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NIE Institute of Technology

#50(part), Hootagalli Industrial area, Koorgalli Village

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


This is to Certify that the internship entitled “DATA CLOUD AND

INFRASTUCTURE” is carried out by RACHANA N (4NN15EC038), a bonafide
student of 8th semester in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering in
Electronics and Communication Engineering of the Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Belgaum during the year 2018-19. It is certified that all
corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in the
Report deposited in the departmental library. The Internship report has been approved as
it satisfies the academic requirements in prescribed for the said degree.

Signature of the Guide Signature of the HOD Signature of the Principal

Mr. Harish S V Mrs. Salila Hegde Dr. Archana N V

Asst. Professor, NIE IT Professor & HOD, NIE IT Principal, NIEIT

Mysuru-18 Mysuru-18 Mysuru -18

External Viva

Name of the examiners Signature with date



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I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Archana N V, Principal of the college, for
providing me with all the necessary facilities.

I also place on record, my sincere gratitude to Mrs. Salila Hegde, HOD, Department of
Electronics and Communication, for her constant encouragement.

I also place on record, my sincere gratitude to Mr. Harish S V, Internship Coordinator

Asst. Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communication, for his constant

I also place on record, my sincere gratitude to guide Mrs. Manjula A V, Asst.Professor,

Dept. of electronics and Communication, NIEIT, Mysuru. I am extremely grateful and
indebted to her, for an expert, sincere and valuable guidance extended to me.

I take this opportunity to record my sincere thanks to all the faculties of the Department
of Electronics and Communication, for their help and encouragement.

I also place on record, my sense of gratitude to one and all who, directly or indirectly,
have lent their helping in the venture.

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Internship is an opportunity to know how to apply the knowledge acquainted from the
curriculum in an operational environment. The purpose of the program is to fulfill the
course requirement for the award of a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering. In addition, this
program helps them to think out-of-the box without sticking to the prescribed curriculum
and also enables them to get a hold on the subjects.

I carried out my internship in BESCOM (Bangalore electricity supply company limited).

During my internship period number of approaches and exposable methods were used to
put us through the best of the industry level experience. I was also assigned different
departments every week so we could entirely learn about all the processing structures
used in the company to my utmost capability. I gained knowledge on how to exactly build
a system oriented with data center and cloud infrastructure and to maintain it so as to get
the best results from the project.

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1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………… 03

2. ABSTRACT………………………………………………………….. 04

3. ABOUT THE COMPANY…………………………..……….……… 06

4. INTRODUCTION………………………………….………………… 07

5. DATA CENTER ……………………………………………………... 10

6. CLOUD COMPUTING ………………………………………………. 17

7. CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………. 20

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BESCOM – Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited is responsible for Power
distribution in Eight districts of Karnataka (Bangalore Urban, Bangalore Rural,
Chikkaballapura, Kolar, Davanagere, Tumkur, Chitradurga and Ramanagara). BESCOM
covers an area of 41,092 Sq. Kms with a population of over 207 lakhs. The company has
4 operating Zones – Bangalore Metropolitan Area Zone(North), Bangalore Metropolitan
Area Zone(South), Bangalore Rural Area Zone and Chitradurga Zone, 9 Circles, 32
Divisions, 136 Sub-divisions and 510 Section Offices.

In the year 1999, Karnataka embarked on a major Reform of the power sector. As a first
step, Karnataka Electricity Board (KEB) was dissolved and in its place, the Karnataka
Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL) was incorporated.

This was followed by the constitution of Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission

(KERC) in November 1999.In the next phase of the Reform Process, the transmission and
distribution business managed by KPTCL were unbundled in June 2002. Four new
distribution companies were formed to distribute power in Karnataka.

Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited (BESCOM) has taken over the
responsibility from KPTCL for the distribution of electricity in 8 districts and commenced
its operations from 1st June 2002.

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BESCOM is vested with the duty of distribution of power to consumers. In this process,
the following supplemental duties are incidental to main function:
 Distribution of Power to consumers at the rates approved by KERC Tariff
 Supply at specified voltage and frequency.
 Maintenance of 11 KV lines, distribution of transformers and equipment’s to
ensure reliable and quality power supply.
 Augmentation of infrastructure to meet the demand.
 Ensuring safety of Human and animal life by taking suitable actions to minimize
risk of accidents.
 Perspective planning of activities in relation to demand and supply of Power.


In our first week of internship in BESCOM we visited HSR Layout and contacted
Prasanna Kumar Sir from where we were directed to BESCOM S10 subdivision to learn
about technical team and revenue team.
The technical section dealt with how a file or a new connection is processed, the revenue
section we could learn about how reports are generated.
In our field visit to bannerghatta road station accompanied by Bheemanna Sir we learnt
about RMU’s, LSB and LRC systems.

Revenue section:
 There are several kinds of income to BESCOM i.e., commercial, domestic and
 It depends on the different tariff plans and sanction load[Kw/hp].
 There are various minimum charges depending on the area of business.

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DOMESTIC 6 Rupees per unit
COMMERCIAL 9 Rupees per unit
INDUSTRIAL 5.30 Rupees per unit
IP(IRRIGATION PURPOSE) 2 Rupees per unit
WATER 4 Rupees per unit

Technical section:

There is an online site for this section consisting of different fields.

 The fields are: pay bill online, online services, complaints, mode of payment,
power outage, solar roof top online services, paperless office, IP Set Seniority.

 File Moving Process for New Connection:

 Firstly, it is done by submitting required documents to the near BESCOM

 Minimum amount of deposit required to the various process according
 Then meter is installed by BESCOM.

 Fast-Track Service: Electricity consumers in Bengaluru and surrounding districts

will now be able to get new connections, change the name on their connections or
apply for a tariff change online from Wednesday and the Bangalore Electricity
Supply Company (BESCOM) will ensure that the requests are processed at the
earliest, in some cases, as fast as 24 hours instead of the earlier waiting period of
around 30 days.

 Power Purchase: Purchase from KPCL [Karnataka power corporation limited].

Field Visit:

 Ring main unit (RMU): In an electrical power distribution system, a RMU is a

factory assembled, metal enclosed set of switchgear used at the load connection
points of a ring-type distribution network. It includes in one unit two switches that
can connect the load to either or both main conductors, and a fusible switch or
switch breaker and switch that feed a distribution transformer. The metal enclosed

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unit connects to the transformer either through a bus throat of standardized

dimensions, or else through cables and is usually installed outdoors. Ring main
cables enter and leave the cabinet. This type of switchgear is used for medium-
voltage power distribution, from 7200 volts to about 36000 volts.

 Load break switch(LBS): A load break switch is a disconnect switch that has
been designed to provide making or breaking of specified currents. This is
accomplished by addition of equipment that increases the operating speed of the
disconnect switch blade and the addition of some type of equipment to alter the
arcing phenomena and allow the safe interruption of the arc resulting when
switching load currents.

Fig 1. Wiring diagram line break switch

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A large group of networked computer servers typically used by organizations for the
remote storage, processing or distribution of large amounts of data.

A data center is a repository that houses computing facilities like servers, routers,
switches and firewalls, as well as supporting components like backup equipment, fire
suppression facilities and air conditioning. A data center may be complex (dedicated
building) or simple (an area or room that houses only a few servers). Additionally, a data
center may be private or shared.


 Data center will enable to host its services/applications on a common

infrastructure leading to ease of integration and efficient management, ensuring
that how to computing resources and support connectivity infrastructure is
adequately and optimally used.
 Data center will have high availability, centralized authenticating system to
authenticate the user to access their respective systems depending on the
authentication matrix.
 Facility built to specific specifications and standards to meet the needs of today’s
high-tech hardware. With proper cooling, generators, security system and many
other factors that can cause millions of dollars.
 Data is safe has it might be residing multiple data center and regular backups are
taken in case of disaster or crashes.
 Data center ensures the reliability and the access of the mission critical
information contained within the data Centre’s storage. it also entails efficiently
placing application workloads on the most cost effective compute resource

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 Physical infrastructure comprising of civil, electrical and mechanical works

required to build data Centre. this shall also include site preparation to make it
suitable for setting up a data Centre.
 Multi-layer physical security infrastructure to prevent unauthorized access to data
 Networking & security infrastructure and other associated IT components in data
 Helpdesk and other monitoring & management services.


 Power
It is the most important detail of data Centre. All of our web hosting servers and
collocations equipment’s run off of dedicated power source. Every data Centre
needs to have redundant /backup power sources to ensure severs and overall
service uptime.

 Cooling
Proper cooling in data Centre allows collocations servers networking gear and
other general web hosting equipment to function properly without overheating.
Example when you let the laptop rest on your lap it would heat up to the point of
being uncomfortable this happened because the laptop did not have the proper
ventilation and fan running inside of it designed to keep the system cool was not
strong enough. The same happens in the data Centre’s without proper ventilation –
raised floors to evenly spread cooling, hot/cold is less- your server would burn up
& cease to function.

 Security
Data Centre functions with a high level security needs. All of the server be the
cloud hosting servers or shared hosting accounts, hosts critical client data. due to
that security systems of the data Centre need to function around the clock. A good

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data Centre maintains the security staff, close loop surveillance cameras, finger
print access and visitor log book. data Centre’s a matter of physical security being
out of harm’s way, it means building data Centre outside of floods zones, fault
lines and outside of hurricane path.

 Fail safe measure

Another major components of data Centre is fail save measure for all data store
within that data Centre all the data Centre’s host needs to maintain and operate the
backup data Centre where in all data is replicated and stored.

 Room for growth

Investing in collocation or dedicated server is a long term investment. Investment
needs to be able to grow with your demands as company expands.


Some of the key considerations for designing the data Centre are given below

 Scalability
All components of the data Centre must support scalability to provide continuous
growth to meet the requirements and demands of various departments. A scalable
system is one that can handle increasing numbers of requests without adversely
affecting the response time and throughput of the system. The data Centre should
support both vertical and horizontal scalability. Scalability is important because
new computing component is constantly being deployed, either to replace legacy
components or to support new missions.

 Availability
All the components of the data Centre must provide adequate redundancy to
ensure high availability of the e-Governance applications and other data Centre
services. Designing for availability assumes that systems will fail, and therefore
the systems are configured to mask and recover from component or server failures

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with minimum application outage. The firm shall make the provision for high
availability for all the services of the data Centre.

 Interoperability
The entire system /subsystem should be interoperable, in order to support
information flow and integration. Operating systems and storage technologies
from different vendors must integrate well with each other to achieve the overall
objectives of data Centre and these systems should support the open architecture
solutions such as XML, LDAP, SOAP etc. Where information or data can be
ported to any system, whenever designed.

 Security
The data Centre must provide end-to-end security blanket to protect applications,
services, data and the infrastructures from malicious attack or theft from external
and internal hackers. Using firewalls and intrusion detection systems such attacks
and theft should be controlled and well supported with the security policy. The
virus and worm’s attacks should be well defended with gateway level antivirus
system along with the workstation level antivirus mechanism. Data Centre should
also endeavor to make use of the SSL /VPN technologies to have secured
communication between applications and its end users.

 Manageability
The Data Centre must be must be designed in an efficient way to ensure an easy
maintenance. It must facilitate ease of configuration, ongoing health monitoring,
and failure detection that are vital to the goals of scalability, availability and
security. The design must be able to match the growth of the environment.

 Site Preparation
An organization shall provide the necessary minimum constructed space for
locating the data Centre and two dedicated transforms with rating 800KVA each
from different feeders and from different substations and a separate isolated cable
from BCP (bus coupler) at substations to transformers. The overall site

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preparation work will also include the site strengthening work required for the
data Centre building to be in compliance with the seismic zone requirements.


Data center tier levels refer to a data center's ability to maintain functionality during
various kinds of failures, such as power outages. Higher tier levels indicate more
sustainability for data center operations and fault-tolerant systems that will allow for
uninterrupted use during certain kinds of emergencies or crises.

Tier 1

 Single non-redundant distribution path serving the critical loads

 Non-redundant critical capacity components

 It does not offer fault tolerance.

Tier 2

 Meets all Tier I requirements.

 Redundant critical capacity components

 Critical capacity components must be able to be isolated and removed from service
while still providing N capacity to the critical loads.

 In a Tier 2 system, there may be some redundant features, for example, in climate and
energy source support.

Tier 3

 Meets all Tier II requirements.

 Multiple independent distinct distribution paths serving the IT equipment critical


 All IT equipment must be dual-powered provided with two redundant, distinct UPS
feeders. Single-corded IT devices must use a Point of Use Transfer Switch to allow
the device to receive power from and select between the two UPS feeders.

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 Each and every critical capacity component, distribution path and component of any
critical system must be able to be fully compatible with the topology of a site's
architecture isolated for planned events (replacement, maintenance, or upgrade) while
still providing N capacity to the critical loads.

 Tier 3 systems will typically have more comprehensive protections for power outages
and will have what’s called N+1 redundancy, which is a reliable backup power

Tier 4

 Meets all Tier III requirements in addition to:

 Multiple independent distinct and active distribution paths serving the critical loads

 Compartmentalization of critical capacity components and distribution paths

 Critical systems must be able to autonomously provide N capacity to the critical loads
after any single fault or failure

 The highest level, Tier 4, will involve fully fault-tolerant systems around energy
supply, storage and data distribution and backup power sources for climate control


Active elements include:

 Servers

Data centres are physical or virtual infrastructure used by enterprises to house

computer, server and networking systems and components for the company's
information technology (IT) needs, which typically involve storing, processing
and serving large amounts of mission-critical data to clients in a client/server.

 Routers

The conventional data center network comprises routes that performs packet
forwarding functions.

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 Switches

Switches are used to connect multiple devices on the same network within the
data center. A switch will connect servers and create a network of shared.

Passive elements include:

 All electrical components

 UPS (uninterrupted power supply)

 Diesel generator

 Chillers

 PDU (power distribution units)

 Safety equipment’s

 Transformers

 LT panels

 Circuits

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Cloud computing is an information technology (IT) paradigm that enables ubiquitous
access to shared pools of configurable system resources and higher-level services that can
be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort, often over the Internet. Cloud
computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale,
similar to a public utility.

The goal of cloud computing is to allow users to take benefit from all of these
technologies, without the need for deep knowledge about or expertise with each one of
them. The main enabling technology for cloud computing is virtualization. Virtualization
software separates a physical computing device into one or more "virtual" devices, each
of which can be easily used and managed to perform computing tasks. Virtualization
provides the agility required to speed up IT operations, and reduces cost by increasing
infrastructure utilization.

This cloud offering is poised to be the first to provide users with access to an integrate set
of IT solutions, including the Applications (SaaS), Platform (PaaS), and Infrastructure
(IaaS) layers.


Many organizations purchase their own hardware to support infrastructure and shudder
under the costs of buying servers, installing and integrating them and employing IT
professionals for ongoing maintenance. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) removes the
cost of this burden to the cloud and provides companies with the needed server hardware
at a highly reduced rate, and with no required maintenance.


Budding software companies need a strong infrastructure of hardware and software

applications to develop a competitive software application. Platform as a Service
(PaaS) offers a cloud-based platform that can be used to build, test and launch

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The traditional model of companies and software entails purchasing a single software
license for each user. When a new version of the software becomes available, the
organization is then forced to purchase upgrades to ensure ongoing compatibility with
industry standards. Software as a Service (SaaS)breaks that model by offering cloud-
based software on a monthly subscription model based on a per-user basis with the perk
of ongoing upgrades.

Cloud computing exhibits the following key characteristics:

 Agility for organizations may be improved, as cloud computing may increase

users' flexibility, adding, or expanding technological infrastructure resources.
 Cost reductions are claimed by cloud providers.
 Device and location independence enable users to access systems using a web
browser regardless of their location or what device they use
 Maintenance of cloud computing applications is easier, because they do not need
to be installed on each user's computer and can be accessed from different places.
 Multitenancy enables sharing of resources and costs across a large pool of users
thus allowing for centralization of infrastructure in locations with lower costs.
 Performance is monitored by IT experts from the service provider, and consistent
and loosely coupled architectures are constructed using web services as the system
 Resource pooling is the provider¡¯s computing resources are commingling to
serve multiple consumers using a multi-tenant model with different physical and
virtual resources dynamically assigned and reassigned according to user demand.
 Productivity may be increased when multiple users can work on the same data
simultaneously, rather than waiting for it to be saved and emailed.
 Reliability improves with the use of multiple redundant sites, which makes well-
designed cloud computing suitable for business continuity and disaster recovery.
 Scalability and elasticity via dynamic provisioning of resources on a fine-grained,
self-service basis in near real-time without users having to engineer for peak

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Advantages of cloud over data center

 Low maintenance cost. For a customer maintenance cost is almost nil. Your
cost is saved from geographical location cost, hardware purchase, upgrades,
datacenter staff, power, facility management cost etc. All this is bared by
cloud provider.
 Cheap resources. Cloud providers has pool of resources and from which you
get assigned your share. Means cloud providers maintain and operate large
volume of resources and distribute smaller chunks to customers.
 Scale as per your need. In traditional datacenter you have to study and plan
your capacity well in advance to finalize your hardware purchase. Once
purchased you are stuck with purchased limited capacity and you cannot
accommodate if capacity requirement grows beyond limit before your
estimated time. It again goes through planning, purchasing of new hardware
which is time consuming process.
 Pay as you use. In traditional datacenter whenever you buy hardware you
make an investment upfront even if you dont use full capacity of purchased
hardware. In cloud, you are billed per your use.
 Latest technology at your serve. Technology changing very fast these days.
Hardware you buy today becomes obsolete in couple of months. And if you
are making huge investment in hardware, company expects to use it at least for
couple of years.
 Redundancy-Redundancy in traditional datacenter means cost investment to
build almost identical facility of primary. Along with it also involves cost for
infrastructure which connect them. Also, on-site redundancy for power,
network etc. is also expensive and maintenance prone.
 Accessibility. -With on premise datacenter, you have very limited connectivity
mostly locally. If you want access of inside entities, you need to maintain your
own VPN. It can be accessed from anywhere with internet. Also, if you want
to opt in for VPN, you get a pre-configured secure VPN from your cloud
provider. No need of designing and maintaining VPN!

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The whole period of internship was knowledgeable and helpful for industrial application.
Through this internship, I was able to understand the working of BESCOM which is a
power distribution company. I learnt more about data cloud and infrastructure in the
upcoming data Centre of BESCOM. It was a great opportunity provided to enhance my
knowledge and skills sets in the field I was interested in and had the best experiences at
the industrial level.

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