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Unit 3 Quality Progress Test

Name: ______________________

Part 1 Reading

Task 1
7 points

Look at the four extracts below on Total Quality Management, followed by seven
statements. Which extract does each statement refer to? Mark one letter (A, B, C
or D) beside each statement 1–7.

To understand how to deliver quality, you have to understand your customers.
Customers now have the power to choose. Every time a customer deals with a
company they have an experience that influences their choice to deal with the
company. They no longer just expect their basic requirements to be met; they now
expect them to be exceeded. Everything that is done in the company has an impact
on the performance of the business, its compliance with regulations and ultimately
customer satisfaction, and much of this is beyond direct control. The management
must involve all the functions and departments within the business in order to take
ownership and to buy-in to the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM)
and to understand the benefits it can bring.

Defining business objectives requires effective coordination of processes and
activities across the business that starts with a shared understanding of business
goals and co-operation between all departments and all personnel. When everyone
is actively involved in identifying opportunities for continual improvement in a
way that values their input, their stake in delivering the results is noticeably
greater, and you know the culture is right to take the business to the next level.

In today’s globally competitive and regulatory driven marketplace business
management systems and standards are serious stuff. The problem is to identify
the key processes, standards, legislation and critical issues for the business, to
implement sensible systems, to ensure that the company complies with them and
to continually improve performance. Business management systems cross all
departmental and organizational boundaries and sometimes create friction within a

Highly successful businesses are innovative, gain access to relevant knowledge,
gain larger and more sustainable contracts and measure, monitor and continually
improve their business processes in a systematic way. They ensure that each
section of the business operates in the most efficient and cost-effective way.
The Business Upper Intermediate Tests / Unit 3 Progress Test 1
1 When employees feel appreciated, they will make a greater investment into the
quality issues of the company.

2 If a company is innovative, this will lead it to outperform rivals.

3 Management should make quality choices based on what the customer wants.

4 Successful businesses are continually improving their processes.

5 All employees should comprehend what the company is trying to achieve.

6 Because of the range of TQM across all areas of the company, disagreements can

7 Controlling all aspects of how the business operates is very difficult.

The Business Upper Intermediate Tests / Unit 3 Progress Test 2

Task 2
8 points

Complete this text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. The first one
has been done for you.

It (0) has been brought (bring) to our attention that a number of items from the flat-
pack furniture range that (1) ____________ (purchase) from the South London branch
(2) ______________ (return) because of unsatisfactory performance. Complaints
have included lack of all necessary connecting screws and bolts and damaged wooden
panels. An investigation of the origin of the complaints (3) ___________ (undertake),
but this issue (4) _____________ (must take) seriously by all staff. One flat-pack
wardrobe collapsed in a child’s bedroom, and a tragedy could (5) ___________
(occur). Is it a problem of management and supervision, or are the packing machines
at fault? Does this coincide with the arrival of the new manager who
(6) _____________ (appoint) three months ago? It is his responsibility to make sure
that all machinery (7) ___________ (serviced) regularly. A full report
(8) _____________ (expect) at the next meeting scheduled a week on Monday where
we hope the answers will be forthcoming.

The Business Upper Intermediate Tests / Unit 3 Progress Test 3

Part 2 Writing

Task 1
15 points

Write an email based on the following brief. Write about 50–60 words.

You and a friend both bought the same outdoor play equipment for your children from
a large retailer. When you got yours home there were parts missing, so it was
impossible to assemble.

Write an email to your friend explaining what was missing, and the problems you
subsequently had trying to get a refund, and asking if they had any problems.


The Business Upper Intermediate Tests / Unit 3 Progress Test 4

Task 2
5 points

Write passive questions for the short answers. The first one has been done for

0 Your car/service/now? Yes it is.

Is your car being serviced now?__________________________________________

1 Reports/write? No, not yet.


2 Do you think/the targets/reach by next week? Probably not.


3 When/your computer/upgraded? Two months ago.


4 You/ask/to attend the conference? Yes I have.


5 The email/receive/by the time he call? No, it hadn’t.


The Business Upper Intermediate Tests / Unit 3 Progress Test 5

Part 3 Listening

Task 1 / Recording 1.24

5 points

Listen to the three speakers talking about quality and answer the following

1 With Speaker 1, what phrase expresses the plan to spend a lot of money?

2 What two things does Speaker 2 do as a way of improving a product?

3 In what other way, apart from conforming to technical specifications, does Speaker
2 produce a quality product?

4 What things does Speaker 3 check are in place and are being followed?

Task 2 / Recording 1.27

5 points

Listen to Marc’s presentation, and explain what the following numbers refer to.

1 10

2 70

3 28

4 44

5 20s

The Business Upper Intermediate Tests / Unit 3 Progress Test 6

Part 4 Speaking
5 points

Prepare a one-minute presentation on one of these topics. You have one minute
to prepare your talk.

Delivering presentations: make and break factors which will affect good delivery.

Writing procedures: how to write clear and concise directions or instructions.

The Business Upper Intermediate Tests / Unit 3 Progress Test 7

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