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Italian Republic


Preventing spillover violence in civil conflict

“Peace is not the absence of conflict; it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful
-Ronald Reagan

Good morning honorable chair, respected delegates and those others in this

committee, the delegation of the Italian Republic greats you. To start it is important to

realize that all the delegations present in the room should be here with the purpose of

helping out the conflict that is evident in the country of Syria.

To be continue, the Italian Republic considers important to remain that, the foreign

intervention in this conflict is not that good how is expecting, because this intervention

divided the international relations in two, the ones that support the use of chemical

armament and the ones that not support that idea, but also use belligerent armament against

the government of the country. An example of this situation, is the Duma attack in 2018, in

which is involve the use of chemical armament against the Syrian people, this attack was

making by the groups outside the law to make look guilty the government, this, taking into

account the information of OPAQ, before this, the foreign intervention that not support the

government make an attack to the government of Bashar el Assad for the use of armament

that is prohibited in the international law.

The delegation of the Italian Republic it’s going to take a neutral position, this means that

the delegation will help but just through peaceful means, and it’s going to help with

monetary resources to send humanitarian aid. Delegates, if your delegation is trying to help

to solve the problem and its sending attacks, take into account the human rights of all the

Syrian people, and also all the things your delegation do is with the purpose of ending the

conflict or just with the purpose of continue it.

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