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BOQ Gondola Temporary Hoist Takahashi YJ-99

A. Material Pengadaan Gondola Temporary

No Uraian Material Kuantitas Satuan Harga Satuan Harga

1 KERANJANG 1 unit
1.1 Platform Full Stainless steel 1 unit Rp 25.000.000 Rp 25.000.000
- Construction : Hollow Galvanis
- Size : 2000 x 650 x 1000 mm
- Lantai : Plat Bordes Alumunium
- Bahan : Hollow Square 30 x 30
: Hollow Square 30 x 60 tebal 2 mm
: Hollow Square 20 x 40 tebal 2 mm
- Castor : Nylon Ø 4"
- Kapasitas : Max 200 Kg ( 2 Operator )

1.2 Hoist : TAKAHASHI YJ-99 2 unit Rp 110.000.000 Rp 220.000.000

- Kapasitas : 500 kg
- Kecepatan : 8 M/min
- Tegangan : 0,75kW - 380V / 3Phase / 50Hz
- Posisi motor : didalam Keranjang
- Safety divice : Block Stop ( Include )
- Sistem operasi : Push Button
- Origin : KOREA

1.3 Wire Wender 2 unit Rp 18.750.000 Rp 37.500.000

- Merk motor gearbox : Bonfiglioly
- Daya Listrik : 0,18 kW/380V/3Phase/50Hz
- Origin : Italy
- Posisi : Didalam keranjang
- Material : Alumunium Steel Ø400 mm

1.4 Panel Box Platform 1 unit Rp 10.000.000 Rp 10.000.000

- Type : Outdoor Panel Water Proof
- Component : Schneider
- Dimensi Box Panel : 40 x 30 x 20

2 Wire rope IWRC Galvanize 400 mtr Rp 70.000 Rp 28.000.000

- Merk : KISWIRE
- Country Of Origin : KOREA
- Struktur : 8,3 mm ( 6 x 19 IWRC)
- Brake Strength : 38,5Kn

3 Kabel Power 300 mtr Rp 60.000 Rp 18.000.000

- Merk : JEMBO
- Type : NYYHY
- Structure : 4 x 2,5 mm

4 Penggantung Gondola Type

Davit Socket 2 Pasang Rp 40.000.000 Rp 80.000.000
- Fix Arm : 1,5 meter
- Sistem operasi : Motorize With Push Button
- Finishing : Full Galvanis
- Tinggi Davit Socket : 1,5 m
- Safety : Tie Back

5 Anchorage (Kontruksi Penggantung) Rp 2.500.000 Rp 90.000.000

- Tapak Sitting Davit Socket 36 Pcs
- Tie Back Safety : 150mm x 100mm x 10mm 36 pcs
- Dimensi Angkur : M16 x 300mm Galvanis

6 Safety Person Rp 15.650.000 Rp 15.650.000

- Helm Safety : 1,8 meter 3 Pcs
- Body Hardness : Motorize With Push Button 3 Pcs
- Autostop : Full Galvanis 3 Pcs
- Carabiner : 1,8 m 3 Pcs
- Tali Karmantel : Diameter 10,5 mm 400 Meter
- Ht : Tie Back 3 Pcs
Total Rp 524.150.000

B. Jasa Pengadaan Gondola

No Uraian Jasa Kuantitas Satuan Harga Satuan Harga
1 Biaya Mobilisasi 1 Lot Rp 10.000.000 10.000.000
2 Biaya Tes Commisioning/Uji pengetesan Gondola 1 Lot Rp 15.000.000 15.000.000
3 Instalasi dan Handling Material konstruksi gondola 1 Lot Rp 15.000.000 Rp 15.000.000

Total Rp 40.000.000

TOTAL BIAYA Rp 564.150.000

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