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Br. J, clin.

Pharmac, (1985), 20 Letters to the Editors 91

AUCoral Guidicelli et al. (1984) and Richer et al. (1984),
F= they found a linear correlation between CLt.tai
AUCiv of captopnil and CL of creatinine. These data are
-AUCtest in a better agreement with the potentiating ef-
FR = fects of chronic renal failure on captopnl-induced
AUCstandard plasma converting enzyme activity blockade and
Since the estimation of V and CL of a drug blood pressure reduction found by Guidicelli et
require knowledge of F, or at least FR, it is not al.(1984), and Richer et al. (1984) and suggest a
possible to calculate the bioavailability after decrease in the dose titration and a prolongation
only a single oral dose. Therefore, the captopril of the dose interval of captopril in proportion to
CL and V indicated by Giudicelli et al. (1984) the decrease in renal failure.
and Richer et al. (1984) are not valid.
F x dose F. Dose G. DERAY
(CL= ;V=
AUC AUC. k Department of Clinical Pharmacology,
Duchin et al. (1982) estimated the CL and V of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
37232, USA
captopril in healthy subjects after an i.v, dose
and in patients with renal impairment (Duchin et Received 2 January, 1985,
al., 1984) after a radiolabelled oral dose, Unlike accepted 8 March, 1985

Duchin, K. L,, Pierides, A. M,, Heald, A., Singhvi, Giudicelli, J. F., Chaignon, M., Richer, C., Giroux, B.
S. M. & Rommel, A. (1984). Elimination kinetics Guedon, J. (1984). Influence of chronic renal
of captopril in patients with renal failure, Kidney failure on captopril pharmnacokinetics and clinical
Int., 25, 942--947. and biological effects in hypertensive patients, Br.
Duchin, K. L., Singhvi, S. M., Willard, D. A., Mig- J. clin. Pharmac., 18, 749-759.
dalof, B. H. & McKinstry, D.N. (1982). Captopril Richer, C., Giroux, B., Plouin, P. F., Maarek, B.
kinetics. Clin. Pharmac. Ther., 31, 452-458, Guidicelli, J. F. (1984). Captopril: pharmnacokin-
Gibaldi, M. & L. Perrier, D. (1982). etics, antihypertensive and biological effects in
Pharmacrokinetics, Second Edition, pp. 145. New hypertensive patients. Br. J. clin. Pharmac., 17,
York: Marcol Dekker. 243-250.

Captopril pharmacokinetics and biological and clinical effects

We thank Dr Deray (1985) for his comments on unchanged captopril CLItt and the potentiating
our two recently published papers in this Joumal effects of chronic renal failure on the drug in-
(Richer et al., 1984; Giudicelli et al., 1984). duced plasma converting enzyme activity block-
Indeed, the term 'bioavailability' which was ade and blood pressure reduction.
used should have been substituted wherever it
appeared by 'systemic bioavailability after oral J. F. GIUDICELLI & C. RICHER
administration' and free unchanged captopril
CL0to and V values which were published should Service de Pharmacologie Clinique, Hopital de
have been read as CltIt/F and VIF values. How- Bicetre, 78, rue du General Leclerc, 94270 Le
ever, since the CLtot of biologically active capto- Kremlin-Bicetre, France
pril metabolites was not investigated in our
studies, one cannot assume that a correlation Received 4 March, 1985,
would necessarily have been found between free accepted 8 March, 1985
92 Letters to the Editors Br. J. clin. Pharmac. (1985), 20
Deray, G. (1985). Captopril pharmacokinetics. Br. J. Richer, C., Giroux, B., Plouin, P. F., Maarek, B. &
clin. Pharmac., 20, 89-90. Giudicelli, J. F. (1984). Captopril pharmacokin-
Giudicelli, J. F., Chaignon, M., Richer, C., Giroux, B. etics, antihypertensive and biological effects in
Gu6don, J. (1984). Influence of chronic renal hypertensive patients. Br. J. clin. Pharmac., 17,
failure on captopril pharmacokinetics and clinical 243-250.
and biological effects in hypertensive patients. Br.
J. clin. Pharmac., 18, 749-759.

31-adrenoceptor selectivity and intrinsic sympathomimetic


I wish to draw the attention of your readership to ISA. I otherwise agree with the authors that a
an inaccuracy in the'report by Dahlof et al. selective 01-adrenoceptor blocking agent with
(1984) on the initial clinical experience with ICI ISA appears to offer the ideal combination of
141,292, a new 3-adrenoceptor blocking agent ancillary properties for the treatment of hyper-
which simultaneously possesses Pl-adreno- tension.
ceptor selectivity and intrinsic sympathomimetic
activity (ISA). G. G. DE BONO
Dahlof et al. (1984) state that only one such May & Baker Ltd, Rainham Road South,
drug, practolol, was available. This is incorrect; Dagenham, Essex RMIO 7XS
acebutolol, a 3-adrenoceptor blocking agent
currently registered in most countries of the Received 4 March, 1985,
world (but not yet in Sweden or Norway), accepted 12 March, 1985
possesses both Pl-adrenoceptor selectivity and

experience with ICI 141,292 (Visacor'*), a new
Dahlof, B., Danielson, M., Andersson, O., Thulin, selective f31-adrenoceptor blocker with ISA-a
T., Ohman, P., Morlin, C., Boberg, J., Karlberg, multicentre trial in 59 patients. Br. J. clin.
B. E., Jern, S. & Hansson, L. (1984). Initial clinical Pharmac., 18, 831-836.

Br. J. clin. Pharmac. (1985) 19, 329-333
Timolol and atenolol: relationships between oiddation phenotype, pharmacokinetics and
The Editors would like to apologise to the authors for a typographical error in the caption to Figure 2
on page 332 which should read:
Figure 2 Percentage 1-adrenoceptor blockade following timolol (a) and atenolol (b) vs time in six extensive (0)
and four poor (0) metabolisers of debrisoquine. Vertical bars represent s.d. *P < 0.01.

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