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The Great Depression – Guided Notes

Directions: As we are going through the Great Depression lecture, follow the sections and fill in the
information on this page. Make sure to take good notes as this will help you with your comprehension of the

New Deal Short 1. Before we start: Think of what you know about the Great Depression. What is it?
Answer: Why If you lived during that time period, what do you think it would’ve felt like?
was the New a.
Deal effective
in getting 2. Based off of the images, please explain the differences between the Roaring 20’s
Americans back image and the Depression Era based off of clothing and setting.
to work? Do
we see any of
these programs
today? If you
were FDR,
what other
federal aid
program would
you have 3. Causes:
enacted? a. What was Black Thursday and Black Tuesday? Why do you think the word
“black” is associated with these two days?

b. Given the information on Credit, infer what the term consumerism defines.

c. What was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act?

4. Put it in Perspective: If you did not share aloud with class, please write your
response to the question(s) here:

5. Stock Market Plunges: Based off of the graph, what was the percentage loss did
the stock market lose from its peak number to October 29 th, 1929?

6. Out of Work: Fill in the blank – Up to __________ Americans were unemployed

by 1933.

7. Rural Troubles: Where was the mass migration heading to?

8. Roosevelt vs. Hoover: Describe the pros and cons of FDR and Hoover’s policies in
the perspective of a young industrial worker.

9. Effects of the New Deal: What ultimately pulls the U.S. out of the Depression?

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