaches minimum near the bandgap
b -4
×10 center. In consequence, the group modal bire-
fringence (DN) decreases monotonically vs. wave-
4 length from positive to negative value and
changes its sign at k = 0.846 lm, which was
d ∆n/d ε [1/strain]

independently confirmed by special experiment.

2 Such behavior of DN is quite different than that
reported in [20] for the birefringent PBG-HC fi-
0 ber operating at 1.55 lm. According to [20], DN
is positive in the whole spectral range and only
approaches zero value near the bandgap center.
-2 One should note, however, that the results of
0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87 measurements of the phase and the group delay
λ [µm] presented in Fig. 9 [20], do not fulfill the disper-
sion relation (2). The phase modal birefringence
c -2
displayed in Fig. 9 [20], rapidly increases vs.
0.5 wavelength, which is in agreement with our
results. Such behavior of Dn causes that the dis-
-1 persion term k dDn/dk in Eq. (2) becomes higher
d ∆N/d ε [1/strain]

than Dn that results in negative sign of DN.

However, according to the measurement results
presented in Fig. 9 [20], DN is positive in the
whole spectral range. Therefore, we guess that
-4 Fig. 9 in [20] displays spectral dependence of
the absolute value of DN. Such hypothesis would
-5.5 explain discrepancy between the results of mea-
0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87 surement of DN presented in this publication
λ [µm] and in [20].
We also measured the susceptibilities of Dn
Fig. 7. Polarimetric sensitivity to strain (a) and susceptibility of
phase (b) and group (c) modal birefringence to strain vs.
and DN to strain and hydrostatic pressure and
wavelength. intuitively explain their spectral characteristics.
To our knowledge this is the first experimental
behavior of dDue = 0(k)/dk. It is interesting that study of the influence of mechanical deforma-
dDN/de oscillates near zero value for shorter tions on residual birefringence in PBG-HC
wavelengths and rapidly decreases reaching fibers.
G. Statkiewicz et al. / Optics Communications 255 (2005) 175–183 183

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