Change Log

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FIFA 19 - Career mode Cheat Table


- Scripts in this version:
- Changes since FIFA 18 - Career mode Cheat Table:
- I've added dropdown selection options for values inside
database tables.
- 3 new fields in Players Table -> 'faceposerpreset',
'skillmoveslikelihood', 'headassetid'
- 1 new field in Manager Table -> 'faceposerpreset'
- Fixed popup when you release a player for free. It should
display 0€ now.
- "Unlock edit player" should work in player career mode now
- Scouts Management -> refactored
( Added detailed info about each scout available
for hire.
- Teamkits Table - 4 new fields -> 'chestbadge',
'captainarmband', 'jerseyleftsleevebadge', 'jerseyrightsleevebadge'
- Added some sections to teamkits table.

- Added filter for manager table (It should be possible to edit
managerhead via game news panel)
- Added Youth Academy (There is still problem with '100% chance for 5*
skill moves' will be fixed later...)
- Added Unlimited Training Sessions
- Added Training Everyday

- Added Side Changer (Just remember that you need to change Controller
ID from '0' to '4' if you are playing on keyboard)
- Added '5 star skill moves'. To 'In-Game Hacks'
- Added Player Contract (same as last year)
- Added Transfer HUB (same as last year)
- Added Transfer Window Configuration (Changes in transfer.ini and
transfers.ini has been made by EA, we need to wait for FrostyTool)
- Added More efficient training (Edit script to match your preferences,
by default it's only slightly better than EA config.)

- Fixed trait names
- Added Unlimited Substitutions/Disable Substitutions
- Added script for maniuplating Match score
- Added 'Home/Away Team Injured players'
- Added pointers for player name and birthdate to "Edit Player"
- Added "Edit Job Offer"
- Added "career_managerpref Table" & "teamstadiumlinks Table"
- Added "Change Stadium", "Half Length", "Weather" to "Match Settings"
- Added "More efficient training (10x)"

- Fixed editing player name (Pointer shouldn't point on nullbyte
- Added "More efficient training (x100)"
- Added "More efficient training (x9999)"
- Added "board.ini" to "Manager" section (Not sure if it's working)
- Added "Manager Rating - 99" to "Manager" section
- Added "seasoncount = 1" to "Manager" section (it's for unlimited
career mode)
- Added "joboffer.ini" to "Job Offer" section
- Renamed "Edit Job Offers" script to "Edit Existing Job Offers" and
moved it to "Job Offer" section.
- Added "Youth Player Retire At Age = 30" to "Youth Academy" section
- Added "teamplayerlinks Table" to "FIFA Database"
- Added "Unique Player Movement"
- Added "Alt + Tab Disconnect bypass" and now it's called "Dont Pause
Game on AltTab"

- Fixed Following scripts:
- Dont Pause Game on AltTab
- Morale
- Unlock "Edit Player" in career menu

- Added "Regens" -> "Disable Player Regens"
- Fixed Following scripts:
- Training Everyday
- Unlimited Training Sessions
- Edit Existing Job Offers

- Game will not longer crash after activating Training Everyday script
- Fixed Following scripts:
- Free & Unlimited Releasing Players
- Edit Player
- Unique Sprint Style

- Fixed Following scripts:
- Free & Unlimited Releasing Players
- Match Settings -> Half Length
- In-Game Hacks -> Match score

- Fixed Following scripts:
- Morale

- Added FIFA Database -> Database Tables -> Teams Table
- Fixed Following scripts:
- Edit Player
- Edit Existing Job Offers
- Unique Sprint Style

- Fixed Following scripts:
- Edit Player
- Edit Existing Job Offers
- Unique Sprint Style
- In-Game Hacks
- Added 'Non-CM Related' section. Here will be all scripts which are not strict
related to career mode only.
- Added 'CreatePlayerMax = 999' to 'Non-CM Related'. This should allow you to
create 999 players, instead of 30.
- Moved 'Dont Pause Game on AltTab' to 'Non-CM Related'
- Added missing 'Salah' bodytype to dropdown options
- Added missing hair colors to dropdown options
- Added all nationalities to dropdown options
- Added pointer for "Jersey Number" to "Editing Player"->"Edit Player"
- Added 'Form' -> 'Disable form' (Didn't tested)

- Added GUI
- Removed unnecessary 'More efficient training' scripts.

- Offsets with numbers only are now converted to string.
- Fixed problem in LIP with parsing some hex offsets to '1.#INF'

- Added 'Head Class Code' to GUI
- Another fix in LIP (invalid interpetation of offsets)
- Added hotkey for 'Search player by ID'. It's 'Enter' be default, can be
changed in settings.
- Added 'Clear Cached Files' and 'Restore Default Settings' buttons to main

- Game will not longer crash after deactivating "Dont Pause Game on AltTab"
- You don't need to be in main menu to activate cheat table anymore. You can
run cheat table even before you run FIFA.

- Fixed bug causing not displaying minifaces of a players with headtypecode ==
- Added icons bodytypecodes to the dropdown
- Detecting if cheat table is not unziped (error will be displayed)

- Minor bug fixes

- Fixed "Database Tables" Script.

- Added Cheat Table installer.
- Added 'Play As Player' Section. All scripts for player career mode will be
added here for now.
- Added 'Positive decision on transfer request' script to 'Play As Player'.
- Added 'Edit Transfer Bid' script to 'Play As Player'.
- Fixed '100% chance for 5* skill moves' script.
- Added 'users lua scripts' folder with 'randomize.lua' and 'untuck_shirts.lua'

- Added 'cmsettings.ini', You can increase max size of your squad. Use at your
own risk.
- Added 'Multiplier' to 'More efficient training'

- Fixed 'Transfer.ini & Transfers.ini' script
- Added 'Time Of Day' to 'Match Settings'
- Added 'Disable player growth and decline' script.
- Added 'make everyone 16 (or any other age).lua' to 'users lua scripts'
- Added 'all regens (makes everyone retire).lua' to 'users lua scripts'
- 'cmsettings.ini' contains default settings now.

- Fixed 'Half Length' script
- Removed 'all regens (makes everyone retire).lua' script. (It was causing game
crashes on 2nd season)


- Added 'Pin' icon to all GUI forms. Use to make window stay always on top
- Added 'Resize' icon to all GUI forms (bottom right corner). You can resize
any form.
- Fixed calulating player ovr in GUI (replaced math.floor with math.round Im
still not including int. rep.)

- Added 'randomize_shoe_models.lua' script to 'users lua scripts'
- Fixed: Player current age will not be reset anymore if you 'Apply changes' in

- Added description in all scripts. To see it you need to right click on script
-> 'Change Script'.
- Minor bug fixes in GUI

- Fixed in Schedule Editor:
- League games are now displayed correctly if the month contains national
team games.
- Form is not pinned by default anymore

- Added 'Clone' option to player editor (You can copy data from FUT card to any
of your CM players)

- Added 'Generate players with custom ID' script to 'Youth Academy' section

- Added 'Free Fly Camera' script to 'Non-CM Related' section

- 'Free Fly Camera' is also working with gamepad now.
- Fixed bug in player editor. Now you can edit players through GUI even if you
don't have internet connection.

- CE 6.8.3 is now required to use Cheat Table.
- Added 'Generate new report' script to 'Youth Academy' section
- Added pagination to FUT Clone
- Added "Don't copy attributes" checkbox to FUT Clone
- 'randomize_shoe_models.lua' script will not also set shoedesigncode on 0.
- Added 'medium_socklenghtcode.lua' to 'users lua scripts'
- Minor bug fixes in GUI
- Cheat Table is again working with older CE versions (For sure 6.8.1 and
- Added 'Tranfer Players' feature.
- Fixed 'Free fly camera' script.
- Minor bug fixes in GUI & lua code...

- Added info about player injury and stamina to GUI ("Player Editor" -> "Player
- Added info about player total stats to GUI ("Player Editor" -> "Attributes")
- Minor bug fixes in GUI & lua code.

- Fixed "Unique Player Movement" scripts
- Added more players to "Unique Player Movement" -> "Unique Sprint Style"
- Added option letting you change birthdate year in player career mode to "Play
As Player" section
- Added accomplishments to "Play As Player".
- Added 'is_retiring=0.lua' to 'users lua scripts'

- Added info about player form and option to edit it through GUI. Only for
players in your team ("Player Editor" -> "Player Info")
- Added info about player morale and option to edit it through GUI. Only for
players in your team ("Player Editor" -> "Player Info")
- Added info about player release clause and option to add/remove/edit it
through GUI. ("Player Editor" -> "Player Info")
- Added "Mass edit players form in team" script to "Form" section.

- Added option to show/hide main window of cheat engine
- Cheat engine memory scanner is now hidden by default
- Minor bug fixes in GUI

- Added check for new updates of the cheat table at startup

- Added option to edit score of simulated games. (Match-fixing in GUI)
- Minor bug fixes and imporovements...

- Added "Create Transfer Offer" script to "Play As Player" section

- Fixed "release clause" in "Player Editor" -> "Player Info"

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