Practical 1

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Part 1: Balances

Whole bottle Bottle without lid Lid Sum of the

Weight (g) (g) (g) separate
weights of
the bottle
Reading and the lid
1 51.6668 48.1645 3.5022 51.6667
2 51.6669 48.1646 3.5023 51.6669
3 51.6668 48.1646 3.5020 51.6666
Average 51.6668 48.1645 3.5021 51.6667
Standard deviation 0.0011 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001

Average weight for whole bottle:
= 51.6668+51.6669+51.6668
= 155.0029
= 51.6676 g
Answer: The average weight for whole bottle is 51.66668g.

Average weight for bottle without lid:

= 48.1645+18.1646+48.1646
Answer: The average weight for bottle without lid is 48.1645g.
Average weight for lid:
= 3.5022+3.5023+3.5020
= 10.5065
= 3.5021g
Answer: The average weight for lid is 3.5021g.

Average Sum of the separate weights of the bottle and the lid:
= 51.6667+51.6669+51.6666
= 155.0002
= 51.6667

Standard deviation
The standard deviation of all elements in Table 1 are calculated using this formula

where x represents each measurement value, x̅ is the mean value of the readings, and n-1 is the
number of values in the sample minus

Whole bottle
*Mean = 51.6676
1st data = (51.6668) – (51.6676) = –0.0008 = –0.00082 = 0.00000064
2nd data = (51.6669) – (51.6676) = –0.0007 = –0.00072 = 0.00000049
3rd data = (51.6668) – (51.6676) = –0.0008 = –0.00082 = 0.00000064
= 0.00000064 + 0.00000049 + 0.00000064 = 7.53x10-6
= 7.53x10-6
= 1.255x10-6
SD= √1.255x10-6 = 0.0011
The Standard deviation for whole bottle is 0.0011.

Bottle without lid

*Mean = 48.1645
1st data = (48.1645) – (48.1645) = 0.0000 = 0.00002 = 0
2nd data = (48.1646) – (48.1645) = 0.0001 = 0.00012 = 1x10-8
3rd data = (48.1646) – (48.1645) = 0.0001 = 0.00012 = 1x10-8
= 0 + 1x10-8 + 1x10-8 = 20x10-9
= 20x10-9
= 1x10-8
SD = √1x10-8 = 0.0001
The standard deviation for bottle without lid is 0.0001.

*Mean = 3.5021
1st data = (3.5022) – (3.5021) = 0.0001 = 0.00012 = 1x10-8
2nd data = (3.5023) – (3.5021) = 0.0002 = 0.00022 = 40x10-9
3rd data = (3.5020) – (3.5021) = –0.0001 = –0.00012 = –1x10-8
= 1x10-8 + 40x10-9 + (–1x10-8) = 40x10-9
= 40x10-9
= 20x10-9
SD = √20x10-9 = 0.0001
The standard deviation for bottle lid is 0.0001.
Sum of the separate weights of the bottle and the lid
*Mean = 51.6667
1st data = (51.6667) – (51.6667) = 0 = 02 = 0
2nd data = (51.6669) – (51.6667) = 0.0002 = 0.0022 = 40x10-9
3rd data = (51.6666) – (51.6667) = -0.00012 = –1x10-8
= 0 + 40x10-9 + (–1x10-8) = 3x10-8
= 3x10-8
= 1.5x10-8
SD = √1.5x10-8 = 0.0001
The standard deviation for Sum of the separate weights of the bottle and the lid is 0.0001.

As shown in table 1, the first reading stated that the weight for whole bottle is 51.6668g, and the
sums of the separate weights of the bottle and the lid is 51.6667g. There are closely similar in
weight as the difference is only 0.0001g. The second reading showed that the weight for whole
bottle is 51.6669g and the separate weights of the bottle and the lid is 51.6669g. There is no
difference in weight in reading 2. The third reading showed that the weight for whole bottle is
51.6668g where the separate weights of the bottle and lid is 51.6666g. There is a minor difference
between these two object which is 0.0002g.

1. Label the function keys of a balance (as shown in figure1) and list down their functions.
1. Glass door- Prevent air flow into the balance.
2. Balance pan- Platform for the object to be weighted.
3. Digital readout- Show the information such as result in 4 decimal point.
4. On/off button- To switch the balance on and off.
5. Tare button- Set the reading to zero.
6. Unit button- Used to switch between different kind of measurement.
7. CAL button- For calibration purposes.
2. List two possible errors in weighing.
The first possible error is zero error. This occurs when a constant volume of the weighing curve
changes1. For the most part, this mistake can be avoided by using the function re-zero before
weighing1. The second possible error is the sensitivity error which quotient of the change in a
measurement device meaning and the resulting change in the value of a measured quantity1. A
measuring system's sensitivity can depend on the value of a measured quantity increasing
linearly with heavier loads1. Sensitivity errors may occur as a result of temperature drift, an
incorrect calibration weight change or an incorrect compensation1.

3. What can you conclude about the reproducibility of weight measurements made with the
balance? Explain.
On the basis of the following weights collected, the findings of reproducibility produced with the
balance indicate an accurate reading that helped to classify the real and nominal values of each
crucible weighted on the analytical balance2. As a result, the digital display gives mass after the
decimal in grams to 4 points2. The uncertainty on the theoretical balance in a single reading is
±0.0002 g. The equilibrium used in the experiment therefore requires accurate mass measurement2.

4. Discuss the magnitudes of your standard deviations with reference to the expected accuracy of
the balance.
All measurements have some degree of uncertainty that may come from a variety of sources. The
process of evaluating the uncertainty associated with a measurement result is often
called uncertainty analysis or error analysis2. The maximum calculated value statement should
include an estimation of the confidence level associated with the value. Recording an experimental
outcome correctly along with its ambiguity enables other people to make decisions about the
experiment's reliability and enables accurate correlations with other similar values or theoretical
Part 2: Micropipettes
Reading 1 2 3 4 5
Cumulative 1.01 1.98 3.01 3.98 4.97
weight of
ultrapure water
Individual 1.01 0.97 1.03 0.97 0.99
weight of
ultrapure water
Volume of 1.01 0.97 1.03 0.97 0.99
ultrapure water

Formula: Volume = Mass/weight

Density of liquid
Density of the water: 0.997
Volume= 1.01

Volume= 1.01 mL

Volume of ultrapure water (mL)

Average 0.99
Standard deviation 0.07

Average for volume of ultrapure water

= 1.01+0.97+1.03+0.97+0.99
= 0.99
The average for volume of ultrapure water is 0.99.
Standard deviation for volume of ultrapure water
*Mean = 0.994
1st data = (1.01) – (0.99) = 0.02
2nd data = (0.97) – (0.99) = -0.02
3rd data = (1.03) – (0.99) = 0.04
4th data = (0.97) – (0.99) = -0.02
5th data = (0.99) – (0.99) = 0
= 0.02 + (-0.02) + 0.04 + (-0.02) + 0
= 0.02
= 0.005
SD = √0.005 = 0.07
The Standard deviation for volume of ultrapure water is 0.07.

There is deviation in the result because the method of pipetting is performed incorrectly when
obtaining volume of ultrapure water into the beaker. This incorrect method causes the aspiration
of bubble into the micropipette tip affecting the exact volume that needed to be aspirate. If the
parameter does not have extreme or outlying values, the mean is the most reasonable representation
of a normal value, and the measurement need to be precisely measured the variance in the sample
around the sample mean to quantify the variation in the results6. If all of the observed values in a
sample are close to the sample mean, the standard deviation will be small, (close to zero), and the
standard deviation will be high if the observed values vary widely around the sample mean6. If all
sample values are the same, the standard deviation of the sample will be zero6.
1.List and explain the two fundamental principles of micropipettes.
The first fundamental principle is the air cushion principle. An air cushion separates the water
inside the pipette from the end of the piston3. The piston pushes the air cushion and therefore the
water is taken up and dispensed out of the pipette tip3. Therefore, the air pad acts like an elastic
cord that the water attaches to3. Since the air space during the pipette aspiration is stretched, the
piston must move a volume about 2 to 4 percent higher than the aspired volume of liquid 3. The
second fundamental principle is the positive displacement principle. A syringe-like pipette tip is
used in the building of the micropipette3. So, the tip of the pipette has its own piston controlled by
the mechanism of the pipette3. It is a closed system and the pipette cannot take other tips from
another system3.

2. Describe the functions of these two types of micropipettes.

Electronic micropipette allows the user to pipette automatically at the same speed to ensure
reproducibility of the results. Whereby the air cushion micropipette is used for majority of
laboratory applications. The air cushion micropipette can be dispensed with instrument-specific
precision and accuracy.

3. Label the different parts of a micropipette (shown in figure2).

1. Plunger button
2. Volume lock
3. Piston
4. Piston seal
5. Air cushion
6. Tip ejection spring
7. Ejection spring
8. Pipette cone
4. Describe the proper way of aspirating and dispensing liquid with a micropipette.
Aspiration of liquid
When using micropipette for aspirating, the aspiration angle and immersion depth. The aspiration
angle must be vertical, otherwise too much liquid is aspirated. Second, the immersion depth should
be as small as possible, if the immersion depth is too deep, addition of liquid will be aspirated.
Press the plunger button on first stop only and immerse the tip into the liquid, once the aspiration
angle and immersion depth are checked. Pre-wet the tip 2-3 times and dispense all the liquid before
aspirating the sample.
Dispense of liquid
When dispensing the liquid, the dispensing angle should be 20-45o while contact to the vessel wall,
this ensure optimum flow out of the liquid into the test tube. After that, press the plunger button
on first stop then perform the second stop to make sure all the liquid is dispensed out of the
micropipette tip.

5. List two precautions when handling a micropipette.

The first precaution is to make sure the micropipette is in a vertical position when using to
ensure that no liquids enter the micropipette or drip from the disposable tip. The second
precaution is never adjusting the volume beyond the range of the micropipette, this could lead to
excessive aspiration of the fluid into the micropipette tip.

Part 3: pH meter
Bottle 1 (A + B) 2 (B + C) 3 (Solution in part 1 + C)
pH 13.03 12.17 2.60
Bottle 1 is a mixture of solution A and solution B and showed a high pH value of 13.03, which is
a strong alkaline. Bottle 2 is a mixture of solution B and solution C and showed a pH value of
12.17 which is alkaline. Bottle 3 is a mixture of solution from part 1, which is ammonium
hydroxide and solution C, the result showed the pH value of this mixture of solution is extremely
low 2.60 in value, which is acidic.
Bottle 1 and Bottle 2 both showed alkaline in pH. The examples for alkaline solution are sodium
hydroxide, NaOH and potassium hydroxide, KOH. Bottle 3 showed a strong acidic value in pH.
The common example for strong acid is hydrochloric acid, HCI.
The pH value of solution A, solution B and solution C cannot be verified due to low volume of
these solution, making it impossible to measure using the pH meter.

Part 4: Water Bath

1. What is/are the advantage(s) of using stirred water bath compare with unstirred water bath?
The advantages using stirred water bath is that stirred water bath have more accurate temperature
control4. They can either have an in-built pump / circulator or a removable immersion thermostat
/ circulator (some of which can pump the bath liquid externally into an instrument and back into
the bath). Liquids with extremely high density represent another extreme situation4. The degree
to which the flow of water increases depends on the thickness of the pipetted material4.

2. List three precautions when using a boiling water bath.

The first precaution would be not leaving the water bath switched on when unattended5. The
second precaution is to avoid contact with the water bath or steam from it when it switched
on5.The third precaution is to wear heat resistant glove when doing experiments involving the
water bath5.
1. Anon, (2019). [online] Available at:
2. (2019). Measurements and Error Analysis. [online] Available at:
3. Anon, (2019). [online] Available at:

4. (2019). Laboratory Water Baths. [online] Available at:
5. (2019). [online] Available at:
6. (2019). Variance and Standard Deviation. [online] Available at:

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