Describe THING or OBJECT Cont 2

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6.Describe something you bought but difficult to use at first (Mobile phone-latest
version/ computer/…..

What is it?

When you bought it?

What does it do? Explain how difficult was it to be used?

7.Describe something useful you borrow from others (mobile phone/ book “the
Diary of cricket”/ …….

 What you borrowed

 Who lent this thing to you

 What kinds of features this thing has AND Explain why you think it is useful

8.Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing ( uniform/ ……….

- what the item of clothing is

- where and when you bought it
- when you wear it And explain why you like wearing it.
9. Describe a uniform (in school or company) you wear (uniform/……….

 When you wear it?

 Who bought it for you?
 What does it look like? How you feel about it?


1. What type of products are difficult to use at first?

I reckon that Some people may find it difficult to handle/USE a hi-tech
machines while some may find everyday use gadgets in the kitchen not easy to
use. Generally products with too many functions and buttons are difficult to
utilize/us at first, I think
2. Do you think it is necessary to follow the fashion and use the latest
I think it depends on AGE range. For instance, it is good for YOUNGSTERS to
be up-to-date for with the current trends and use the new products. However,
for older people, when everything is changing very fast and it is very difficult
for them to keep pace with every changing gadgets.

3. Do you believe that some products are over publicized?

Yes, it is the an era of advertisement and publicity. Anything that is not
advertised, it can slowly fade away from customers’ memories, like they
say… out of sight, out of mind. When we watch some television programs
these days, many advertisements are repeated again and again. So, in
terms of competition with each other nothing is too much. Sometimes we
get fed up of over publicity of some products.

4. Why do you think advertisements are useful in selling products?

Basically, I think There is a lot of research, ideas and creativity that is
behind making an advertisement. For example, If a product is for the
children then the advertisements are made in such a manner that a child
pesters his parents on buying that particular brand. Hence the target is
achieved. So an advertisement is the most useful method of boosting the
sale of any product.

5. Which do you think is better buying things online on buying things in real
I suppose that Both the methods offer their own advantages and
disadvantages. In fact, When we buy something online, it saves time, of
course. It also saves fuel moreover it is also beneficial as well as it is an
eco-friendly method. On the other hand certain things like shoes, need to be
bought in real shops after trying them properly.

1. What do VNese people usually borrow?
Personally I think VNese people usually borrow many things depending on their
need. Some people borrow money and some borrow gadgets.

For example, Students often borrow things they don’t have, like books, notes…
and need these things only for a short time.

2. Does borrowing things make people uncomfortable?

I suppose that It depends on the person. Borrowing makes people
uncomfortable only if they are borrowing from a person they don’t know well.

For instance, When I borrowed a jacket from my friend for a date, I did not feel
uncomfortable, because I have known him well. But, if you borrow something
and spoil the thing before returning it, then certainly it is very embarrassing

3. What to do if you don’t want to lend something to others?

Well, In this case, If I don’t want to lend something, I just say sorry to the
person and tell her/him why I don’t want to lend that thing. Sometimes, the
thing is very precious to me and I don’t want to share it, it is OK not to lend
that thing, I believe so

4. What would you do if your friends didn’t give back what they borrowed from
Actually, I would ask the thing back from them if they don’t return the thing.
Sometimes the person may have just forgotten to return for no reason. I don’t
think it is wrong or embarrassing to ask for my own thing to be returned.

5. Why do some people borrow things instead of buying them?

I guess that Some people borrow things because they may not be able to afford
buying those things, or perhaps they would not need to use those things more
than once. Hence, instead of buying some people prefer borrowing such things
since itWe is convenient for them

6. What kind of problems are associated with borrowing things?

Well, I don’t believe that there is anything wrong with borrowing things except
money. Borrowing money affects relationships especially if there are large sum
of money involved. The lender may feel worries if the money would be returned
or not and the borrower feels like he owes something.


1. Do you think students like to wear uniforms? Well, in my view, the answer
is "yes". Students whom I know are fond of wearing school uniforms because
they would have no worries about thinking of what to wear every morning. Also,
uniforms help to save money on clothing. Furthermore, they find that wearing
uniforms would somewhat stop bullying based on appearance by making
everyone look the same. 

2. On what occasions do people wear formal clothes?

It seems to me that people tend to or have to wear formal

attire/clothes/outfit/costume on special occasions relating to employment and
business, such as job interviews, conferences, formal meetings, or important life
events, like  wedding ceremonies, or religious ceremonies. For example,

3.Do you think clothes are important in making impression?

Yes, absolutely. Our clothes have a huge impact on the impression that others
have on us. The reason is that people are more likely to make snap judgments
about us based on the appearance, especially the clothes we are wearing. That's
why it is a must to pay attention to our outfits if we want to create good

4. Why do almost brands use beautiful people as models?

Obviously, it is because of the power of beauty. To be more specific, when it

comes to "beauty", seeing a pretty or gorgeous person activates thoughts of
"goodness". As a result, buyers who see a beautiful person then go on to
rate every product they come across more positively EVEN if an item has
nothing to do with beauty, like a couch, a TV, a camera or a car. 


1. Why should students wear uniforms?

Uniforms have a lot of advantages. Firstly, it teaches them about discipline and
equality which are important qualities to learn in the childhood.

2. On what occasion should people wear uniforms?

I don’t think people should wear uniform for particular occasion because it
would be wastage of money. Buying a uniform that one would wear for a single
occasion does not make a lot sense to me but if people wear it every day in the
school or army it serves a better purpose.

3. Should companies ask employees about the design of their uniforms?

Yes, companies should definitely do that because when employees will
participate in the designing process they will have more respect for their
uniforms. They will have a sense of ownership and hence they will wear it more

4. Can people tell someone’s personality by his or her clothes?

I think it is very difficult to judge someone’s personality by looking at what
they are wearing.
Every individual is different, some like fashion and some do not. So a person
wearing simple clothes could be a highly intellectual person or could be an
average guy. We can only find out once we talk to them.

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